Mystic Baba Vanga Predictions
What if you knew the year the world would end? After being picked up and dropped off by a tornado, Baba Vanga lost her vision and became one of the most popular mystics in the last 100 years.
We discuss her correct predictions, incorrect predictions, and everything in between.

Who Is Baba Vanga?

Is it possible for people to accurately predict future events?
Would you want to know the exact day you die?
What year do you think the world will end?
What’s up, Bizarros? This week our paranormal podcast will dive into the mystic Baba Vanga.
We are talking about some precognitions and things that didn’t happen, things that did happen, and things that may happen.
Lots to discuss today. The big one that most people know is Nostradamus, but we NEVER do the biggest topic in a certain category first. I don’t know why, but we don’t.
So, today we are talking about Baba Vanga.
Before we get into her backstory, let’s look at the difference between premonition and precognition.
Premonition is defined by Webster’s dictionary as the anticipation of an event without conscious reason. So, could we call the comments we are about to discuss premonitions? Sure.
That is more so the mainstream term.
However, precognition fits a little better.
Here is the definition of precognition: the purported psychic phenomenon of seeing or otherwise becoming directly aware of events in the future.
So, when a seer claims to see something in the future and its’ not incredibly vague, and it is expected to happen at a precise time, that is precognition.
Difference between. Com – The key difference between precognition and premonition is that while premonition is more of a feeling that the individual has that something negative is about to happen, precognition is a deeper sense of knowing that extends beyond the emotional realm.
Sources – history. Co . Uk, economic times, Irish mirror, DNA India,
The Bulgarian Mystic Baba Vanga
Vangeliya – now better known as Baba Vanga, was born prematurely on October 3rd, 1911, in Strumica, which is a city in North Macedonia.
When she was just a child, her father was involved in WWI in the Bulgarian Army, and shortly after her father left, her mother died.
So, Vanga was dependent on other family and friends to help raise her during her youth.
After the war, all of her belongings and her father’s belongings were taken by the Yugoslav authorities due to their pro-Bulgarian activity.
So, she lived a life of poverty.
Tragedy struck Baba Vanga when she alleges a tornado picked her up and dropped her in a nearby field where she had dust and debris in her eyes but was unable to open them due to the pain she was in.
Her family was still too poor to afford a legitimate operation, so this resulted in a gradual loss of sight until she went blind.
Unfortunate but also kind of amazing that she survived, allegedly being picked up and dropped by a tornado.
She ended up going to a school for the blind in 1925, and learned how to read Braille, knit, cook, clean, and play the piano with a lack of eyesight.
In the next couple of decades is when her precognition abilities began displaying themselves.
So much so, in fact, that during WWII, people would visit Baba Vanga and ask her whether or not their family members were okay, still alive, or injured in the war.
She claimed when she looked at someone; she could see their entire life in her mind’s eye. From birth to death, as if she was watching a movie about them.
She became known as the Nostradamus of the Bulgans.
In 1942, Vanga married a man named Dimitar Gushterov, and they moved to Petrich, Bulgaria.
Her fame and predictions grew even more upon moving. Unfortunately, her husband died from alcoholism in 1962, although she may have known that was going to happen.
After his passing, Vanga was still visited by friends, common folk, and dignitaries to get insight into future events and family safety.
Vanga died on August 11, 1996, from breast cancer.
That is a little background on the origins of the mystic. Now, let’s take a look at her predictions.

Baba Vanga’s Predictions
We don’t have every single one of her predictions because, as you’ll see by the end of this episode, there are a ton!
But, people that have studied her predictions and events claim to give her an 80% accuracy.
So, we’ll go with some stories and predictions that people claim to be true or at least coincidental. Then, we’ll discuss a few swings and misses and then some criticism of her predictions.
A Bosnian singer/actress named Silvana Armenulic was touring Bulgaria and decided to pay Baba Vanga a visit. She was famous, and Baba was famous, so it felt like a cool opportunity to see if she’d discover anything.
For the longest time during her visit, Baba just sat quietly and stared out the window. She didn’t say anything.
