Incubus & Succubus – Sex Demons
The incubi and succubi sex demons are known for causing sleep paralysis, draining human energy, and forcing sexual acts. Some may think what they are experiencing is a dream, but when they awake, they realize it was a real-life nightmare.

Have you felt vulnerable in your bed at night?
What ancient spell is keeping you awake at night?
Could something take your energy through physical touch
What is up, Bizarros? This week we dive into the lore of Incubi and Succubi.
A lot comes from

What are an incubus and a succubus?
Essentially these are two halves of the same coin. The succubus is more popular in today’s society.
However, these are both sex demons that come to people as they sleep and take their energies, strip them of oaths, violate people, and seek to ruin lives through sex and shame.
When you think of a modern succubus, you think of a beautiful woman usually exemplifying feminine traits. Usually, wearing not much to leave not much to the imagination and emphasizing their demonic traits like horns.
Succubi in pop culture are kind of known to manipulate men and try to please them to get what they want.
However, succubi of the past were not like this. They were gaunt, emaciated, short creatures that crawled with hooked feet and gargoyle-like faces.
Succubi of the past were less interested in manipulating men but were more savage and controlling and malicious. They would strive to drain men of their energy and corrupt religious men.
The incubus is the male counterpart to the succubus. They were demons that would come to innocent women in the night and do horrible things to them.
It’s said the incubus and the succubus even work together. The succubus steals the man’s fluid and gives it to the incubus to impregnate the women they assault to create a child called a “ Cambion.”
Historical encounters with succubi and incubus
From occult world
“Nicholas Remy wrote in Demonolatry of a succubus case that happened in 1581. A man named Petrone Armenterious of Dalheim was persuaded by a succubus, Abrahel, to murder his son.
He was so overcome with grief and guilt that he contemplated suicide. Abrahel told him that if he worshipped her, he would restore the boy to life.
He complied, and his son returned to the living. But it was all an illusion, for the boy suddenly died again and immediately stank abominably.”
Also from occult world
“At the end of the 17th century, an odd lawsuit was tried in court in Posen, Germany.
A young man forced his way into the cellar of a locked home and was later found dead on the threshold. Demons then set up housekeeping inside and created severe disturbances.
The owners of the home were frightened into leaving.
Local exorcists failed to expel the Demons, and so an expert was summoned, Rabbi Joel Baal Shem of Zamosz.
He was able to induce the Demons to disclose their identity. They claimed the house belonged to them, and they demanded the opportunity to prove it in a court of law.
The case was tried with Rabbi Joel and an invisible Demon advocate, who could be heard.
According to the Demons, the previous owner of the home had engaged in intercourse with a succubus, who had borne hybrid children.
The man was persuaded by a rabbi to break off his affair, but the Demon demanded that the cellar be given to it and the offspring as an inheritance.
The man and all his heirs were now dead, and the Demon children demanded possession of the house.
The new homeowners said they had lawfully purchased the house.
The Demon children were not legitimate “seed of men”, and so had no legal rights. In addition, the Demon had forced the previous owner into sexual relations.
The court decided against the Demons, saying that their abodes were deserts and wastelands, not the homes of men.
Rabbi Joel performed Exorcisms that drove away the demons.”

Sex Demon Incubus or Succubus Encounters
I am a female. I’m not going to give my name or age for safety reasons. I had a dream that start off with me and my friend, that is a female, talking. I don’t really remember what we were talking about, but I was laying on my stomach. I started feeling hot all over and feeling someone touching me, and I felt aroused.
That person who was trying to look like my friend was different. I could tell it wasn’t her, but she shoved me onto the bed and started having sex with me rubbing her private against mine and touching my privates.
It was crazy. I was starting to try and leave the dream …
She was starting to get mad. I was able to wake up and then fall asleep, and I think I got sleep paralysis after that dream
And I was able to get out of it quickly. I haven’t had this dream since that happened, but I’m worried it will happen again. This demon took the form of my friend. I knew it wasn’t my friend.
Reddit response asking about how to deal with these Demon Spirits
I have had personal experiences with an incubus in the past …..and after I thought I had finally gotten rid of it back in 2008……it came after me again just this past year.
It wasn’t quite as invasive as my 2008 experiences, but it was definitely invasive and very concerning as I am now a mother of 2 young children.
I will be happy to share any of this via private conversation if you’d like. But I will tell you this based on what I’ve experienced and learned over the years……
(1) Though I do believe you are indeed dealing with a demon, I’m not quite sure it’s an incubus. Keep in mind….all demons can and will use “sexual pleasuring”, because it gets the attention of their victims and seems less frightening, thus drawing the victim in and sometimes the victim’s consent.
This not only feeds the demon the victim’s sexual energy (which to them is probably just as appetizing as feeding on their victim’s fear).
But because of the consent given by the victim’s own free will, the demon immediately gains more power to further penetrate the victim’s life and oppress them into submission.
(2) An Incubus primarily feeds off of sexual energy….. usually by sexual intercourse. They are skilled at charming their victims….they are usually non-threatening and seem to be caring….even loving…..but they are after the sexual energy produced by sex….
They can and will literally suck the life energy out of their victims……sometimes the victims don’t realize it…. they just think something else is wrong, causing them to feel so drained all of the time.
There have been cases where people have died from prolonged Interactions/sex with an incubus/succubus……but I believe most of the time; it doesn’t lead to that.
They are skilled and smart enough to know just how much energy they can drain from their victims. The other problem with them is that they are very possessive of their victims…..they can and will destroy any relationship the victim tries to have.
It’s very frustrating….and, well, heartbreaking at times…but I’m speaking to this from my situation.
(3) The cuts/scratches you are getting are concerning as well……but more typical behavior of general low-level demons/imps……not usually incubi/Succubi.
I believe the scratching is just another way they are trying to get your attention and leak your interest in them…..they’re enticing you to try and communicate with them by doing this…..but please do NOT communicate with this entity/demon you are dealing with. That will not help your situation….only make it worse…..of that I am certain.
I honestly think you need to contact a professional in this field……someone who has dealt with Spiritual Warfare.
And no….not all of these individuals belong to any organized religion…..But they DO know what they are doing. I hope this helps….I promise that’s my only intention for sharing any of this here….to help. You’ve been dealing with this for too long! Take action and get a professional to help you.

