Could Zombies Be Real? | Ep. 106
This month we discuss a major, popular topic that Tyler particularly loves very much: zombies.
Of course, the pop culture, Walking Dead style of zombies and the George Romero zombies are not how they originated.
Actually, Haitian voodoo is where you can trace the idea and folklore of a zombie back.
But are they real? A lot of existing parasites and illnesses tell us potentially. But, you’ll have to listen to find out!

Do Zombies Exist In Real Life?
What would you do if someone you thought was dead came back to life? Are there ancient, Haitian rituals that can lead to re-animation? And what if there were scientific studies that lay the groundwork for this possibility?

What’s up Bizarros?! This week we dive into the world of zombies.
Before we get into the history of Zombies, let’s just do a quick refresher and keep it pop-culture-related for the probably 1% out there that doesn’t know what we are talking about.
After all, we now have zombie films (resident evil), zombie shows like the walking dead, and there are even Disney Channel movies with sing-along songs that highlight some of the struggles zombie folk go through.
(On a side note, the zombie movies on the Disney channel can turn your children into zombies. I’ve seen my kids, and weaker adults mindlessly singing the songs from their movies.)
When you hear the term zombie – what descriptors and characteristics come to mind?
- Slow (except rage virus)
- Shambling
- Hunger for flesh (brains)
- Moaning
- Changed by getting bitten
Essentially, what used to be a corpse or someone who was just recently bitten will die and re-animate as a mindless, walking zombie that shuffles across the planet with a strong desire to kill and consume human flesh.
So now let’s dive into a light history of Zombies.
A lot of the info on these creatures was pulled from and medium.
So the idea of zombies and people coming back from the dead has been around for a long, long time.
Archaeologists have even found ancient graves where dead bodies were pinned down by heavy objects like rocks.
The word, “zombie” was created by a poet named Robert Southey in 1819, but the actual origin of a zombie started in Haiti.
Not that the idea of people coming back from the dead is “fun.” While Shaun Of The Dead is an excellent movie, perhaps The Walking Dead or 28 Days Later would be closer to real life.
Even more, tragic is the real-world implications that some suspect the original word meant coming from Haiti.
Some folks believe that the folklore of a zombie started in the 17th century when West African slaves were transported into Haiti to work on sugar cane plantations.
Basically, the terrible and brutal conditions were considered what it was like to be a zombie.
Now, on the more supernatural side of things, Haiti folklore claims zombies to be a dead person that was physically revived by the act of necromancy (which is considered a form of black magic).
The ritual would be conducted by a Haitian witch or sorcerer known as a BOKOR (boh-core) The zombie brought back to life has no free will and is fully at the disposal of the Bokor.
From my research, it appears that the bokor are disliked by the formal voodoo religion.
One article I saw mentioned that Bokors traditionally use herbs, fish, animal parts, bones, and tetrodotoxin in their zombie powders, so to speak, which is a deadly neurotoxin found in pufferfish.
If a nonlethal dose is given it is reported that it could cause zombie-ish symptoms like difficulty walking and intense mental fog.
On the less physical side of things, Haitian voodoo also believes that a Bokor can capture a “zombie astral” which is kind of like capturing the person’s soul. This can be used and harbored to make the Bokor more powerful.
Just to reiterate, this is a very very watered-down overview in terms of Haitian beliefs and the voodoo community.

Potential Examples of Zombies
One zombie film may give one example of a zombie, like a slow, plodding, creature trying to devour brains. Another zombie film may portray them as rage creatures that sprint to eat all of a human.
But let’s put the zombie film aside and look at some potential real-life cases of zombies.
A lot of what is reported and discussed in our country of the United States in terms of zombies in Haiti came from a bunch of US Marines going to Haiti in the early 1900s at the request of President Woodrow Wilson.
From 1915 to 1934 we were there for financial and political reasons.
But, while there, folks started to report seeing these Haitian zombies. 1929’s Magic Island by William Seabrook came from this experience.
Wade Davis: Are Zombies Real
Several decades after Hurston’s work, an ethnobotanist Wade Davis traveled to Haiti in 1982 and, as a result of his investigations, claimed that a living person can be turned into a zombie by two special powders being introduced into the bloodstream (usually through an open wound).
