Glitches in the Matrix
Are we living in a simulation?
This whole “glitch in the matrix” thing has been freaking people out ever since that 1999 movie The Matrix came out.
The idea is that our reality isn’t real – it’s just a simulation. Like, are we actually just minds trapped in bodies, or are we code in some crazy digital world? It really makes you think about whether we even exist or not.
Within this supposed simulated reality, weird stuff happens sometimes that just doesn’t make sense. Things teleporting across rooms, seeing the same person twice, getting déjà vu – that kind of trippy stuff. It happens fast and then it’s over, but it sticks with you, you know? Makes you question what’s actually going on.
It’s not just sci-fi nerds talking about this simulation theory either. Legit scientists like this MIT guy Rizwan Virk have gotten behind it.
Virk reckons our universe could basically be a super advanced video game based on physics experiments looking at the building blocks of reality. Crazy, right?
But you’ve got other big brain physicists at places like Harvard saying it’s nonsense and there’s no proof.
Lisa Randall thinks the idea of higher beings making a simulation is just dumb. Still, the whole unknown of it all is pretty mind-bending when you start thinking about dimensions and stuff we can’t even comprehend.
In the end, whether we reside in a simulated world or not remains an enigma. As we ponder glitches in the matrix and the mysteries of multiple dimensions, we’re reminded of the boundless complexities that shroud the nature of our existence, inviting us to explore realms both tangible and beyond.
Check out our episode below, and thank you, Aly and Nat from Let’s Get Haunted, for joining us on this episode!

Have you ever noticed something was missing, just to find it in another place?
Could the universe be made up of data instead of matter?
Does it matter if nothing is “real”?
What is up, Bizarros?!! This week, we dive into the Glitches in the Matrix….woah.
What Is A Glitch In The Matrix?
The phrase “Glitch in the Matrix” came from the 1999 film The Matrix.
“After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed, and you believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”’
It comes from the idea that we are living in a simulation.
Whether we have bodies and are trapped in something holding our minds hostage or we are nothing but software is a debate amongst those who believe we are stuck in the computer.
So we are stuck in this computer simulation in this giant theory, and sometimes, in the “simulation” of the world, weird things happen.
Things from misplaced things reappearing, seeing people twice, strange things occurring in nature, even dèjá vu.
Glitches vary from one situation to another, but the most notable aspect is that they happen fast and are typically fixed within moments.
The scariest thing about this theory is that there are scientists from legitimate institutions who believe it has merit.
Rizwan Virik, founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s PlayLabs program, wrote a book called “The Simulation Hypothesis” about how this simulation theory is plausible—that our world could be part of a very advanced video game-like simulator.
Is There Proof Beyond Of Glitches In The Matrix?
There could be a way to measure if we are in a simulation.
“More realistically, physicists have proposed experiments that could yield evidence that our world is simulated. For example, some have wondered if the world is inherently “smooth” or if, at the smallest scales, it might be made up of discrete “chunks” a bit like the pixels in a digital image. If we determine that the world is “pixelated” in this way, it could be evidence that it was created artificially. A team of American and German physicists have argued that careful measurements of cosmic rays could provide an answer.”
Virik, the scientist from Massachusetts, said this when asked about it
“I think it’s more likely than not that we are in some kind of simulation,”
“This means that there are many simulated realities, and there’s only one base reality,” “Therefore, which reality are you most likely to be in – the 99 simulated realities or the one base reality? You’re more likely to be in the 99.”
He also leans into the idea in magik that reality is just what you make, what you are perceiving “Virik also cites the observer effect, a phenomenon in physics in which the mere act of watching something can change it. He said, “That doesn’t make sense if you live in a single physical reality,” “but in video games( or simulation), we only render the world when you need to see it. That suggests we live in a rendered world, where reality only exists when it is observed”
What Reasons A Glitch In The Matrix Isn’t Real?
