Cursed Games: Part 3
It’s time for another installment of Cursed Games – the paranormal and creepy games that could certainly lead to unsettling outcomes.
In this episode, we dive into four spooky games: Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, The Answer Man, Three Kings, and Dry Bones.
Would you ever play a potentially paranormal game? We even found a few encounter stories to go along with learning these potentially cursed games. Listen now!

What is up, Bizarros?!
This week we have four creepy, fun, and paranormal games for you.
Let’s dive into the first scary game….

Cursed Game #1 Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board
This game was popularized in the 1996 film The Craft, which is about teens trying to learn witchcraft.
So, this game essentially involves a group of people trying to completely lift a person lying down with only their fingers.
So, just a few fingers underneath this body, everyone all at once, lifting.
But there’s a little more to it than that.
Here are the rules of the game:
With a small group of friends (four to six people is great), have one of you lay flat in the middle.
Once everyone is situated, have the person in the middle cross arms while everyone else slides two fingers from each hand under the body.
Then start the chanting:
– “She’s ill” (or “She’s looking ill”) – x3
– “She’s looking worse” –x3
– “She’s dying” –x3
– “She’s dead” –x3
– “Light as a feather, stiff as a board” – as many times as you want until the person is lifted
First Encounter With This Classic Sleepover Game
This is allegedly one of the first witnesses to the game, and it was a British naval Administrator named Samuel Pepys. He wrote what he witnessed in his diary in the 1600s.
Essentially, he saw four young girls kneeling and quote:
“Each of them, upon one knee; and one begun the first line, whispering in the ear of the next, and the second to the third, and the third to the fourth, and she to the first.
Then the first begun the second line, and so round quite through, and, putting each one finger only to a boy that lay flat upon his back on the ground as if he was dead; at the end of the words, they did with their four fingers raise this boy as high as they could reach…”
Encounter with it: Reddit – Fenderbender1971
“OK, so here’s the obligatory. “This is my first post; I have been lurking on Reddit for years, and I finally made an account.”
Here’s a little background about me. I’ve been fascinated by the paranormal, literally, as long as I can remember.
When I was under 2 years old, my parents bought a beautiful old Victorian home in South Georgia.
My father was a classically trained chef from Vienna, and they turned this home into a beautiful fine-dining restaurant.
They entertained the governor, politicians, and celebrities. We pretty much lived there (upstairs).
My parents, every single staff member, and even many guests had stories of very intense experiences there.
I was very young during their ownership and operation of this place. It got to the point that most of the adults there were terrified of the place. I don’t specifically remember anything paranormal happening to me, but I do remember how much I absolutely loved that place.
I never felt afraid. It had a very loving, inviting feel and has always felt that way in the times that I’ve returned (maybe 5 or 6 times; I’m 46 now).
I tell you all of this because, even though I don’t remember it, I have a feeling this place was my introduction to the paranormal.
Let me also say that by nature, I am very mathematical, scientific, and logical. I am not one who quickly assigns the paranormal label to things.
I look for logical explanations until there are none left. This experience made me believe that there are definitely things in this universe that we do not and may never understand.
I never imagined that a “silly child’s game” could impact my life like this did.
This story sounds so cliche, but it happened. It has been 35 years, but I will never forget the shock, awe, and pure terror we all felt.
I was in the Girl Scouts with 8 or 10 other girls from my elementary school. We all participated from probably 3rd – 5th grade (approximately age 8-10).
Like most kids that age, we played spirit games like Bloody Mary, etc. Nothing of any consequence ever happened beyond us, just scaring the crap out of ourselves. Nothing until this time.
We were all very excited to have the opportunity to go spend the weekend at a Girl Scout camp.
Other than a couple of years spent in South Georgia, I grew up in metro Atlanta, so the idea of “camping” was really exciting.
I use the word camping loosely because we were not in tents. It was more like a summer camp kind of place.
There were cabins with walls about waist high and then screens above that. There was no glass, just screens around the majority of the upper half of the walls.
On our 2nd night, the chaperones (a couple of moms and our troop leader) have already retired to their small bedroom.
Being a bunch of silly preteen girls and also being slightly weirded out by being isolated in the woods in a cabin that only basically protected us from bugs with those screens, naturally we were up late.