The first power included tetrodotoxin (which we discussed) and the second powder consists of deliriant drugs.
Combined, these powders could induce a death-like state, where they were certainly susceptible to the Boh-Core’s whim.
The process described by Davis was an initial state of deathlike suspended animation, followed by re-awakening — typically after being buried — into a psychotic state.
The idea is that this re-awakening and unusual state of mind played into the Haitian belief of zombies.
The Case of Clairvius Narcisse
In another well-documented case, a Haitian man named Clairvius Narcisse entered a local hospital with severe respiratory problems in 1962.
After he slipped into a coma, Narcisse was declared dead and was buried shortly thereafter.
Then, about 20 years later in the 1980s, a Haitian man named Clairvius Narcisse claimed to escape the sugar plantation after forcefully working there for two years.
He said that he was given drugs that turned him into a zombie while he followed instructions without the brain’s analytical interference.
Three 1997 Medical Records
These were published in the Lancet Medical Journal and I found them published on
- I was around 30 years old when she died after a short febrile illness and was buried by her family the same day in the family tomb next to her house. 3 years later she was recognized by a friend wandering near the village; her mother confirmed her identity by a facial mark, as did her 7-year-old daughter, her siblings, other villagers, her husband, and the local priest. She appeared mute and unable to feed herself. Her parents accused her husband of zombifying her (he was jealous of her after she had had an affair). After a local court authorized the opening of her tomb, which was full of stones, her parents were undecided whether to take her home and she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Port-au Prince […] She was later diagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia.
- WD, 26 years old, was the eldest son of an alleged former tonton macoute (secret policeman) under the Duvaliers’ regime. The father was our principal informant together with WD’s mother and other villagers. When he was 18, he suddenly became ill with a fever, “his eyes turned yellow,” he “smelled bad like death,” and “his body swelled up”. Suspecting sorcery, his father asked his older brother to obtain advice from a boko [or sorcerer], but WD died after 3 days and was buried in a tomb on family land next to the house of a female cousin. The tomb was not, as was customary, watched that night. 19 months later, WD reappeared at a nearby cock fight, recognized his father, and accused his uncle of zombifying him […] WD was later diagnosed with epilepsy and “organic brain syndrome.”
- MM, aged 31, was the younger sister of our principal informant who described her as formerly a friendly but quiet and shy girl, not very bright. At the age of 18, MM had joined some friends in prayers for a neighbor who had been zombified; she then became ill with diarrhea and fever, her body swelled up and she died in a few days. The family suspected revenge sorcery. After 13 years, MM had reappeared in the town market 2 months before we met her, with an account of having been kept as a zombi in a village 100 miles to the north, and having borne a child to another zombi (or perhaps to the Boko). On the death of the Boko, his son had released her and she traveled home on foot. It was posited that MM was living with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Zombies in Nature:
This next section is going to be very parasite heavy. But also, very real. Pulled from Science News for
We’re talking about parasites.
“A parasite lives inside or on another creature, known as its host.”
A parasite may be a fungus, a worm, or another tiny creature. All parasites eventually weaken or sicken their hosts. Sometimes, the parasite kills or even eats its host.
But the death of the host isn’t the freakiest goal.
A parasite might get its host to die in a certain place, or be eaten by a certain creature. In order to accomplish these tricks, some parasites have evolved the ability to hack into the host’s brain and influence its behavior in very specific ways.
How do parasites turn insects and other animals into the walking almost dead?
Every parasite has its own method, but the process usually involves altering chemicals within the victim’s brain.
Researchers are working hard to identify which chemicals are involved and how they end up so bizarrely altering their host’s behavior.”
(This feels like Luis notes in Resident Evil 4)
Essentially the parasite gets the host body to bend to its will, putting its life at risk, for the benefit of the parasite.
Like the horsehair worm needs to emerge in water so it will force the insect to dive into the water and often drown.
Anyway, here are just a couple of parasites:
Toxoplasma gondii (TOX-oh-PLAZ-ma GON-dee-eye) is a single-celled creature that can only complete its life cycle inside a cat.
But first, this parasite must live for a time in a different animal, such as a rat.