After a while, Baba finally said:
“Nothing. You do not have to pay. I do not want to speak with you. Not now. Go and come back in three months.”
Disappointed, Silvana got up to leave. However, before she reached the door, Baba said:
“Wait. In fact, you will not be able to come. Go, go. If you can come back in three months, do so.”[27]
Silvana started crying immediately because she took this as she was going to die within 3 months.
And she did. Two months later, she died in a car crash with her sister.
1984 – Indira Gandhi Assassination –
Indira Gandhi was the prime minister of India in the 80s. She ordered a military attack on the Golden Temple, a holy site in Sikhism, in 1984 and ended up being shot by two of her Sikhism bodyguards as an act of revenge.
However, in 1969 Baba Vanga had a vision of Gandhi and predicted, “’The dress will destroy her. I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire.’
On the day she died, she was wearing a saffron-hued saree.
1996 – Her Death
It is claimed that she often had dreams that she would die on August 11th.
She ended up passing away on August 11, 1996.
2000 – The Kursk disaster
A nuclear Russian submarine called the Kursk sank in the Barents Sea in 2002.
It was a devastating accident that killed all 118 crew members on board and made headlines around the globe. But did Baba Vanga predict the calamity?
In 1980, Baba Vanga said that “Kursk will be covered with water and the whole world will weep over it,” in August 1999.
Some think she may have been referring to the Russian city, Kursk, but who knows?
2001 – 9/11
One of the most popular predictions about the USA that Baba Vanga made was September 11.
She reportedly said:
‘Horror, horror!’ ‘The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.’
The claim is that the hijacked airplanes are the ‘steel birds’ she referenced, while the ‘American brethren are the Twin Towers.
Also, maybe a little out of context, but she does use the word “bush,” which some interpret as a reference to George W. Bush.
On December 26th, 2004, a massive 9.1 magnitude earthquake occurred on the coast of Sumatra Island, Indonesia.
This led to a massive tsunami that engulfed over 3000 miles of land and killed over 230,000 people.
In 1989, Baba Vanga predicted, “A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water.”
2008 – 2016 – Obama and Trump
Baba Vanga predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be an African American man and will put their hope in him.”
She also predicted that the 45th President of the United States would bring a culture war.
She said, “Everyone will put their hopes in him [Trump?] to end it, but the opposite will happen. He will bring the country down, and conflicts between north and south states will escalate.”
Whether you like or dislike Trump, I think it’s fair to say that tensions were and have been pretty high since 2016 and his presidency between conservatives and progressives.
Although, if social media were as prevalent in the early 2000s and 90s, maybe it’d be different.
2018 – Vladamir Putin
In 1979 Baba Vanga said: “All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched- Vladimir’s glory, the glory of Russia.”
Some people think this may have been an accurate prediction of Vladimir Putin’s win in the 2018 election.
2020 – Brexit
Brexit, which is a portmanteau of “British Exit,” was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020 (00:00 1 February 2020 CET).[note
Baba Vanga’s prediction for 2017 was that Europe would “cease to exist.” Although this did not turn out to come true, many people have read this as foreshadowing Brexit.
2022 droughts and floods
Vanga predicted that cities around the globe would be hit by droughts and water shortages.
Apparently, the United Kingdom experienced the driest July since 1935, and their government declared a drought on 12th August 2022.
Other European countries also had record-breaking droughts and wildfires. Mainly France, Italy, and Portugal.
Baba Vanga also predicted that Australia would experience severe floods.
In July, eight months of rain fell in Sydney in just four days which lead to flooding for the third time in 2022.
Failed/Incorrect Predictions
Listen, she has a MILLION predictions. She was like a fortune cookie warehouse on overdrive.
So, we can’t cover all of them. Correct or incorrect, to be fair.
Here are some of her incorrect predictions:
Vanga incorrectly predicted that the 1994 FIFA World Cup Final would be played between “two teams beginning with B.” One finalist was Brazil, but Bulgaria was eliminated by Italy in the semifinals.[30]
She predicted World War III would begin in November of 2010 and end in October 2014. She believed it would be nuclear and chemical weapons based.
