Guardian Angels
From ancient Judaic texts to modern esoteric beliefs, the concept of guardian angels – divine entities assigned to watch over humans – has captivated cultures across the ages.
Explore the origins of this widespread phenomenon tracing back to the Babylonians and Assyrians.
We discuss the hierarchies and ranks of angels described in Christianity, from the supreme Seraphim and Cherubim that commune directly with God, to the powerful Virtues and Archangels like Michael, Raphael and Gabriel tasked with specific virtues and roles.
Learn about guardian angels themselves, the lowest rank believed to be individual spiritual companions and protectors accompanying each person from birth to death.
Understand their perceived purpose of shielding humans from harm when “it is not their time.” Join us as we delve into this fascinating belief found across Abrahamic faiths as well as Hinduism and Buddhism.
Whether viewed as literal or symbolic, guardian angels have provided comfort and inspiration to billions throughout the centuries. But, are they believable? Listen now!

Have you ever survived something that should have killed you?
Do beings protect us throughout our lives?
Could we be protected without ever knowing it?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week, we are diving into the concept of Guardian Angels.

Guardian Angels
Imagine you are driving down a highway at a normal speed.
Your seatbelt isn’t on. The sun is out, and you’re listening to music. Then that new song comes on that you don’t like, and you look down for a moment to adjust your radio, and then a truck swerves into your lane.
You have a moment to think while others honk; all you think is, “This is it, I’m done”
Then, you impact the side of 100 tons of metal. But somehow, you feel a hug from somebody, and you hear a click. And you realize your seatbelt was put on.
The Guardian Angel concept says that we all have a holy angel watching out for us. Are they saving us from an untimely death?
Where Did The Idea Of Guardian Angels Come From?
The idea that an Angel protects a person, group, or even nation dates back to ancient Judaism.
This belief is also found in the Bible “as St. Jerome expressed it: “How great the dignity of the soul since each one has from his birth an angel commissioned to guard it.” (Comm. in Matt., xviii, lib. II).”
Although it’s a point that the church (the Catholic Church) does not preach about Guardian Angels, they are in the “spirit of the Church”
However, the idea of a protective spirit can be traced even further to the Babylonians
“This belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity; pagans, like Menander and Plutarch (cf. Eusebius, “Praep. Evang.”, xii), and Neo-Platonists, like Plotinus, held it. It was also the belief of the Babylonians and Assyrians, as their monuments testify, for a figure of a guardian angel now in the British Museum “
Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), the founder of the esoteric religion Thelema, considered the Holy Guardian Angel to be representative of one’s truest divine nature and the equivalent of the “Genius” of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Are Angels Just In The Christian Religion?
No, they are not.
Religions under the Abrahamic umbrella all have a belief in Angels. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In a sense, Hinduism and Buddhism believe in Angels. They say “ that angels can be beings who have worked their way up from low to high spiritual planes by passing spiritual tests, and may continue to grow wiser and stronger even after they’ve achieved an angelic state.”
What Is A Guardian Angel?
According to the holy art
“Every one of us has a guardian angel who accompanies us from the moment we’re born until the moment of our death and stays at our side at every moment of our life. The idea of a spirit, of a supernatural entity that follows and supervises every human being,”
“So it’s an entity that is related to God or a servant of God that is attached to you and is meant to protect you from danger when it is not your time”
Hierarchy Of Angels
Although it is more well-known demons in hell have different levels and strengths and have dominion over certain sins and traits, there is also a hierarchy of angels in heaven.
The supreme Hierarchy or the highest in the order are the:
Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones.
The middle order consists of:
Dominions, Virtues, and Powers.
The lowest order of angels are:
Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels.

The Seraphim
They are the highest of the high. They are the most powerful and commune directly with God.
The Cherubim
The Cherubim are the second most powerful Angels. They are mighty. After man was cast out, they directly guarded God’s throne and the Garden of Eden.
They are said to have the body of man “with two pairs of wings and four faces: one of a lion, one of an ox, one of an eagle, and one of a human.”
The Thrones
The lowest in the highest rank are the Thrones
Thrones reside over the cosmos, they also dispense Gods justice and maintain harmony in the universe.
“They are portrayed as great wheels comprising many eyes and sparkle with the color of burnished brass. Often called the Many-Eyed Ones, they have four wings and four faces.
