Do stars truly play a role in our fate? Is it possible for constellations to actually predict the future? In this episode, we dive into astrology and whether or not we believe celestial objects can affect events in our day-to-day lives.

Is Astrology Real
Are we truly in charge of our own fate, or do stars play a bigger role than we think?
Can constellations predict the future?
Does your birthday establish the key components of your personality
What is up, Bizarros?! This week we fly to the stars and dive into whether or not celestial bodies affect our daily life.
Before we start, let’s take a look at a horoscope from the Washington Post.
December 30th for Sagittarius
“Young people may not know the ways of the world, but they do understand that anything is possible. This is the kind of optimism that you should expose yourself to, so try to spend time with children or teenagers today. Find out if anyone needs you to babysit or pay a visit to some younger relatives. Being around these young people will give you a fresh perspective on your life. Plus, you’ll be able to dispense some sage advice to them, which will make you feel great.”

What Is Astrology?
Astrology is the study of the correlation of heavenly bodies and events on earth.
It’s about studying the shapes created by stars and planets and how those things determine possible outcomes or futures. It guides how people born under certain conditions may act or behave.
Where Did The Study Of Astrology Begin?
Greek Astrology dates back to four thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks used ancient astrology to predict things like the weather changing and even disasters. It was part of their religious worldviews.
There are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign relates to one of the 12 Gods of the Pantheon.
What Are The Star Signs?
Each sign has its own symbols, distinctive key traits, planet or heavenly body, and falls into one of 4 elemental categories (also contributes to personality traits.)
The dates that separate the signs do not perfectly separate into months
These are the dates and broad definitions of the signs.
Aries ♈️: March 21 – April 19
Aries is the ram; it’s a fire sign. Connected to the God Aries. The God of war.
Those who are born in this sign are Typically known to be brash, competitive, energetic, and even fearless.
Taurus ♉️: April 20 – May 20
Taurus is the bull and is an earth sign. Connection to the God Hestia, the goddess of the hearth
Those that are in this sign are resolute, grounded, and tenacious. They are also known to be stubborn.
Gemini ♊️: May 21 – June 20
Gemini is represented by the twins, and they are an air sign. This sign is connected to Athena, the goddess of wisdom
They are stereotyped as being two people in the same body. The positive front-facing extrovert twin and the negative, more introverted twin. They are said to be witty, curious, and charming.
Cancer ♋️: June 21 – July 22
Cancer is represented by the crab. Makes sense that the carb is a water sign. Cancers are connected to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt
They are known to be compassionate, giving, and sentimental.
They tend to value family and home life but can feel frustrated or put upon if in the wrong headspace.
Leo ♌️: July 23 – August 22
Leo, or the Lion, is represented by the sun and is a fire sign. Leo, of course, is connected to the king of the Gods Zeus
Leo’s are the life of the party, the bold one, they are the center. They are known to be charismatic, optimistic, and dramatic.
Virgo ♍️: August 23 – September 22
Virgo is the planner and is represented by the virgin. Virgo is connected to Demeter, the goddess of the harvest.
They are analytical, service-oriented, and detailed focused
These earth signs and their minds are always organized and need to have the perfect plan. Very Type A
Libra ♎️: September 23 – October 22
The sign is represented by the scales. This sign is an air sign. Liners is connected to Aphrodite
They are known to be romantic, artistic, and indecisive
Scorpio ♏️: October 23 – November 21
The water sign is represented by the scorpion. This sentimental sign is connected to Hades the king of the underworld
The mystic and power-seeking Scorpio.
They are generally very private people. They are known to be aggressive or passive-aggressive.
Sagittarius ♐️: November 22 – December 21
The symbol closest to my heart is the center or archer. This is a fire sign. This fun-loving sign is connected to Dionysus, the god of wine and theater
Wonderlust, philosophy, and unfiltered
These fit me pretty well.
They are natural-born comedians and entertainers.
Capricorn ♑️: December 22 – January 19
The goat, our last earth sign. This perfectionist is the Sun God Apollo
They are Traditional, industrious, disciplined
These people are known go getters are they are very determined.
Aquarius ♒️: January 20 – February 18
The good ball. They are represented by the water bearer. Think about it as not the water but the air Serling around it as it falls. They are an air sign. Not what you expect.
This odd sign is connected to Prometheus.
They are different but in the best way. They always make you do a double-take. They are humanitarians, eccentric, and individualistic
Pisces ♓️: February 19 – March 20
I know quite a few Pisces. The last sign is the water sign. Represented by the circling fish. This sign is represented by the goddess of universal love, Ishtar
They are Empathetic and artistic and get caught up in dreams.
Pisces are known to pick up on vibes or feelings and channel them in a sense.
They make very good friends.
Also, if a person is born on a day that switches from one to another, they are known as a cusp and can manifest the traits of both signs in varying capacities.
Sun Signs & Moon Signs
The Sun sign is your sign is the sign that influences the exact time and place of your birth. It helps focus your personality.
Your moon sign is the placement of the moon at the exact moment of your birth
This dictates your emotional life, like in your inner world
Some professional astrologers describe the star sign as how people see you, and your Sun sign is how you act.
Your moon sign is how you see yourself.

