The UFO Sightings and Abduction of Tim Cullen
Tim Cullen lived an ordinary life until April 1978. He experienced multiple premonitions, followed by a strange and shocking UFO encounter.
Only later did he realize that he was missing time and may have been implanted with a foreign object. But, is it believable? Listen now!

Have you ever had a premonition of a specific event that happened?
What would you do if you saw an illuminated light hovering above a forlorn stretch of highway?
Are humans being tracked by an unknown alien spaces?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week we dive into the story of the Alien Abduction of Tim Cullen.
Our sources for this week’s story come from Journal online, mysterious universe, and Denver Post.

The Alien Abduction Of Tim Cullen: The Premonition
So, Tim Cullen was a cement contractor living out in Yuma, Colorado. Anyone working in cement or things like that – you have my respect.
That is a hard, exhaustive job. We haven’t got to the aliens yet, but I could see the dude being like,
“Oh no, aliens, if they abduct me, I won’t be able to go back to work… on second thought, gimme a second, let me grab a sweater. Alright, I’m ready.”
So the year is 1978, and we are in the month of April. Up until this point, nothing too remarkable has happened in Tim Cullen’s life.
Not to say he didn’t have a good life, just anything quite as remarkable or noteworthy as what we are about to talk about.
He was sleeping on the night of April 2nd, and I imagine sleeping hardwith all of that cement work.
But he woke up terrified. He had a vivid and horrific nightmare.
In the nightmare, he had been involved in a terrible car accident along a lonely, forlorn stretch of highway.
It wasn’t the most unusual nightmare, and it’s not like he never had nightmares before, but it was the realistic quality of the nightmare and how vivid it was.
He could remember the tiniest details of the landscape, the highway, the night sky – everything – as the accident played out.
It truly felt like he was there, and it chilled him to the bone. However, he was immensely relieved to be back in his home and his bed.
He calmed down and was able to drift off back to sleep, but for days after that night, he couldn’t shake that dream.
It’s like his brain seemed to dwell on it more than any nightmare he’s ever had in the past.
Fast forward a week later, on April 9th, Tim and his friend, Ken Ruberg, were driving along Highway.
It was late, and Tim was behind the wheel.
Out of nowhere, Tim was hit by a sudden realization that this stretch of road he was on looked familiar.
It took him a few seconds, but then he realized where he was. This stretch of highway was the exact same stretch of road from his nightmare a week before.
Tim’s hair stood up on his arms, and a chill went down his spine. Although explaining it to his friend Ken would have seemed crazy, he legitimately considered stopping the car right then and there.
He started panicking, not sure if he should stop or not. But it was too late.
Before he could make a decision, the car went out of control and rolled over 5 times before finally making a stop.
This accident left Tim severely injured, specifically his neck. Somehow, his friend Ken left the scene unscathed.
He helped Tim out of the car and waved down a passing vehicle to help.
They took Tim to a nearby hospital, where they discovered that he had fractured his neck.
So, naturally, they had to do surgery on his neck, where they gave him a sedative, and he went under.
During the surgery, however, Tim claimed to have another dream.
Unlike the car accident, this time, he experienced a strange light hovering over his car, and he and his wife looked on in amazement.
When he woke up, the surgery had been a success. He needed to wear a neck brace, but for the most part, he was good to go.
Which is great.
Health Checkup & The Alien Abduction
The next month, On May 30th, 1978, Tim and his wife went back to the hospital to have a checkup done on his neck and to see if the neck brace could be removed.
Everything went smoothly, and his healing was coming along nicely.
So, in good spirits, they headed home from the hospital.
Part of their drive home is a lonely stretch of highway 59 which is described as mostly hayfields and grassland.
Around 11 pm that evening, the same sudden feeling of familiarity that he felt the month prior hit Tim again.
His eyes darted across his surroundings, trying yet again to make sense of this deja vu moment.
And it all came back to him. This time, he realized it was the same location as his dream about the dazzling light from when he was in surgery.
He was convinced that the dream, just like the car accident, wasn’t just a dream.
Instead, it was a premonition. So this time, he was prepared. He stuck his head up over his car’s dashboard and around his window, trying to find the illuminated object from his dream.
At first, Tim only saw complete darkness.
But then, seemingly out of nowhere, he saw an illuminated object rise up from behind a low hill.
Despite looking for it, he was still shocked.
The flying lighted object passed right in front of their car and then once again dipped below the hill.
It never made a single sound.
Here is a quote from Tim:
“It went out a way, alongside, and as I brought the car down to a stop, it came back toward us a bit.
I backed the car up, and the UFO went out to the west of us.
It came in under the power and telephone lines and hovered over a pasture.
It was about a hundred feet long and twenty feet wide, and about ten feet high. It didn’t make any noise.
There were two diffused lights that shone at the back of the craft, one a light yellow and the other red.
We couldn’t see very good. We sat there and stared at it for a while. After we looked at the two lights for a few minutes, I turned to my wife and told her we might as well go on to town.
Now, when I think about it, when I turned and started driving, I did have an odd feeling, but it didn’t really register with me.
I remember coming back to Yuma but not looking at the clock. I was kind of shocked by the whole thing. I didn’t really think of looking at a clock.”
He didn’t think about it at the moment, but looking back at their drive, they realized they were missing time.
From the moment they left the doctors to get in the car, stopped for the UFO, and arrived home – time didn’t make sense.
Things only seemed to become more and more strange for our friend Tim in the years to come.
Future Experiences
Let’s move on to the 1980s! Or, exactly, in 1980. It seems the beings from outer space to a liking to Tim and wanted to pass by again.
Several years after the car accident and first UFO sighting, in 1980, Cullen had another encounter with a similar craft with “two diffused yellow lights” at exactly the same spot on Highway 59.
He had no premonition dreams beforehand, but it was strange and unusual to him that it was in the same exact spot.
Although, maybe it wasn’t unusual. Maybe that’s just where they like to hang out.
Almost 15 years later, in 1994, Tim was driving with his wife and their 3 daughters 40 miles south of Yuma, Colorado.
They saw a tiny speck of light ahead, and as they got closer, they discovered what it was.
The entire family witnesses a fairly dimly lit craft hover over the road directly in front of them.
They claimed that the craft glowed but blue and white.
Tim stopped the car in amazement, and honestly, I have no idea what his family was thinking.
His wife saw the first UFO, but who knows if they told the kids or if they had any expectations.
For about 10 minutes, they just sat in their car, glaring and gawking at this UFO until it eventually dashed off into the night.
They were left dumbstruck.