They have the hands of a man under their wings and are joined together. The sound of their wings is like the roar of great water. Above their heads shows the likeness of the heavens, which is shown in a kaleidoscopic of colors from a crystal”
The Domains
Domains are the fourth-rank.
“Dominations govern over nations and decide the success or failure of a domain. They deliver justice, show mercy, and lead lower-ranking Angels. Often represented as holding a golden staff in their right hand and the Seal of God in the left.”
The Virtues
“The Virtues are a group of Angels that rule over miracles, blessings, grace, valor, and encouragement. Known as Brilliant or Shining Ones, they mainly help people struggling with their faith.”
The Powers
Powers are the last in the middle class.
They are the fist of God. On hold, waiting for demonic forces to attack.
The powers are in charge of watching human souls. They also guide humans to heaven after death.
The Principalities
The highest of the lowest most human class
They act kind of like the supervisors of regular angels.
The Archangels
Archangels are the best and most pure representations of humanity’s different traits, and they help humans with those things.
The archangels are
The Warrior — Archangel Michael
The Healer — Archangel Raphael
The Messenger — Archangel Gabriel
Angel of Beauty — Archangel Jophiel
Angel of Nature and Animals — Archangel Ariel
Angel of Relationships — Archangel Chamuel
Angel of Death — Archangel Azrael
The Guardian Angel Experiences
First Guardian Angel Experience (From Quora)
I know my guardian angel and his name. One late, rainy night on the way home from work, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I was driving in my truck with no back seat.
I said, “Ok, I’m gonna slow down.” a minute later, a deer ran across the road in front of my truck. I just laughed and said, “All right, I’ll slow down on the way home, my friend”.
Five minutes later, I rounded one of those sharp right turns that are popular on our highways in Missouri. Seven (7) deer stood in the middle of the road. I laughed again and thanked my guardian angel.
A couple of weeks ago, my guardian angel told me to watch out for three adults and a bicycle. I had a personal injury and could not drive and could not determine if the message was for my daughter or my granddaughter.
So, I informed them both. My daughter drove me to an appointment and then dropped me off at home. Approximately 30 minutes later after she arrived at home called me and said “Dad, a pickup just pulled out in front of me on the way home! In the bed of the truck were three adults and a bicycle”.
Had she been driving too fast, she would have run into the back of the truck. I told her that you only have to open your mind to the world around you and the wonderful things you can learn.
Second Guardian Angel Experience (From Reddit)
Guardian angel saved my life… I think
Hey, so this happened about 24 years ago, give or take. I was 19 or 20 at the time and home alone (my roommate was out on a date). So, being a huge movie nerd, I love watching movies, especially horror, so I decided to relax with a couple from my collection. Before I start, though, I decide to go around the corner to the 7-11 for snacks. As I’m putting on my shoes, I swear to God (I’m not religious at all), I hear a voice (suggest) that I should go have a bath first. Baths Are not uncommon for me because I like to relax and listen to music. So, while I’m in there, my roommate gets home banging on the bathroom door, asking if I’m alright. I tell her I’m fine and ask what’s wrong. She tells me the 7-11 was just robbed by a guy with a machete!!! Needless to say, I was more than a little freaked out. If I didn’t stop to have that bath……
Third Guardian Angel Experience (From Reddit)
I had a similar thing happen! I was driving home from hanging out at a friend’s late (like 2 am; I hadn’t been drinking or anything. We were just trying to write some music), and I was super tired, so I took the back roads home as they were quicker and I figured I would avoid drunk people. Right before I was about to turn onto a road with a big hill, I heard a voice say, “Remember to be careful and watch for deer on this road!” and then I had a “vision” or something where I could still see but it was like a movie was playing in my head and as the voice was talking I saw myself go over the hill (60mph speed limit) and run right into 5 deer, one of which went thru my windshield and killed me. I got so spooked I slowed down to 10mph and crept over the hill only to see exactly 5 deer all standing on the other side. I would’ve hit at least 3 of them had I been going full speed.
Fourth Guardian Angel Experience (From Reddit)
My guardian angel saved my life
When I was in my 20s, I spent 4 years traveling the world.