What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible?
Some signs are compatible, and signs aren’t.
Generally, signs that are compatible are from the same elements or elements complement, so fire and fire, and fire and air.
Signs that aren’t compatible are signs like fire and water. Like a Cancer and a Taurus.
Signs that aren’t are signs like Fire and Water, such as a Sagittarius and a Scorpio
True opposites are kind of like the exception to the rule. On the opposite is the sign that falls on the 6 months after yours.
Astrology Experiences
From Vogue Writer CHIOMA NNADI
Here are some experts from a woman who shares her dating experiences from all the zodiac signs
“The Libra man I dated in my 20s was tall, dark, and, yes, devastatingly handsome. When we met at a fashion party in the Meatpacking District, I remember thinking I’d seen him before—because who would forget a face like that? Then I realized I had actually seen his face, plastered on a billboard for Abercrombie & Fitch overlooking Eighth Avenue.”
“When he asked for my number at the end of the night, I legitimately thought he was joking.”
“Believe it or not, the handsome Libra man didn’t turn out to be such a bad boyfriend, even if long-term romance was never in the cards for us two. (Libra is the cardinal of the three air signs, which is bad news for an earthbound bull like me.) Truthfully, the pretty-boy thing did end up being tiresome. Men and women would flirt with him shamelessly, then slip their number into his pockets when they thought I wasn’t looking—it didn’t seem to matter that I was standing right there, holding his hand. One time we walked into a McDonald’s in the Village, and the entire joint erupted in a chorus of wolf whistles. Still, true to his well-adjusted Libran nature, he never did let it go to his head.”
From the same article
“Geminis might have a reputation for being badly behaved and inconsistent, but really I think they’re deeply misunderstood. As Goodman points out, you are essentially dealing with two personalities. On a good day, they’re excellent conversationalists, quick-witted, and exceptionally sharp. On a bad day, well, let’s just not even go there.”
“The trick to making it work with a Gemini is to avoid their evil twin at all costs. My ex-boyfriend’s evil twin had an annoying habit of rearing his ugly head at the most inopportune times when we were rushing to catch a flight (evil Gemini twin can’t bear to be late!) or waiting in line for a table at a restaurant (evil Gemini twin needs food!); there was nowhere to run or hide. For this unfortunate situation, Goodman has plenty of sympathy. “Pity the poor Taureans who are faced with these two fast-moving people!”
From Reddit, a personal relationship explained through astrology by user tallbrowngirl94
“I’m a Pisces sun Cap moon. After studying natal charts and trying to understand myself and the people in my life with whom I have personal relationships, I realized that a lot of apparent conflicts were possibly based on our astrological differences. Example: I have a horrible relationship with my mother. I just recently realized she is a Virgo with an Aries moon. We fight horribly, and she has the worst temper. She is emotionally abusive, very cold, and likes to blame everyone in our family but herself. Lots of egos with no personal reflection. Recently, she got in a major fight where she denied any accountability for her actions and made my sister and I seem like we were disrespectful, and she never raised us to be disrespectful; it’s obviously our fault. My sister and I are both Pisces. We constantly forgive and take her emotional distance to heart which made very insecure women over time. We constantly forgive her. We constantly tell her we love her, but she says we don’t. Astrology made me realize why I got into a pattern of a constantly victimized mentality that constantly forgives. I’m now letting my Cap Moon block out things I can’t emotionally control, especially when it comes to abuse from my own mom.”
Here is another example from Astrology Believers, like xSmartiesx
“I think cancers only cry if they argue with their loved ones. I can argue and boss up very well with friends and strangers, but I cry when I argue with my boyfriend. It is because I love him, and it hurts me so much to argue with him. Cancers are made to love and protect their loved ones, not to fight them.
They also love harmonious people and relationships. As Virgos are not the most harmonious signs, maybe you were the problem in that relationship. Wouldn’t be surprised about it…”
From palm tree soul
About observation of the signs.
“I’ve noticed these things too! I strongly believe it has to do with our language, whether it be its limited nature, the evolution of it through time, or both. So, for example, when the majority describes Scorpios as sexual, that could mean so many things.
For one person, that could mean someone who likes to have sex with many different people, while for someone else, it could mean very adventurous, and that could be with just one partner as opposed to a lot.
Geminis are indeed creative, but in a different way than, say, a Pisces. This again illustrates my belief that language is limited because the same word (“creative”) could mean different things, and we just don’t have another singular word for it.
I feel like Geminis are creative in a more conscious, actionable sense. They come in contact with so many sources of inspiration, and they’re able to draw from that to express their own.
Their art would be diverse and all over the place, like their beautiful minds. Pisces, on the other hand, may do the same, but it’s through the collective unconscious.
Their ideas may come in dreams/daydreams or from 3d reality, sure, but the way they’re able to visualize it and make it their own is quite a different process from how a Gemini does it.
There’s an emotional component to their art as opposed to “educational”. I can’t know this for sure because I can’t be in both of their heads, but through my personal conversations with Geminis and Pisces, this is what I’ve gathered on what their creative processes are like.”

Are Astrological Charts Real?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Do astrological predictions come true? Do they affect our daily events?
Does the gravitational pull of astronomical bodies when you were born determine the type of person you are?
Do you think astrology is real? Let us know in the comments.
Sage goddess
Greek reporter