“Harvard University physicist Lisa Randall said the odds that the simulation hypothesis is correct are “effectively zero.” For starters, there’s no evidence that our world isn’t the array of stars and galaxies that it appears to be. And she wonders why advanced beings would bother to simulate Homo sapiens. “Why simulate us? I mean, there are so many things to be simulating,” she said. “I don’t know why this higher species would want to bother with us.”
No matter what you think, the cat is out of the bag.
Most people do not want to think about it, but thousands of people have had experiences involving what they would call a glitch in the matrix.

Glitch In The Matrix Experiences
Glitch #1
I went to visit my family in Mexico (Hidalgo). They live in a very secluded village, and you need to drive 5 hours from the city up various mountains and into a valley.
My family started telling me how, for a couple of days, little pebbles would just drop from seemingly nowhere, not like they were thrown but dopped literal inches from their faces. They said that it would happen even indoors, and when they would go on about their regular days, it would just happen anywhere they went.
And around this time, they said my cousin also disappeared for 3 days, and the whole village looked for him, and no one could find him but that on the third day, he was suddenly locked in their kitchen (which was separate from where they slept) with a bunch of balloons and he was perfectly fine.
In Mexico, there is apparently a cryptid that is not seen as a myth but a real thing called el duende, or a goblin, who is always playing pranks on the people. My family thinks this is who did this.
And even when I was driving the 5 hours from the city to get to the village, I had a very weird feeling of mysticism the super remote area in the mountains just felt like the place where this kind of thing happens, and lo and behold they tell me this story I also encountered a ghost around 3 am while drinking near the river with some cousins and heard a screaming lady if yall want to hear that.
Glitch #2
Was this a glitch, or did he just put the bill in another part of the wallet?
I used to keep a foreign bill in my wallet it disappeared and now reappeared
a bit while ago, my sister came home from North Macedonia and brought me a 10 denar bill because I collect foreign bills, so I kept that 10 denar bill in my wallet, which is almost always empty one day I had some small bills, so I just took all the money from my wallet and gave it to the cashier then when I got home I realized it was gone
I checked every part of my wallet I thought the cashier had taken it by mistake when I handed all those bills, then just a few minutes ago, it reappeared in a separate part of the wallet could be I’m just blind because I am or I forgot to check but I’m just glad to have it back
Glitch #3
My mother did all her GYN appointments with a doctor in downtown Austin. He was on the 5th floor of this hospital building and had a long-time nurse/receptionist named Alison. I remember attending her appointments when I was little, and my mother would make a game out of finding the office and being in the waiting room, which was colorfully decorated with a forest scene.
Alison was a super sweet woman who was also a half-babysitter for us kids. She would read us books, give us coloring books, and occasionally even listen to our dreadful knock-knock jokes. We all referred to her as Alison Wonderland.
Anyway, years down the road, I got married and pregnant and started searching for an OB since I had moved back to Austin relatively recently before that. My mother suggested I go see if that Dr, who was super young(low 30s) when I was born, was still in business.
Well, I could not find his name in the hospital directory, so I figured I would just swing by the office and check. My mother happened to be in town(she had moved years ago) and came with me. We both joked about it being so familiar but reversed situations now.
As we reached the stairs, we ran into a problem. There was no fifth floor of this hospital office building. Odd. We both must have misremembered it. We knew it was on the top floor, so it must have been the fourth. Nope, not there.
We thought maybe we were in the wrong building. Except we parked in the same parking garage thing from 20 years ago and walked the same route.
That doctor does not exist—he never did, apparently. My mother, my brother, and I are the only ones who remember him and Allison Wonderland. We have asked around, including among the hospital staff. We even looked up our birth certificates, which are new copies, and just listed “Attending physician.” One of my childhood memories is fake but shared with my brother and my Mother.
Glitch #4
“One comes from Reddit user strikelist,” who was at a rural forested park area along the Occoquan River in northern Virginia at the time.
The witness says he had been driving along the narrow road with his mother when they saw a middle-aged white male in dark clothing casually walking along by the side of the road, and they thought nothing of it until something very bizarre indeed happened, which he says:
Suddenly, as I looked straight at him in the distance, he was not there anymore. It was so sudden that I questioned if there was even a guy walking at all; maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Then my mom asked, “Did that guy just fall off the side?”