I want to add that there was some kind of light on the outside of the entrance to our cabin, but the cabins were pretty far apart. We could not see any other cabins or their lights from our own.
Someone came up with the idea to play Light as a Feather. The rest of us had never heard of it nor played it.
As she explained it, we were all both scared and excited because there couldn’t possibly be a better place to do such a thing than in the creepy, isolated woods in the middle of the night, right?
So, we all position ourselves around the one girl. Her head is in someone’s lap, two of us on either side and one girl at her feet.
As instructed, we each put two fingers (index and pointer) from each hand under her body as we all sat cross-legged around her.
We started chanting, “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.” We didn’t do the whole story about her being sick, dying, etc at the beginning.
I remember it being oddly quiet outside. I remember also thinking “This isn’t really going to work…but what if it does?” I have no concept of my thoughts after that, nor do I know how long we continued to chant.
The next thing I remember is her body literally seeming to have no weight as my fingertips raised up with it off the ground. I couldn’t do anything except keep chanting.
Her body was easily 18″ to 2 feet off the ground when the girl next to me yelled, “Oh my God!! It worked!!” BAM! The girl in the center fell to the ground.
It was a weird mixture of feelings. I was dumbfounded that it actually worked and kind of pissed that she ruined it. That was quickly followed by fear. What the hell had we done?! It wasn’t over yet, though.
We were all astonished and terrified. We certainly weren’t going to go running to the adults for obvious reasons, but here we were in the middle of the woods in a screened-in cabin, terrified of what we had summoned.
Before we even had time to verbally process what had just happened, we all saw them.
Outside our cabin, up in the trees, were 3 blue, glowing orbs of light. I had never heard of “orbs” in reference to the paranormal.
I’ve been asked over and over if they could have been flashlights of someone from the camp. They absolutely were not.
They were at least 15-20 feet off the ground. They were not beams of light. They floated and literally wove through the trees, passing behind and in front of the trunks.
Unless people were flying around, weaving in and out of the tree tops radiating blue lights without a beam, they were not from the physical world that we know and understand. They were easily the size of basketballs.
No one spoke. No one moved. We all stood there silently, watching these things float through the treetops. I don’t have much concept of how long this actually went on.
I would say at least several minutes. It was scary just because it was there, but I don’t remember feeling any sense of actual evil from it.
When they eventually stopped, we were all too afraid to make much noise. We dragged our sleeping bags and mats to the center of the cabin and huddled there together for the rest of the night.
I can definitely say that night changed my life. I know for a fact that something exists outside the physical world that everyone accepts. I certainly don’t claim to be able to define it, but it IS there.”
Potential Explanation Of Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board – How Stuff Works
Here’s what’s really going on: good timing, weight distribution, and fallible memory.
In the first attempt to lift your subject, everyone is lifting their fingers at different times, so you’re all trying to lift your subject’s entire weight by yourself at each moment.
In the second attempt, because of the timed chanting and ritual, you all lift at the exact same time.
Weight Distribution
When you and your friends all lift as one, you’re lifting only about 20 to 40 pounds apiece.
Think about when you’re trying to carry super-heavy plastic grocery bags and don’t want to make a second trip from the car. Your fingers are pretty strong!
Take four or five people doing this at the exact same moment, and it’s not that hard to lift someone with your fingers, especially if the subject is holding her body “stiff as a board.”
Fallible Memory
So many of us did this as children, our memories start to play tricks on us. The levitation gets higher, the subject feels lighter, and the whole ordeal feels spookier.

Cursed Game #2 The Answer Man
As you might expect with the word “answer” in the title, this is a game about talking to spirits.
Here are the rules:
Players: 10 participants.
Requirements: 10 cell phones. Burner phones are recommended
Steps to Play:
Making The Call:
Step 1 – Begin at any time and in any place. Gather all 10 participants in a circle with phones.
Each person must have the phone number of the individual to the left.
Step 2 – On the count of 3, each person presses the call button to call the person to the left. So, person A calls Person B, Person B calls Person C, etc.
Step 3 – Obviously, everyone puts their phone to their ears and listens.
More often than not, since everyone is calling someone else, the line will be busy. Technically, no one should receive an answer.
This is the most likely outcome, but unfortunately or fortunately, this also means that the game has failed.
However, if by some chance one person happens to find that their call is mysteriously answered, and no, it’s not the CIA on the other end of the line, it is the Answer Man.