To ensure this part-time host gets eaten by a cat, the parasite turns rats into cat-loving zombies.
In Thailand, a species of fungus — Ophiocordyceps — can force an ant to climb almost exactly 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) up a plant, to face north, and then bite down on a leaf.
And it makes the ant do this when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This provides ideal conditions for the fungus to grow and release its spores.
What Could Cause a Zombie Outbreak? Or, at the very least, zombie behavior?
We touched on this already, but again – maybe zombies are from some type of voodoo ritual and black magic.
It is one of the greatest fears of humanity, inspired by a bulk of Hollywood movies, and scientists do believe that a zombie outbreak could happen. While it would be impossible to believe that the dead would rise and feed on the living, experts do think that a parasite could affect the brain or a virus could evolve. As we discussed earlier, a parasite called toxoplasmosa gondii is known to infect the brains of rodents.
The parasite can then manipulate the rodent’s behavior to make it fearless around cats – where the parasite is hoping to end up.
The parasite has the ability to make the rodent head towards a cat where it will be eaten.
However, what worries scientists is how similar rats and humans are – which is why they are used for testing drugs and medical breakthroughs.
It is already believed that half of the humans around the world have a dormant version of the parasite on their brains in the form of harmless cysts.
Nonetheless, for some with immune deficiencies, the parasite has taken over which has been linked to schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies.
A study from the University of California revealed that the parasite is more powerful than previously thought.
Wendy Ingham, who was involved in the study, says that the team tested the parasite on mice that were ultimately unfazed by the presence of a predator once infected.
She warned that toxoplasma is dangerous: “The idea that this parasite knows more about our brains than we do, and has the ability to exert desired change in complicated rodent behavior, is absolutely fascinating.
“Toxoplasma has done a phenomenal job of figuring out mammalian brains in order to enhance its transmission through a complicated life cycle.”
Other experts however believe that viruses are what will ultimately turn the human race into zombies.
Dr. Ben Neuman, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, believes that a virus such as rabies could evolve and conquer humanity.
He told Yahoo: “There are parasites out there that get close to making actual walking around zombies.
Melting of Permafrost
We have no idea what diseases and viruses are frozen in our tundras and arctic locations.
Who knows? Maybe a virus that brings people back from the dead is lying dormant.
Is it a reach? Yes. But, it’s also something we can’t disprove.
The following I pulled from Lewis-Gale Physician’s site:
Sleeping Sickness
While sleeping sickness is most often found in sub-Saharan Africa, this is a good one to be aware of if you are a world traveler. African Trypanosomiasis, also known as “sleeping sickness” is caused by microscopic parasites of the species Trypanosoma brucei, also known as the tsetse fly. Initial symptoms of sleeping sickness include:
- Fever and chills
- Joint pain
- Itching
- Headaches
Later symptoms occur once the parasite invades the brain and central nervous system. This is when zombie-like symptoms set in, which may include:
- Poor motor coordination
- Confusion
- Behavioral changes
- Sleep disturbances
Without quick treatment, sleeping sickness is considered a fatal disease.
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
So, there is a particular variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is caused by eating beef that has been infected with mad cow disease.
It’s super rare and also fatal. It can impact a person for years and years before they show sick symptoms by basically destroying brain cells.
There are only about 300 cases reported each year.
It’s been reported that it can take 20 years before symptoms develop.
When they do, the disease usually progresses in these 3 phases:
- Early phase (0-6 months)—psychiatric symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, withdrawal, memory problems, and difficulty pronouncing words
- Middle phase—neurological symptoms predominate, such as abnormal gait, problems with coordination, muscle jerks and stiffness, and impaired speech
- Late phase—muteness, immobility
These behavioral changes, difficulty moving, and loss of mental function would concern anyone. Sadly, there is no treatment as of yet.

Could We Turn Into Zombies?
Looking at the list above, it doesn’t seem to be outside the realm of possibilities that the human race could transform into zombies.
From mind-controlling parasites to illnesses that can put you into a zombified state, there appear to be some terrifying instances where one could become a zombie.
But what about the actual reanimation from the dead? While some of the cases report people dying and then being found later, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of a reanimated corpse crawling out of the grave.