A Second Accident – When Tim Cullen Found The Chip
All of these encounters and experiences seemed to come to a head in 1998.
On this random day in 1998, Tim was at work, and he smashed his thumb with a hammer.
Like, obliterated this thing.
He thought it was broken or, at the very least, dislocated.
Maybe he just did it to get out of work. Who knows.
Either way, he left his job site to go visit Yuma Clinic and get an X-ray done by Dr. Mark Hubner.
When the x-ray procedure was complete, it left Hubner confused and concerned.
He had medical documents from when Tim was admitted, but Dr. Hubner asked Tim carefully if he had had any surgery done specifically on his arm.
Tim said no, he had only had surgery on his neck in the 70s and asked the doctor why?
It appeared that there was a tiny, unknown piece of metal lodged inside Tim’s wrist.
The images, taken at a Yuma medical clinic, clearly showed a small spot in the wrist, a white triangular image lodged in the tissue above the bones.
This is when a scary realization struck Tim. He thought back to the dreams, to the accidents, and, terrifyingly – the missed time during his first UFO sighting.
He didn’t know why or how, but he was convinced that all of that had something to do with the metal placed inside of his arm.
A quote from Tim:
“I knew then what had happened.
I knew it was an alien implant from that first encounter in 1978. There was lost time that night.
I have to assume I was abducted.
In a short span of time in 1978, it was revealed to me that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe, and it was also proven to me that God is with us always, without a doubt.
The events that have happened to me over the past twenty-seven years have had an enormous effect on my life and what I believe.”
Tim couldn’t remember any actual abduction, but he figured that it took place in the time that was missing and figured there was a chance that his memory might have been wiped clean.
Keep in mind, not saying this is the first use of memory wiping ever, but Men in Black did come out around this time.
But regardless, he was sure of his belief. Aliens abducted him, put something in his arm, and then they erased his memory.
Desperate for answers, or at the very least, some information he could grasp, Tim reached out to various UFO communities that he could find.
One UFO group put him in touch with a man in California, Dr. Roger K. Leir, who apparently was an expert on alleged alien implants.
In fact, this doctor had removed several unknown alien implants himself.
So, after many months of back and forth, discussions, and planning, Tim made the trip to Dr. Leir’s medical facility in Thousand Oaks, California, to get the unknown object removed.
So, he arrives for what will be Dr. Lier’s 9th alien device removal.
The surgical team, which included Leir and Dr. John D. Matrisciano, managed to remove a tiny metal shard measuring about 7 millimeters long and 4 millimeters wide and with an array of long preceptors on one end that were reportedly attached to the nerve endings.
These were literally attached to his NERVE ENDINGS.
The entire device was apparently covered in a reddish-brown membrane, thought to be for the purpose of preventing rejection by the body.
A quote from Dr. Leir:
“The implant has been turned over to DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS here in California for complete analysis.
It seems the more we investigate and learn, the more questions we have. Digital Instruments has the technology to measure and analyze matter, 10 atoms at a time.
We are researching both the biological and metallurgical aspects of Tim’s implant. Again, the more knowledge gained, the more we need to know.
The findings were unclear, and it’s never been made public what the results or analysis uncovered. However, Tim became very outspoken about abductions and individuals who claim to have alien devices implanted into their body.”
Many people in this situation, such as the other 8 folks that Dr. Leir worked with, preferred to stay anonymous. Tim, however, is putting his name on wax.
He is letting the world know his story.
Here is a quote from Tim about his desire to raise awareness:
“This could be a huge medical breakthrough for doctors who want to use biological, metal, or implants of other materials in their patients.
I feel that the American public must learn of this situation; I feel that the membrane needs to be analyzed and developed in the public domain as quickly as possible.
It is a given that it can hide metal in deep tissue, and did it in my body for 20 years.
We owe it to ourselves and our children, etc., to do what properly and morally needs to be done.
Several prestigious labs have chemically broken down the makeup of the membrane.
With the proper research funded by large pharmaceutical companies, human body rejection of such implants could save many lives in the future.
I’m coming forward because someone has to put a face to the alien stories and cause more people to come forward.
The more people we can find with implants, the more evidence we’re going to have.
We can study things a lot more and get things done; get rid of the stigma around it.
The truth needs to come out!”
Nothing has come from any of this as of yet.
It’s unclear why aliens may have fixated on him and followed him around. Or why they would choose to implant a device into his arm.
Tim has considered that the aliens were interested in him specifically because he seemed to possess psychic or mystic abilities – looking back at his prophetic dreams.
Maybe they wanted to study his mind and his abilities to better understand they were his brain functions.
Or maybe, it was just a random happen-stance abduction and implant.
We may never know.

Was Tim Cullen Abducted By Aliens?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Did Tim Cullen get taken by aliens?
Did he have a freaky alien implant in his wrist?