Step 4 – The participant whose call was successful may ask the Answer Man a question.
The participant should listen carefully to the answer.
After the Answer Man has given his answer, he will in turn ask a question of the participant.
The participant MUST answer this question. The answer must be honest, truthful, and correct.
The participant may repeat this process as many times as they like.
How to End the Call
When the participant has received all the information they require, they may end the call by telling the Answer Man they must go.
The Answer Man may attempt to keep the participant on the line, possibly by offering information for free.
Do NOT stay on the line. The participant should repeatedly state their need to end the conversation.
If the participant is persistent, the Answer Man will say goodbye and hang up. At this point, the call has been terminated.
After the call has been terminated, immediately destroy all cell phones used to conduct the ritual.
This game must have come out before iPhones. I’m buying a Tracfone if I’m playing this game all the way through.
Additional Notes:
It is recommended that participants save the phone numbers required for
Making The Call, Steps 3 and 4 to their contacts list for easy dialing.
It is recommended that one participant be designated the “Counter”; this person will issue the countdown signaling when the phone numbers should be dialed in Making The Call, Step 4.
It is also recommended that this person clarify, in advance, what “on the count of three” means: That is, whether all participants press “call” as the number three is spoken or whether all participants press “call” in the moment immediately after the number three is spoken.
It is NOT recommended that participants who have successfully called the Answer Man pass the phone around the circle or allow multiple participants to ask questions.
There’s a reason the Answer Man picked up that particular call; he’s not content to talk to just anybody.
It is NOT recommended that you put the Answer Man on speakerphone.
Do NOT fail to destroy all cell phones used to conduct the ritual as soon as possible after the ritual’s completion.
Even if you’ve hung up – or even if you were among the nine who were unable to connect in the first place – you never know what might try to call you back.
WARNINGS About This Scary Game:
Concerning the Offer:
Do not accept the answer man’s offer for free information in exchange for staying on the line. He is a master of exploiting loopholes. He will find a way to ask you a question and will find a way to make it a requirement that you answer the question.
Part 2:
Do not fail to answer the Answer Man’s questions. Do not lie, either directly or by omission. If you fail to answer any question given to you by the Answer man, you may feel a tingling sensation in a particular part of your body – such as a finger, arm, or leg. This is how you know you have failed.
It is believed that in the coming months or years, you are likely to lose that part of your body, either by illness, accident, or other means. That means he has collected his fee.
Finally, never hang up on the answer man.
Cursed Game #3 Three Kings
This is a game one might play if there are specific questions they are seeking in life.
Essentially, you set up chairs and mirrors and try to summon a demon to answer your questions because – why wouldn’t that be a great idea?
Man, people are bored. Get a hobby, it’s crazy the games people play.
Here is how you play.
What you need:
-A very large, empty, and quiet room, preferably without windows. If windows exist, you need to be able to cover them and ensure total darkness. Basements usually work well if they’re roomy enough.
-A pack of candles (you’ll only use 1 one if all goes well), and a lighter.
-A bucket of water and a mug.
-A fan.
-Two large mirrors (Don’t worry, they won’t be harmed. Or if they are, it’d be the least of your concerns).
-Three chairs.
-An alarm clock.
-An active cell phone (don’t forget to charge the goddamn battery!)
-A loved one willing to follow rules and go along with all this madness.
-A small toy or dear object from your childhood. This is your power object.
Step 1:
Start setup at around 11 PM. Place one chair in the center of the room, facing north (this is important).
Place the other two chairs exactly to the left and right, facing your throne.
The distance between your throne and that of your queen and fool should be about the length of your arm to each side, more or less.
Step 2:
Place the two large mirrors on the queen and fool chairs left and right of you, facing you (and each other).
Try your best to have them stand at a 90-degree angle (or else you may get more or less than three kings). If you sit on your throne facing straight ahead (north), you should be able to perceive your own reflection in each of the two mirrors without actually having to turn your head or your eyes to do so.
If you see your own reflection in the corner of your eye, just barely there, then you’ve done it right.
Step 3:
Place the bucket of water and the mug in front of you, just barely out of reach.
Step 4:
Place the fan behind you and turn it on. Don’t set it to maximum power -medium or low is usually enough. Leave it on.