Shocked that she confirmed she also saw a man walking, I stopped the car where he could have fallen. I thought, maybe I blinked or something and he actually fell in that moment, because I didn’t see him fall myself, he was just gone.
We looked over and saw no one. It wasn’t a sharp fall like a cliff, but if he had fallen, he would’ve rolled into a tree wall and still been visible in the narrow forested strip before the river. But we just didn’t see anyone there.
We called out to no reply. My mom was worried he could be knocked out, so she called a ranger to check on him, and we drove off. On the way back she also described to me what she saw, ” I saw him walking toward us on the side, then he was nowhere to be seen. I just assumed he fell off.”
Glitch #5
“In another case relayed directly to me, we have a witness who had been out hiking at the Rocky Mountain National Park on what had been an otherwise calm, sunny, and peaceful day before the weirdness would set it to full effect.
He says that it began with a low humming and thrumming in the air, reminiscent of some sort of heavy machinery in the distance. This grew in intensity until it became loud to the point that it almost hurt his ears, reverberating through his skull until it was almost unbearable.
Then, there was a sudden pop, and a blanket of silence came crashing down around him, drowning out any ambient noise. He says of what would happen next:
There was this POP, and then nothing. There were no sounds of the forest, no singing birds, no nothing.
I looked around and noticed that the wind that had been coming through the area minutes before was gone, and the tree’s branches and leaves were completely still.
I don’t mean just that there was no wind, but they were still, still, like, not even wavering at all, as if they were frozen in time. It was a pretty unsettling feeling, and I wandered about trying to make sense of it, and that was when I saw something that blew my mind.
There, hanging in thin air as if suspended in amber, was a bird, just stuck there in mid-flight. It was completely frozen there, just as still as the branches of the trees, and with the utter silence all around, I began to sort of panic.
Then that POP came again, and the sounds of the forest rolled over me and that bird jumped to life to fly off. I have no idea what happened to me that day, but it has stayed with me ever since”
Glitch #6
We visited the spaceflight center in Huntsville a few years ago and I got an A-12 (looks like the SR-71) coffee cup. I started drinking coffee in it every day and for more than a year, everything was normal. I wake up, pour coffee, drink it downstairs, wash it, and then go back to work in my office upstairs.
Sometimes, I get a second cup of coffee and bring it to my office, then bring it down when I’m done to wash and reset for the next day.
On May 1 of last year, I forgot to bring it back downstairs from my office. The next morning, I woke up and went downstairs to have a cup of coffee like usual in the A-12 cup I got from the Space & Rocketry Center in Huntsville, AL. When I’m done, I wash it and put it away and go upstairs to start work…
…and there’s the cup from the day before with an inch of cold coffee in it.
I brought it downstairs to try to figure out what was going on, and the one I had just used was still sitting on the drying rack.
I now have **two** A-12 coffee cups. In the months since they’ve both picked up a little bit of their own character, but when I brought the original and its doppelcupper together, they had the same scuff marks and were, in every way I could tell, identical.
I don’t have an explanation for how this happened. I don’t know how this cup somehow duplicated or why or how to do it again, but what I DO have… is two A-12 cups even though I only bought one.”
Glitch #7
“When I was little, my parents had a painting of a soldier in uniform. I could see it from my bed when the door was cracked. SEVERAL times, I saw the man in the painting move his head and look at me. The scariest experience was after I begged my parents to get rid of the painting.
My dad calmed me down, and I started to drift to sleep. But I had that feeling where you know you are being watched. When I opened my eyes (and I have never forgotten this), the soldier turned his head and SMILED! The next day, my dad threw the painting away.”
“Years later, my dad told me he had heard me moving around in my bed and was looking down the hall, trying to decide if he should go check on me again. While glancing down the hallway, he saw the man in the painting turn his head and smile!”

Are We Living In An Alternate Reality?
What do you think, Bizarros? Is this a wild conspiracy theory?
Are we living in a simulation?
Or have people been incepted by one of the greatest American Films…the Matrix?