
Astrology Do stars truly play a role in our fate? Is it possible for constellations to actually predict the future? In this episode, we dive into astrology and whether or not we believe celestial objects can affect events in our day-to-day lives. Is Astrology Real Are we truly in charge of our own fate, or […]

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The Mojave Incident

The Mojave Incident

The Mojave Incident Steve and Dawn Hess planned a romantic and fun camping trip to the Mojave Desert in October of 1989. What was supposed to be a relaxing getaway turned into a night of horror when unexpected visitors from the sky paid them a visit. The couple experienced red-eyed gremlin creatures, tall thin white […]

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Krampus We all know the story of Santa Claus and how he rewards good little boys and girls. But, who visits the naughty children? On December 5th, bad boys and girls are visited by none other than Krampus – a tall, hairy beast with cloven hooves, horns, and a goat-like face. Some say he drags […]

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The Hoia-Baciu Forest

The Hoia-Baciu Forest Is it possible that the most paranormal forest is located in Transylvania? Known as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania, the Hoia Baciu forest is located near Cluj-Napoca. In addition to having skeletal, winding, eerie trees, the forest is known for a variety of paranormal phenomena, such as missing people, UFO activity, hauntings, […]

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The Dancing Fire Demon

The Dancing Fire Demon Is it possible that shadow figures can be harbingers of bad news? In this listener submission, we discuss a young boy who witnessed a creepy, small shadow figure in his room. Not only did he see this eerie entity, but it appeared night after night. All of this activity led to […]

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The Somerton Man

The Somerton Man An unidentified man was discovered on a beach in Somerton Park in 1948. He was wearing dress clothes and had pristine shoes, despite being on the beach. The cause of death was thought to be poison, and a very suspicious note was found on him. What kind of conspiracy could be tied […]

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The Enfield Monster

The Enfield Monster On April 25th, 1973, two neighbors in Enfield, Illinois witnessed something horrific and unbelievable. A monster that has since been dubbed the Enfield Horror. Both a young boy, who was attacked, and a man protecting his family witnessed a creature with grey, slimy skin, short stubby arms, three legs, and red piercing […]

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Extraterrestrial Encounters Vol. 1

Extraterrestrial Encounters Vol. 1 If you love normal, everyday folks’ personal stories about UFO sightings and potential alien encounters, this is the BTB episode for you! We have five listener submissions about UFO sightings, red lights in the sky, invisible entities, feeling chased, and a potential abduction. Listen now. […]

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Haunted Gettysburg Battlefields

Haunted Gettysburg From July 1st to July 3rd in 1863, Gettysburg was the location of a brutal battle between the Union and Confederate forces during the United States Civil War. Due to this extreme tragedy and bloodshed, it is no surprise that Gettysburg is known to be extremely haunted. In this live Halloween special, we […]

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