Zombie Personal Encounter – REDDIT STORY
Honestly, I can’t believe that I found a story about something thinking they saw a zombie. Then again, it’s Reddit so I guess it is possible.
Before we get to the Reddit story, The CDC does kind of have a zombie outbreak guide, but it a representative said it’s more of a joke and with the popularity of zombies they are using it as a way to keep people educated and informed about real hazard preparation.
This Zombie Response Protocol includes:
- Water (1 gallon per person per day)
- Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
- Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
- Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery-powered radio, etc.)
- Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
- Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
- Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
- First Aid supplies
Fun, right? Time to head to your local shop and stock up so you can be prepared for the zombie apocalypse
Believe it or not, we found a first-hand personal encounter with (potentially) a zombie from Reddit! Here is that story:
“What I’m about to tell you is probably going to be something completely unreal but I swear to you this is exactly what I saw.
A few weeks ago, I was sitting out on my deck just enjoying some peace and quiet. I live in a small ranch home near Mars, Pennsylvania. My backyard is fairly close to a local cemetery. That will come into play later.
Anyway, I like to just sit outside, listen to the crickets and everything at night, and put my mind at ease. I’m a firefighter so when I have a chance to relax – I take it.
So, as I’m sitting back with my feet up in the warm early Fall air I see a flash of light up ahead. In the cemetery.
Now, normally it is a pretty subdued cemetery but every now and again we’ll get some kids that like to wander in and do, honestly, who knows what.
Mostly I can hear them laughing and screaming or, like this occasion, I can see a flash of light from a cell phone.
I narrow my eyes which have adjusted to the dark to try and make out who is in the cemetery, or at least how many people.
It looks like two or three shadows, but from my deck, it’s hard to tell.
Then I heard a scream.
Not the joyful, playful screams I normally hear. A blood-curdling scream of absolute terror. At this point, my firefighter instincts kick in, and before I know it I’m rushing from my deck into the cemetery.
I can’t really explain the intense sense of urgency I felt at that moment other than just chalking it up to a feeling, you know?
I get in the cemetery and everything feels different. There is a cool breeze I didn’t feel on my deck and the crickets are gone. Just silence.
Then, I see a person running. Running away from the cemetery. I couldn’t really make it out perfectly in the dark, but it looked like a younger woman.
That must have been who I heard screaming.
Before I could call out I heard twigs snapping and some rustling behind me. I whipped around, and guys – I’m going to do my absolute best to describe what I saw –
I saw what I’d like to describe as a man or what might have been at one time a man.
His clothes were tattered, old, and ripped. He had shaggy hair that covered most of his face but I could see his mouth looked mangled and his skin was incredibly grey.
He had dirt all over his pants and he was hunched over a gravestone. The craziest thing and I don’t know how to explain it, was it looked like he had a huge gash in his arm – I couldn’t quite see bone – but it was a gnarly cut and it wasn’t bleeding.
I don’t know how to explain that.
I wanted to say something. I wanted to do something and I’m ashamed to admit it but I was frozen with fear. He moaned something that sounded like a mish-mash of vowels and looked up.
There wasn’t a tone of moonlight and his shaggy hair still covered most of his face but one eye protruded through his bangs and I swear to you it was milky white.
In that instance, my firefighter instincts were gone. I darted out of the cemetery without looking back and locked my doors.
Naturally, I couldn’t sleep that night. I wanted to call the authorities but what was I going to tell them? I just ran into Shaun of the Dead? In hindsight, I probably could have said a violent homeless man was there, but I was too freaked.
The next day I mustered all of my courage and went to the cemetery. With a knife in my pocket of course. It might sound silly, but I spent hours going from grave to grave to see if there were any holes or graves dug out.
I can’t explain what I saw, nor have I seen anything since. But it was absolutely terrifying and I hope I never see another zombie or whatever that was again.”
Are Zombies Real? Or Is It Our Fascination With Zombie Film/Zombie Culture?
What do you think Bizarros?
Zombies are incredibly popular, and one can go two channels without some sort of zombie movie or show being on.
But could we really turn into a zombie?
Should we begin to stock up for an inevitable zombie apocalypse?
Are there medical conditions that can make you appear like a zombie?
What about parasites that can control the mind of their host?
Do you believe Zombies are real?