Step 5:
Turn off the lights, make sure to leave the room’s door open, and go to your bedroom.
Step 6:
Set the candles by the side of the bed, next to a lighter, your alarm clock, and your cellphone (leave it charging). Set your alarm clock for 3:30 AM.
Step 7:
Turn off the lights and sleep while holding your power object, get some rest.
Now that all the prepping is done, it is game time.
Here is what you do next:
Wake up at 3:30 AM with your alarm clock. Turn it off, but don’t turn on the light. You have exactly three minutes to light your candle, grab your cell phone, and make your way to the darkroom to sit on your throne. You should be seated by 3:33 AM.
Don’t forget your power object!
Check for potential red flags: if your cellphone didn’t charge for whatever reason, abort the mission. If the alarm didn’t go off exactly at 3:30 AM, abort the mission. If you find the dark room door closed (remember you left it open), abort the mission. If the fan is turned off (you left it on), abort the mission.
(Side note: if you have to abort the mission due to any of the above, leave the house with your loved one. Go to a hotel or something. There’s no need to run; you have time to grab a jacket and your keys and whatnot, but leave. After 6 AM, the coast should be clear.)
If all is going as planned, you can proceed and take your throne. DO NOT look directly at either of the two mirrors beside you. DO NOT let the candle go out. The fan is behind you. You must protect the candle with your body, which is standing in between (there’s a reason for this, as you’ll soon see).
Look straight ahead at the darkness. Not at the candle, not at the mirrors, just straight ahead. It is said that what you see there may pull your consciousness inside, and you can become trapped by the Kings.
During set up, there is no way for you to have defined which chair was for the queen and which was for the fool.
That’s because it’s your job to find out. And from their point of view, you are either their queen or their fool, too. Hence three kings.
While keeping your eyes straight ahead looking into the darkness, if you have any questions, you may ask them now.
You may or may not receive a response. If you do, it will come from the direction of one of the two mirrors.
You must remain on your throne until 4:34 am. It is your partner’s responsibility to call this out to you to officially end the game.
What they’ve been doing this whole time and where they’ve been looking, I have no idea.
If trying to get your attention or calling your cell phone doesn’t work, and you are in a trance, at 4:34, your partner should enter the room and use the bucket of water and mug to break you out of your trance and end the ritual.
If your body is moved by any spirits in the room, it should cause the fan to blow your candle out, thus ending the game. And the power object’s intention is to help guide you and keep you grounded.
And that is the game. Spooky, right?
This one is actually the creepiest one for me so far. Like, the answer Man and the Light as a Feather, you may convince me to play, assuming I had a Tracfone, of course, but this one – no way.
It’s got that Bloody Mary, Midnight Man vibe. Just not interested – regardless of how believable I find it.
Encounter – Reddit Renegade2366
“So let me start by saying I have never done anything like this before and had no idea what to expect, but I have always been more guts than brains, so I figured what the hell, give it a shot.
I don’t have a basement in my apartment so I had to go to my dad’s house. I set up everything earlier in the afternoon: three wooden armless chairs and two big mirrors I borrowed from my stepmother.
My “power object” was a watch from my grandfather.
I did deviate from the setup a bit. I did set the bucket and mug of water on the floor, but I had no idea what to do with it. I used a small box fan I placed several feet behind me on low, which was still rather strong.
I used a three-inch pillar candle on a plate for my candle. I got nervous and completely forgot my cell phone, so much for that back up.
The basement itself is very large, it extends almost the entire length of the house and is unfinished so its bare cement and one room is framed but not yet dry walled.
There are no windows; it still has that familiar basement feel.
Anyway, I set up like I said and tried to get some sleep on the couch while my gf painted.
My alarm woke me up at 3:30 and I lit my candle in darkness and made my way down the steps to the basement, she sat by the door at the top of the stairs and read while I went in.
When I went down the stairs, I was extremely nervous and excited, and I forced myself to stare at my hands and the candle flickering between them and nothing else.
Immediately when I entered, I felt like someone was in the room with me, a definite presence.
I made my way to my throne, being very careful not to knock anything over or to look at the mirrors. I took my seat between the two mirrors and stared directly ahead into the darkness.
I sat there very still for several minutes, staring into the darkness and trying to concentrate while the candle flickered in my hands.
The dim light made it feel like everything around me was jumping and moving, and I kept seeing my reflection dancing in the mirror in my peripheral.