Europe would be invaded by Muslims looking to clear out the few remaining Europeans who had survived the nuclear and chemical onslaught of World War III.
The majority of people would suffer from skin cancer and ulcers due to the chemical warfare of World War III.
Irish Mirror –
Predictions include an economic collapse in Europe and an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin.
She reportedly believed the threat to Putin will come from inside his own security team – but did not specify whether the head of state will die in the attack.
She thinks a mega-tsunami, similar to the 2004 disaster, will strike Asia while a meteorite will land in Russia.
She also predicted that Donald Trump will fall ill with a mysterious illness, leaving him deaf and suffering from brain trauma.
She also predicted doctors would find a cure for cancer and the production of petrol would stop because trains ‘would fly using sunlight’.
Now, let’s take a look at some of her 2023 predictions. Maybe we’ll do an episode, part 2, in December 2023 to see if any of these came true.
Baba Vanga Predictions 2023
Earth’s orbit to change course
Baba Vanga predicted that in 2023 the Earth would experience a change in its orbit.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, no specific details were given as to what the change in orbit would be.
If it were to happen, though, it would be – as the scientists say – bad juju.
The sea levels could change and disrupt the climate, and if we moved closer to the sun, we could face terrible temperatures and radiation.
If we moved further from the sun, we’d hit an ice age.
So, hopefully, we will file this in the incorrect predictions next year.
The mystic also was said to have predicted that a “big country” will carry out bioweapons studies on humans, which would result in the deaths of thousands of people.
Apparently, there is a “Biological Weapons Convention of the United Nations” that currently is not down with bioweapon studies on humans.
That said, China is considered to be a big-time country that is potentially creating bioweapon divisions behind the scenes.
Nuclear explosion
Baba warned of a potential nuclear power plant explosion occurring in 2023. This coincides of her prediction of a Chernobyl-like chemical disaster.
This prophecy is alarming due to everything happening with Russia and Ukraine.
Solar tsunami
Another prediction, although vague, was a massive solar storm that had never been seen on planet Earth.
Solar storms occur when a burst of energy is released from the sun, sending electrical charges, magnetic fields, and radiation hurtling toward Earth.
While these have been experienced on many occasions, they have only been seen as a phenomenon in the sky – like the green hue of the Northern Lights.
These more powerful solar storms predicted by Baba Vanga would result in damage to technology and could even lead to mass blackouts and communication failures – which could stir up a whole host of issues.
Lab births
The final claim for 2023 involves the end of natural human births, which Vanga predicted would be banned.
She claims that government leaders will ban natural births and instead force births to occur in labs.
Leaders and medical experts would be able to control who is born, while parents would be able to choose their traits and appearance – like hair color and eye color.

Why Her Precognitions/Premonitions Might be False:
Some people criticize precognition and predictions like Baba Vance’s because:
There is no scientific explanation for someone to know of an event before it happens.
There is no currently accepted scientific evidence of it.
They find it easier to explain it away through other “alternative psychological mechanisms.
This includes:
For some people, she created a wide variety of fairly general and ambiguous predictions so that people can make narratives and experiences that fit her predictions.
It goes against the idea of “cause” and “effect” if you believe that something must cause something to happen.
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
The idea that you unconsciously bring upon events that you may have heard or previously thought about or imagined.
Which involves the false interpretation of a past record of a dream or vision in order to match it to a recent event.
Baba Vanga’s Future Predictions
2025 – Europe remains sparsely inhabited.
2028 – Humans create a fresh and innovative power source (Most likely Controlled Nuclear Fusion). World hunger is eradicated. Humans step foot on Venus for the very first time.
2033 – Sea levels rise due to climate change.
2043 – The international economy is booming. Europe becomes Islamic.
2046 – Synthetic organs become readily available en masse. Transplants have become commonplace.
2066 – While besieging Rome (which is at this point Islamic), the US discovers a new type of weapon classed as an “environmental destructor”; it can immediately freeze anything in its path. 2076 – The social caste system collapses, resulting in Marxist socialism.
