El Chupacabra | Ep. 113
This week, we discuss a very popular cryptid: The Chupacabra.
First seen in Puerto Rico in 1995, the Chupacabra has haunted and tormented farmers and folks alike for decades.
There are two main types – the Puerto Rican Chupacabra and the Texan Chupacabra, which are remarkably different. However, they are both terrifyingly known for sucking the blood out of cattle.
But, are these creatures real? Listen now!

El Chupacabra: The Myths, the Legends, and the Truth
Is there a creature that lurks in the night to drain the life of animals?
Did the government create a monster and release it into the wild?
Have you ever seen a terrifying beast you couldn’t explain?
What’s up Bizarros?! This week we dive into the legend of El Chupacabra.
What is El Chupacabra?
The chupacabra is a cryptid that was originally seen in Puerto Rico in 1995. But since its original sighting has been seen all over Mexico, the southwest of the United States, and potentially other places as well.
Since the original sighting, the types of Chupacabra that have been seen have been somewhat varied. There is the distinctly Puerto Rican type and the Mexican or Texan Type.
This explains why there are two different types that are seen in pop culture and media. If you look up this mythic monster you will find several types that look almost completely different.
If you know anything about the chupacabra one of the causes is that it is a dog or coyote with mange. Making it a “chupacabra dog”.
Sarcoptic mange is the type of mange that affects animals and can make people think they see a chupacabra.
Mange comes from the tench word to eat and sarcoptic comes from the type of mite that infects dogs/ coyotes to cause their skin problems.
Symptoms include
• Extreme itchiness
• Redness and rash
• Thick yellow crusts
• Hair loss
• Bacteria and yeast infections
• Thickening of the skin (advanced cases)
• Lymph node inflammation (advanced cases)
• Emaciation (extreme cases)
This comes from the American kennel club
The Texan chupacabra does somewhat resemble this description. They are said to be almost hairless brownish quadrupeds that are a little bit bigger than a medium dog at about 60 pounds. They also have small whip-like tails and are said to have large spikes on their backs. They also have an aggressive temperament.
The Puerto Rican chupacabra is different in quite a few ways. It is said that is about a 4-foot-tall bipedal creature with a hairless greenish hue. It has claws on its hands, fangs for teeth, and large red eyes. It also has spikes running down the length of its back. Early reports of this creature compared it to a reptilian kangaroo.
What Do Chupacabras Do?
The Chupacabra is said the be the southwest’s Bigfoot. Widely talked about, not often credibly seen, and *a little over-hyped*.
Chupar translates to sucker, and Cabra translates to goat. The name roughly translates to goat sucker.
This is because both types of chupacabra are known to drain the blood of goats, chickens, and various livestock.
These various animals’ victims are found as husks. Their bodies are drained of fluids.
What Are Some Theories About El Chupacabra?
The theory is that they are a type of alien. Although this seems unlikely because they don’t seem intelligent, and are driven by instinct. They are scared of humans and typically run when people are seen.
They are also considered ambush predators. So perhaps they are some sort of rare naturally-occurring creatures that we have just not been able to discover and or learn about.
Now chupacabra is a relatively new cryptid first being seen in the 90s. So perhaps they are something born of modern times. Perhaps they are a genetically hybrid creature maybe a wild with a kangaroo or and vampire bat with a coyote.
Or something from the earth with an alien life form. Perhaps chupacabras come from a mix of human life with the life forms founds from crash ufos and are the genetic hybrids of the government’s interest in outer space life.
No matter what they are, the chupacabra sightings have fueled the ever-growing legend of the chupacabras.
El Chupacabra Sightings
March 2017 ~ Olancho, Honduras
Residents of Las Agujas in Olancho, Honduras worried after finding a dead bull without eyes or a tongue. According to La Tribuna, residents saw an ugly white animal prowling the pastures believed to be El Chupacabra.
May 2017 ~ Choloma, Honduras
By May 6, 2017, a creature had killed 35 animals in the Monterrey de Choloma, a municipality in Cortés, Honduras. Residents feared that the animal – which disappeared as if by magic – would eventually hurt humans, especially children.
Nely David Martínez saw it one day at 12:45 a.m. after hearing a noise. Struck by fear, he was unable to move and couldn’t get a good glimpse at the figure, but all the animals began to drop to the floor, according to La Tribuna.
July 2017 ~ Riverside, California
In mid-July when Cary Shuker’s cat raced inside their home, he looked outside and saw the “ugliest looking thing” staring at him about 80 feet away. With teeth jutting out in every direction, rippled skin, and a tail like a rat or a possum, Shuker said it looked nothing like a coyote. It was also “at least two feet or longer than the biggest coyote you’ve ever seen.” Shuker’s not the only one who has spotted the creature. in the Box Springs Mountain territory.
M.J. Bunt, an early childhood educator, also saw the chupacabra this year. “I thought, ‘That is the strangest looking animal I’ve ever seen,” she told The Press-Enterprise about spotting it near her home. “[It had] the ears of a deer, long snout, no hair, tail like a rat, long hindquarters. I thought it might be a sick coyote, a sick wolf. But it had too many different characteristics from any of them.”
Personal Chupacabra Encounter
Here is one person’s chupacabra story.
Last night, at about 2 AM, I was taking garbage to the trash bin. I looked at the road towards my neighbor’s horse pen and saw some animals running from the forest near to the pen. It was brown/grayish and looked like a hairless jackal or coyote. It was the size of a big dog despite being kinda lean. Just keep in mind that I live in Finland and we have neither. It really just fits the common North American description of Chupacabra. I know it wasn’t a deer, rabbit, or fox. Does someone have any idea what this could have been?