Shortly thereafter I started to feel as if the room had no walls, there was a sense of emptiness like I was in the middle of a never-ending blackness.
I sat there trying not to get freaked out by the feeling of openness when I started seeing movement in the mirrors on both sides of me. They moved even when I didn’t, and when I shielded my eyes from the candle, trying to eliminate the glowing under my face, they still moved.
At this point, I began to get really nervous and focused really hard, trying to make sense of the things I was seeing in my peripheral and fighting the urge to just LOOK.
Focusing so hard on my peripheral and the steady hum of the fan behind me started to give me a headache.
I was trying so hard to see without looking that I didn’t notice at first when I started hearing the murmuring.
It didn’t sound like whispering; it sounded more like listening to a conversation through a pillow, and I don’t know how long I heard it before I realized it wasn’t just in my head.
The fan sounded like a hurricane, and I felt like I couldn’t hear over it. I kept seeing movement in the glass as I was leaning forward, and I resisted the urge to look.
I asked if I was alone, and the murmuring went silent. I waited several minutes in silence on the edge of my seat, I don’t think I breathed. I resisted the urge to bolt up the stairs like a little kid. “Who am I talking to? I asked.
“Someone who knows.” Came from my left.
“Yourself.” Came from my right. Both answers were clear as a bell. I seriously got the creeps and considered putting the candle out, but instead-
“Someone who knows what?” I asked.
I heard some more murmuring coming from both sides, both talking over each other and I couldn’t make out anything that was said except- “Why you’re here.”
The movement in the glass seemed to increase on both sides; it seemed to be not just moving in but coming OUT of the glass toward me on my left, and I leaned away a little and almost tipped my chair over.
I started hearing things around me in the room, breathing, ticking, a knock here and there, and while I was listening to it go on all around me and feeling surrounded, they bickered with each other, sometimes I wasn’t even sure what about except that they were talking about me, and the one on my left knew things I had never told anyone.
My doubts about faith, the mean things I’d said to friends in fights, etc., and more, things I wouldn’t even repeat here. I felt like the one on my left was trying to like…lure me from my chair, it wanted to show me things.
At a certain point I felt like something was right behind me and I felt like the conversation was getting further away from me, I leaned forward straining to hear better and realized after a few tense minutes that the steady hum of the fan was gone.
I don’t remember when it went off, I didn’t even notice except that by the time I did realize it I was getting hot and stuffy.
When I noticed the fan was off, I panicked and jumped out of my seat and dropped the candle, at which point it went out.
I bolted for the light switch, cut it on, and left the room.
My gf was sitting outside the door waiting for me and asked me what happened and said she had checked on me a couple of times, knocking on the door and calling down to me and heard, “I’m fine”.
Aside from that, she never heard anything from inside the room.”
Someone asked in the comments what they sounded like and if they were distinct voices, here was their response:
“They did have distinct voices; the left one’s voice changed occasionally, between myself and people I knew, and once a raspy voice. The one on the right had my voice at all times and spoke almost monotone.”

Cursed Game #4 Dry Bones
Our final game is a fun, well, loosely fun game of hide and seek.
Let’s get into the rules.
– This must be played at exactly 12:01 am.
– All doors in your home must be closed and secure, this includes any cabinets or cupboards – anything that can open.
– Turn off all lights and electronic devices.
– Turn off anything that emits sound (Radio, TV).
When all is completely silent, you are ready to begin.
If you hear anything that sounds out of the ordinary, then you should leave the house immediately and don’t return until the next morning.
It means he is already there, watching you. Sometimes even reading about this game can draw him near.
If you are able to continue, then you should focus your mind on something you want, something realistically achievable.
So not the ability to fly like a plane or for the Browns to win the Super Bowl.
But, if your wish is something realistically achievable, if you win the game, then your wish will be granted.
Next, you light a match and wait until it burns out.
It is very important that you do not blow it out. Patience is key here.
If the match lasts at least 15 seconds, then he is pleased with you, and you may continue.
Lie on the ground and say, “I am aware of your presence, and I welcome you into my home, but not into my body. Come now.”
You should now get up and go into the largest room of your house.
The next part may take 5 minutes or 5 hours, there is no set time so, again, you will need to be patient.