2088 – A new virus appears, which makes people get old in a matter of a few seconds.
2097 – The virus is exterminated.
2100 – An artificial sun heats up the dark part of the Earth.
2111 – Humans become increasingly robotic, resulting in a scenario much like that in the movie “Terminator”.
2123 – Small nations constantly wage war while the major superpowers refuse to step in.
2125 – A space agency in Hungary receives signals from deep space. Baba Vanga comes into the public eye again.
2130 – Societies are being constructed undersea with the aid of extraterrestrial beings.
2154 – Animals evolve to be human-like.
2167 – There is a brand-new religion that becomes popular around the world.
2170 – The Earth becomes dry and desertified.
2183 – The Mars colony becomes self-sufficient and demands sovereignty and separation from Earth.
2187 – A few volcanic eruptions are successfully suppressed.
2195 – The underwater communities become fully autonomous by producing their own power and food.
2196 – There are no longer European and Asian races as they mix and form the Euro-Asian genome.
2201 – The Sun gets colder, and the Earth goes through massive climatic changes.
2221 – Humans come to horrifying realizations while scouring the universe for aliens.
2256 – A returning rocket brings an intergalactic virus back to Earth.
2262 – Planetary trajectories experience fast adjustments, which puts Mars in danger of being destroyed by an asteroid.
2271 – Physical constants fundamentally change, resulting in incompatibilities with our current physical formulas.
2273 – The Euro-Asian genome mixes with the African race, creating the Afro-Eurasian race.
2279 – Scientists discover that energy can be created out of nothing by way of black holes and space bending of matter.
2288 – Time traveling is discovered. Aliens and humans make contact.
2291 – The sun gets significantly colder, and humans try to reheat it.
2296 – Solar flares become commonplace. The gravitational pull experiences modifications, resulting in the Space Station and satellites crashing down on earth.
2299 – France leads a guerilla war against the Islamic state.
2302 – The justice system has major reforms and innovations, and a lot of universal values and laws are discovered.
2304 – Humans study the Moon thoroughly.
2341 – The Earth is in grave danger from something in outer space.
2354 – An unforeseen problem will cause major shortages of water all across Earth.
2371 – Famine becomes a major problem again.
2378 – A new race of people emerges.
2480 – The world goes into a total blackout due to the collision between two artificial suns.
3005 – There is anarchy and war on Mars. Planets experience significant axial changes.
3010 – An asteroid will collide with the moon, creating a huge dust cloud filled with pebbles that orbit around the earth.
3797 – Every living being on earth disappears. But humans are crafty enough to create colonies in a new solar system.
3803 – The colonies are sparsely populated, and humans don’t have much contact with one another. The unique climate in the colonies causes genetic mutations in the population.
3805 – Wars are frequently fought for resources, leading to major population collapse.
3815 – The warring period ends.
3854 – Civilization stops progressing, and humanity turns to tribalism for a semblance of order.
3871 – A new religion redefines morality and ritualistic norms.
3874 – The new religion becomes massively popular in all societal groups, and the prophet establishes a brand new church.
3878 – The Church teaches scientific principles which have long been forgotten.
4302 – Cities and civilized society reappear due to the Church embracing science and technological development.
4302 – Scientists discover how every illness manifests in the human body, helping in the creation of a universal cure.
4304 – The universal cure is discovered.
4308 – Significant brain development occurs, leading to humanity becoming less evil and selfish. 4509 – Humans can speak to God by virtue of their newfound moral sense.
4599 – Immortality becomes the norm in society.
4674 – Human prosperity has peaked at 340 billion humans living on a multitude of planets. Aliens and Humans mingle, resulting in a humanoid-extraterrestrial race.
5076 – The edge of the known universe is discovered.
5078 – Humanity decides to attempt to leave the known universe, with about 40% of the human population refusing to do so.
5079 – The world ends.

Was Baba Vanga Really Seeing The Future?
What do you think, Bizarros? Was the mystic really seeing visions and foretelling the future?
Why have so many of them not come true?
Were the ones that came true happenstance?
Let us know in the comments.