I was in South Africa, just outside Durban, and a friend had taken me on his motorbike to his favourite waterfall.
We had both been swimming, but I got cold, so I went to sit on a patch of green grass. To get there, I had to step from the sand I was on, over a log, and then across a bit to the grass.
I was walking at medium speed and lifted one foot to step over the log when a very loud, booming masculine voice shouted, “STOP!” Except the shout wasn’t heard in my ears; it was inside my head. It’s hard to explain. Also, there was nobody else around except Tim and me, and he was still happily swimming.
I stopped, wondering what had just happened. I still had my foot in the air above the log.
I looked around and spotted what I thought was a leaf waving about 6 inches from my big toe. It took me a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t a leaf but a snake. A Black Mamba. He had his head raised and was licking the air right near my toe. He was waiting to see what my next move was to be, and he had seen me long before I saw him.
I slowly backed up and walked very carefully backward to where Tim was.
I have no explanation for the voice that I heard, except that it was so loud and was inside my head rather than heard with my ears, and it came at a time when I didn’t feel in any danger at all—in fact, I was very calm and happy.
I feel that it was my guardian angel who shouted at me to stop, as I would have stepped right on the snake.
My guardian angel saved my life.
Fifth Guardian Angel Experience (From Ranker)
“I was free climbing a thirty-foot cliff face once. The face was mostly shale rock with plenty of handholds, and I was young and dumb.
Two-thirds of the way up, my left handhold broke free as I was reaching with my right, and I started to fall. You know that feeling when you are tilting back in a chair, and you tilt just a little too far? That’s exactly what I felt. I started to fall backward, and everything got really slow. I knew I was going to die or, at best, be [injured].
I felt a hand gently press against my back, right between my shoulder blades. It felt like a perfectly normal right hand, and it [pushed] me back against the rock face.
I took a moment to steady myself, I was pretty shaken up, and then I climbed down to safety.
I am inclined to believe that it was a guardian angel, but that is solely based on my religious background, and I don’t know where said guardian angel was when I got hit by a car. I suppose it could have been a hallucination, but I don’t use drugs, and I wasn’t on any medications. I’ll probably never know what happened, but I am very thankful that I didn’t fall.”
Sixth Guardian Angel Experience (From Ranker)
“My friend and I were sitting at a traffic light very late one night when his car just stalled. He tried and tried to get it to restart but we couldn’t get it going. We jumped out to push it into the parking lot of a gas station that was next to where the car died.
We were having trouble getting it up an incline when, out of nowhere, this guy came jogging up from the direction of the gas station. He got on the other side of the car and helped me push it up the incline, out of the street, and into the lot. We thanked him for his help, and he took off.
Just then a car came speeding around a curve and blew through the intersection where the car was just a minute before. My bud and I were shocked because if that guy didn’t show up when he did, we would have been hit by that car. We turned back around to say thank the guy again, but he was gone, just disappeared into thin air. I truly believe he was an angel sent to protect us that night.”
Seventh Guardian Angel Experience (From Ranker)
“This is my mother’s story. When I was little, we used to live in an old house that was probably close to 100 years old. Anyway, I was around three or four years old at the time and very sick. My room and my mother’s room were right next to each other, and my parents had split up that year, so it was just my mom, my sister, and me in the house.
She said that while everyone was asleep, she woke up to someone standing right in front of her, around eye level with her while she was laying in bed (so around 2 1/2 feet, I suppose, she said it looked like me, exactly like me and I was glowing white, but transparent and still. The someone had long brown hair (which is what I did have) and was wearing a white nightgown. The night that she saw this, I had been very, very sick, and I wasn’t turning around. After she blinked a few times, someone dissolved, and she got up to check on me. I had a fever with shivers and was coughing and almost choking on my own mucus (ew).
She took me to the hospital right then, and the doctor said that if she hadn’t, I probably would’ve died from choking in my sleep or from how close I was to catching pneumonia. My mom loves telling this story and truly believes it was my guardian angel telling her it wasn’t my time yet and that I needed her help”

Do Humans Have Guardian Angels?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Are Guardian Angels real?
What type of Angel could they be?
Are Angels acting as a guide throughout life?
Who are your Guardian Angels?
Let us know in the comments!
Sources used for this article
New advent. Org
Learn religion
Natalia Kuma