When and if he is ready, then you will hear a low sound nearby, most commonly an unearthly moaning sound.
If you should hear anything different, especially a distinct voice of any kind, or feel a sensation of pressure on your body, then you should immediately leave the house.
But if you hear the low moaning sound, it is action time.
He will try and find you, you must hide quickly and remain quiet.
You must remain hidden until 3.00 am. Only at this time is it safe to come out!
If he catches you, he will do with you as he wishes.
I…I don’t know what that means.
If anyone comes home while you are playing, then they will be in grave danger of possession or worse.
Lock your door from the inside before playing (this can be a fire risk, so make sure the keys are handy, especially when using matches).
If you have successfully lasted until 3.00 am, then you must go back to the largest room of your house and say, “Thank you for playing, but please leave now. You are no longer welcome.”
There should be a noise in acknowledgment, and the game will be over.
If you do not hear a noise of some kind, then you should repeat that he is no longer welcome and the game is over.
This can sometimes take a few repetitions.
If you have won, then your prize will be awarded soon after. Some people report that it was awaiting them when they awoke the next morning.
A final warning. Your wish should not bring harm to anyone. (No wishing that your teacher falls into a big hole or anything along those lines.) There is a grave price for making this sort of deal with him, and he may decide the game was not enough to honor it.
Encounter – Reddit- Crooked-Soul
This one was probs, without a doubt, the most nerve-wracking ritual that I’ve attempted.
My dad was out of town for work, and my mom was spending the night with my oldest sister to help her with her four-month-old, and my other sister had gone with her.
My brother was spending the night at a friend’s. So I had the whole house to myself and decided that it was the perfect night to do an urban legend.
But anyway, here ya go:
At 11:00 ish – I gathered my supplies, which were a box of matches, a watch (I changed the battery in it for insurance), a small analog clock (I also changed the batteries in it), and I drank a can of Monster to keep me awake during the part where you’re waiting for him to show up.
Around midnight I go into the bathroom, which is down the hall from my room 12:01 I turn out the light in the bathroom and shut the door.
Now, I light the match, which burns for about twenty seconds, according to the analog clock, which I plan to carry with me.
I visualize my wish (I’ll list it at the end) and lie on the ground and do that whole “I welcome your speech”
12:03 ish, I walk downstairs to the living room and sit down on the couch.
12:15, I hear a faint ghostly moan and a rattle or two coming from above me. I kinda passed it off as my imagination at first, but then decided that I better hide, just in case.
I run to my hiding place
12:17 ish, I am in my hiding place. Recently, we had gotten a new washer and dryer. Our old ones sat by our garage door under a tarp. My hiding spot was inside the dryer (I am only 5’1” tall, and I weigh about 98 pounds, so I fit), and the tarp kinda fell back over the door.
At 1:30, I hear another faint rattling sound, and it appears to be pretty close to me.
Not knowing whether or not this entity could open doors or not, and being afraid that it could, I crossed my fingers and almost started crying because I was so afraid of it finding me.
But eventually, the noises got fainter and fainter till I could no longer hear them
3:00 I climb out of the dryer and walk back into my living room. I say the “thank you for playing, but please go away” speech and have to repeat it a time or two before I hear a loud moan that almost sounds like “Ughhh fine”
3:05 I retreat to my room, again too afraid to sleep because of the fear of him still being around
So that’s it. And about my wish.
I wished for a guitar. I had been begging my parents for one for years, but they had always told me no, and that I would most likely not use it much after a few months.
Well, the next day, I was up exploring in the attic (it was raining, and I was bored), and in the very corner sat a guitar case that I had never noticed before. And inside was a guitar.
I immediately went back downstairs and showed the guitar to my mother, asking why neither she nor my dad had explained that there was one in the attic.
She shrugged and said, “Oh, that was your dad’s old guitar that he played before he started playing the drums.” So I went to my dad, who gave me rights to the guitar.
It’s sitting in the corner of my room now, and I’m teaching myself how to play it.”
Rock on.
Would You Play These Terrifying Games
What do you think, Bizarros?
Would you play these games? Light as a feather, stiff as a board, is a classic slumber party game, but the other three could skew into more dangerous games.
Let us know in the comments which ones you’d be willing to play.
Cosmo, Reddit, Hide and Go Kill, The Commoner, i-horror, scary for kids, how stuff works,