Cougar With A Hyena Body
I was curious if anyone has seen something like this before. I live in Oregon and decided to go have fun. Well, on the way to Triangle Lake with my buddy (we were going shooting deep into the forest), I saw something absolutely tearing into a deer. Saw it about 100ft up or so (I’m on the freeway, so only for a second I saw) in a ditch, and its face was covered in blood.
This is what it looked like: a cougar and a hyena mixed. It was the size of a large dog, and it had long, real long, sharp teeth. It had the cougar eyes and hyena face, but with an abnormally large mouth and a very built thoracic region. It was muscular as hell.
As we pass by this thing, I looked at my friend and said, “what the f*** was that thing?” And my buddy Conor, who’s some hard-ass guy who can be mean, replied, “I don’t f****ing know what that was and we are not stopping to find out.” This is important: when I looked at him, he was wearing sunglasses, and his face was dead serious staring straight ahead.
Whatever this thing was, he did not want to find out what. As I said, this guy is a hard-ass mofo. Despite having a 12 gauge in the cab, AR-15 next to it, with a few sidearms, we could’ve defended ourselves easily.
Never knew what I saw nor what it was because I never talked about it afterward, until a few years later. I was talking to my dad who travels a lot, and I explained what I saw, and in disbelief, he said, “that sounds like a chupacabra. Real mean and evil-looking thing.” He explained that in Carlin, Nevada, he saw a stuffed hyena/cougar with large teeth, in a small little store in that town. He was puzzled when he saw it because we don’t have Hyena.. so he asked the guys what it was and they said it was “chupacabra..”
I want to know if anyone else has seen something like this before.
Chupacabra Encounter
I’d like to start this story by providing the credentials of the man who shared the experience with me:
He’s a Chief Warrant Officer with 30 years in the Navy, and a hunter since he was 12. He’s seen the world, been in combat, and spent more time in the woods than I’ve been alive. What I’m trying to say is he’s a salty motherfucker who doesn’t scare easily.
Anyways, I met “Bill” through my father, who is also in the Navy, and got to talking about how I go hunting wild pigs on my Uncle’s dairy farm just south of Jacksonville, FL. We generally go out in pairs at night, one person manning a 2 million candlelight spotlight, the other man the shooter. We roam the corn fields until we hear animals rustling around, hit the spotlight, bang bang bang, rinse, repeat.
So one relatively cold January night we get a group together for some good ole hog shooting. Bill and I go out to a field where we saw some fresh tracks earlier in the day and camp out. There was no moon out and a bit cloudy so it was as dark as you can get in Florida, perfect conditions to see some pigs. Sure enough, we hear some rustling and grunting and Bill hits the spotlight revealing 5 decent-sized pigs.
I raise my Marlin lever-action 30-30 and fire at the lead pig and down him with a shot behind the ear, one of the better shots I’ve made, to be honest.
Smoke from the muzzle briefly obscures my view but Bill yells out their location and tracks them with the light. I get off about 3 blind shots and hope for the best but they go high. The pigs take off directly away from us and get to the treeline so Bill and I stand there surveying the scene, ears ringing, adrenaline pumping. We see the downed pig, share a fist bump and a laugh and start walking towards it.
As soon as we take a step, we hear a scream from behind us, a long ragged, angry scream. It was loud, and it was close. I freeze and look at Bill, but he’s looking back at me with the same look of confusion and fear.
I ask him, “What the fuck was that?”
He replies “Fuck.”
He shines the light behind us slowly scanning the open field and the trees beyond and we see nothing. He starts to say something when we hear the scream again. Closer, louder, and longer.
If you want to know what it sounded like, the next time you go to a football game or a concert, you might scream and holler and wind up losing your voice. When you wake up feeling hoarse and raspy, scream as loud as you can for 5 seconds. That’s what it sounded like.
Bill immediately says, “Give me your pistol, we need to get out of here.”
I hand him my 45, “What about the Pig?”
“Fuck the pig,” he said.
Now we are about a mile away from the car, on a thousand-acre dairy farm, with some kind of demon bitching at us at 2 in the morning in the pitch black. We start to panic
What begins as a brisk walk away, carefully scanning in the 360, turns into a steady shuffle, into a light jog, into a full-on sprint. I don’t remember if there were any more screams, but my adrenaline was turned up to 11 and my focus was on 2 steps ahead of me and not getting left behind.
We make it back to the truck without incident and hightail back to my Uncle’s house, on the ride home we have a calm discussion about what just happened.
“The fucking fuck was that?”
“I don’t fucking know.”
“No fucking way that was a hog.”
“It sure as fuck wasn’t!”
To cap it all off we get back to my Uncle’s house and the other guys had heard the shots and were waiting for an update, standing around a bonfire. To his credit Bill played it off cool as I had a death grip on my beer, eyes bulging, and saw monsters in every shadow.
“Yeah we left the pig out there; we’ll get it in the morning. Say, Uncle, we heard a pretty funny noise, sounded pretty funny.”
“Oh, didja? Yeah raccoons can make some pretty interesting ones”
“I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a raccoon, it kinda sounded like a person screaming.”
“Oh, that? Yeah, I’ve heard it a few times, we don’t know what it is, we call it the Chupacabra.”
And that was that, been out there many times after, and thank the lord I’ve never encountered it again. But I’ll be fucked if I don’t think about it constantly when I’m out there.
What Is The Mythical Chupacabra?
What do you think Bizarros? Is the chupacabra hairless coyote with mange?
Are the stories of the chupacabra exaggerated, or are they a Mexican devil dog that sucks the blood out of livestock?
Let us know in the comments.