An Encounter with one of the Female Demons
So I’m kind of embarrassed to post this because I think it’s silly, and afraid to get made fun of.
Also, I have had somewhat of sleep paralysis; it’s usually knowing I’m asleep, but I can’t move, my eyes won’t open,
I don’t feel scared; I do feel panicked, and I do feel like I’m not totally alone but not horrified; I remember feeling like the reverse flash was around one time ( which is very funny)
Anyways so, I’m sleeping, and I start to dream of this actress. Then I felt something on my crotch; I remember feeling her up and started going for it; I felt kisses on my lips.
After that my body was pushed on its side like whatever just did this to me was done with me,
It really felt like someone pushed me over.
Then I got scared, like really scared. in my sleep paralysis, I start screaming for my mom, who was in her room.
Then I woke up and was completely just mind blown because I couldn’t comprehend what happened.
It was like 5 in the morning, and I didn’t really go to sleep after that; I actually stayed at my exes for a week after this experience.
Now I am 20, so obviously, it’s not out of the normal to have a sexy dream, but this was honestly another experience.
I haven’t had an experience like this again. I know some people summon succubus’s I’m not one of them.
If someone could help explain what happened, that would be cool. This was really freaky experience. As someone who loves the paranormal. I don’t really scare easy
Stay safe, guys.
Incubus encounter
I’m not sure if it was an incubus or what, but I did have an encounter with something very malevolent just the year before last.
I have never done drugs nor had a history of mental or health problems, but I have always been sensitive to the paranormal.
My parents have told me they think that I could see things even as an infant.
Anyways, this was the second year I had been living on the 8th floor of my dorm, and in both rooms I had lived in, there was a strange sound from the ceiling, directly above my head, like a marble falling and bouncing to a stop.
I spoke to the people who lived above me, and they said they weren’t making the noise, and I spoke to the previous people who lived in those rooms, and they said they had never heard such a thing.
Things would move around the room sometimes, and lights would flicker and go out, and sometimes orbs of light would move around the room, but my room seemed to be the only one on the floor with issues.
I was used to these sorts of things happening around me, though, so I figured I had a new friend and let it be.
But then things started to get scary. It would open and close my locked door, and it began to put its hands on my shoulders and neck when I was at my desk, and its presence was heavy, and it filled the room constantly.
I was frightened, and my roommate was a Korean who spoke hardly any English and was literally NEVER in the room, so I couldn’t ask her if she had seen or experienced anything in there.
It started coming to me in my dreams, threatening to kill or torture my family if I tried to get rid of it.
The third night I fell asleep, I dreamt that I was in my ex-boyfriend’s bedroom laying on his bed.
My ex walked in, and it looked almost exactly like him, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with him and that it was just something pretending to be him.
He got on top of me, and I tried to push him off or stop him or scream, but nothing happened.
It felt like I was so heavy I couldn’t move or speak. He raped me, and I woke up right as he finished (Sorry for all the gory details…)
It’s easy to chalk this up to a simple nightmare/fucked up wet dream/anxiety over this thing, but when I woke up, I felt sore.
I mean, it felt like I had just had sex, and I ached inside like someone had been really rough with me when we did it.
There’s nothing else like it in the world.
I felt dirty, disgusted, and used.
I sat there, and I just bawled. I’ve never been so scared.
It stayed around for a couple more weeks before it just vanished, and I haven’t seen it since.
Maybe it was an incubus; maybe it was a malevolent spirit or demon. I’m not really sure. But it was definitely one of the scariest things I’ve ever come across.

Is There A Night Demon Searching For Victims At Night?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Are there demonic spirits in female form or male form that steals their victims’ energy through sexual activity?
Could it be a very realistic bad dream about sexual assault? Is there a supernatural entity that is manipulating humans in a grotesque and invasive manner?