The Men in Black

Men in Black Countless people have been visited by strange men with human-like features dressed in black suits after having an encounter with aliens. More often than not, the men in black are hostile and emphasize that the witnesses must not tell anyone about their extraterrestrial experience. Could these men be aliens themselves? Or perhaps […]

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UFO Abduction of Robert Matthews

The UFO Abduction of Robert Matthews On October 1st, 1966, a young airman named Robert Matthews was set to be picked up for his first tour with the US Air Force. However, strange lights in the sky derailed his plans, in addition to inexplicably losing an entire hour. After meeting with Ufologist and author, Budd […]

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Listener Submission Collection: Vol 6

Listener Submission Collection: Vol 6 In this Listener Submission Collection, we discuss 5 stories submitted to us that range from ghosts in military bases to creepy creatures lurking in the woods. Could a guardian angel protect you during a sleep paralysis episode? Could there be a negative, evil energy targeting a business building? Listen now! […]

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The Woman of the Rain Haunted Painting

The Woman of the Rain Haunted Painting Svetlana Telets felt as if outside forces guided her hands while painting The Woman of the Rain. The result is a painting that has been returned to Svetlana multiple times due to the owners claiming to experience paranormal phenomena with the painting in their homes. Experiences such as […]

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The Flannel Man

The Flannel Man There is a phenomenon where hundreds of people have awakened to find a man in a blood-red flannel shirt standing near their bed. While he may not give off negative energy, what could this entity possibly be or want? Listen now! Have you ever felt the presence of a figure watching you […]

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imaginary friend

The Protective Imaginary Friend

The Protective Imaginary Friend Could an imaginary friend become something more than just purely imagination? Is it possible for an imaginary friend to turn into a paranormal entity? Or perhaps a spirit is taking on the form of something else? We discuss a very unique case of a protective imaginary friend and a haunted library […]

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UFO Abduction of Alan Godfrey

The UFO Abduction of Alan Godfrey Could a mysterious death in West Yorkshire be the result of alien activity? An officer who investigated the death, Alan Godfrey, ended up having a UFO experience himself. Beyond that, we discuss multiple UFO sightings and alien encounters in the area. But, are these sightings believable? Listen now! Abduction […]

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The Hidebehind

The Hidebehind Imagine a creature stalking you in the woods, giving you the feeling that something is lurking behind you, only to constantly evade your eyes by quickly hiding behind a nearby tree. That, in essence, is the Hidebehind. Since the 19th century, the Hidebehind has terrorized Native Americans, loggers, and now hikers in the […]

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The Old Man’s Face

The Old Man’s Face What could possibly go wrong during a paranormal investigation? When a group goes on a ghost hunt tour, they get much more than they bargained for when a strange smell appears, one investigator’s mood and personality strangely shift, and a face completely morphs at the Ouija board. But is it believable? […]

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The Exorcism of Kennedy Ife

The Exorcism of Kennedy Ife What if a sore throat turned into the feeling that something was crawling around inside of you? Then, leading to terrible mood swings, insomnia, and strange voices? In August of 2016, this was Kennedy Ife’s life. As Kennedy’s symptoms and behavior intensified, his family took matters into their own hands […]

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