The UFO Abduction of Kelly Cahill
In August 1993, Kelly Cahill, a 27-year-old mother of three from Victoria, Australia, experienced a life-changing UFO encounter. While driving home from a party with her husband, Andrew, they witnessed a mysterious craft with orange lights in a nearby field.
Later that night, they encountered the same object hovering above the road, and as they approached it, they saw figures inside before it disappeared. Suddenly, a bright light engulfed their car, and they experienced a mysterious blackout, losing an hour of time.
In the following weeks, Kelly and her husband suffered from various inexplicable symptoms, including headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Kelly discovered a strange triangular mark and a scar on her body.
As her memories of the encounter began to resurface, she recalled being approached by tall, thin, black figures with luminous red eyes. Despite the entities’ telepathic reassurances, Kelly felt an overwhelming sense of evil and terror.
Kelly reached out to Bill Chalker, a renowned UFO researcher, who investigated the incident and discovered additional witnesses who had similar experiences that night.
The investigation uncovered physical evidence at the site, including chemical and magnetic anomalies, unusual radiation readings, and inexplicable marks in the field.
As Kelly’s story gained media attention, she became a prominent figure in the UFO research community. She appeared on television shows, participated in conferences, and authored a book titled “Encounter: The True Story.”
Despite the incredible nature of her account, Kelly Cahill has been consistently regarded as a credible witness, with no history of mental illness or apparent motive for deception. Her experience remains one of the most compelling and well-documented cases in UFO history.

The Alien Abduction Encounter of Kelly Cahill
Have you ever witnessed a glowing light in a nearby field?
Why did an ordinary drive home from a birthday party turn into a terrifying encounter with the unknown?
Can UFO encounters lead to bizarre symptoms and haunting dreams?
What is up, Bizarros?! Today, we dive into the Alien Abduction of Kelly Cahill.

Kelly Cahill’s Alien Encounter
It was a quiet, otherwise ordinary August night in 1993, the sun had set and darkness started covering the rural landscape of Victoria, Australia.
Kelly Cahill, a 27-year-old mother of three, was on her way to a party with her husband, Andrew.
Here is a description Kelly has of herself from her book Encounter.
It was around 7 or 8 pm, and their car was winding through the quiet foothills of the Dandenongs (Dan-duh-nong) mountain range.
As they approached the outer Melbourne suburban housing estate where the party was to be held, Kelly was gazing out the passenger window, her mind wandering as she watched the mountainous landscape pass by.
Suddenly, something caught her eye—a peculiar sight that kind of sent a jolt through her body.
A ring of orange lights, glowing eerily against the dark landscape, stood in a nearby field.
She was stunned, trying to identify what this mysterious object could be.
She only had a few moments to look at this unusual craft before trees blocked the view.
Shortly after passing the object, Kelly leaned over and told her husband that she thought she just witnessed a UFO.
Her husband, in true horror movie dad fashion, said that would be very unlikely. It was probably just some airplane of sorts or a helicopter when she insisted the way it landed was strange.
Despite still being in awe of what she had briefly witnessed, she let the experience escape her mind, and before long, they were at the party and having a good time, with thoughts of alien spaceships way off in the distance of their minds.
Andrew actually brought up the UFO sighting at the party, and other guests laughed, poked fun, and asked if she saw little green men.
Kelly started laughing, too, realizing it did seem pretty silly.
Eventually, the night winded down, and Kelly and her husband decided to leave the party.
So, Kelly and her husband embark on their way back home, traveling the same route that they had been on earlier that day.
However, this time, her husband would be a witness as well.
Here is a quote from Kelly:
“Anyway, we were driving back down the road in the same stretch. Both of us, just me and my husband… . we both saw this ring, mind you … in front of us, hovering above the road.
It was just something sitting there. . . . I couldn’t tell what it was. We were at first far away, but as you got closer to it, it was sort of . . . well, it wasn’t like the orange light in the field.
It was a round shape with some sort of glass around, or what looked like windows and lights around the bottom. Because it was dark, you couldn’t really tell at first.
But as we got closer and closer, there was no noise or anything.
Even my husband was going. “You’re right! That’s something. That’s very, very strange.”
And I swear we saw people in there, and then just as I said to him, “I swear there’s people in there,” it just shot off to the left as fast as it could go. I mean, it just disappeared.
Within a split second, it had gone.
We kept driving and about a kilometer ahead, all of a sudden, there’s this really, really bright light in front of us, and I’ve got my hand up, up above my brow, to look out the window, because it’s that bright, but I can’t see anything.
I said to Andrew, “What are you going to do?” He said, “I’m going to keep driving.”
From there, that is the last we remembered until . . . I knew I was going to see a UFO, you know, I just knew, because of what we had seen, I’d seen it twice in one night and he had seen it once . . . and the adrenalin is pumping, the heart is thumping, I’m so excited.
All of a sudden, I sat in the car and said to my husband, “What happened?”
And he says to me, “I don’t know. We must have gone around a corner or something.”
Kelly and her husband were left feeling utterly disoriented as if they had experienced a mysterious blackout.
They couldn’t quite put their finger on why they felt this way, but the sensation was impossible to shake off.
Adding to the bizarre atmosphere, a nauseating stench of vomit filled the car, even though there was no evidence of either of them having been sick or thrown up.
So, there was no discernible cause for this terrible smell.
Needless to say, they were completely confused about what the hell was going on.
As they discussed the eerie feeling that something wasn’t quite right, that they had somehow been affected by an unknown event, the strangeness only intensified.
They just kept circling around and wondering – what happened to them?
As they continued talking about this weird feeling, Kelly’s eyes widened in disbelief as she spotted a tall, dark figure walking along the roadside, a silhouette that, deep down, she knew was not human.
This completely freaked both Kelly and her husband out, causing them to speed off back to their house.
It wasn’t until they finally reached home that they realized an entire hour had vanished from their memory.
Trying to calm down, Kelly decided to wash up and take a hot shower. However, that was when she discovered something else.
Her heart raced as she noticed a strange triangular mark above her navel, accompanied by a scar she had never seen before.

Here is a quote from Kelly’s book, Encounter, regarding the mark:
‘The first thing I noticed was that I was bleeding. And it wasn’t my time.
The blood was bright red, and it was unusually profuse. It had soaked through my jeans.
I have a mark below my navel. It’s faded quite a bit, but it was very pronounced at first. It’s an equilateral triangle, measuring one centimeter on each side, and quite unnatural. It looked like a burn when it first appeared, and the skin had also been punctured.’
In the following weeks, their lives were turned upside down by a series of inexplicable symptoms.
Pounding headaches, constant nausea, and overwhelming muscular fatigue made even the simplest tasks feel like monumental challenges.
Kelly’s menstrual cycle spiraled out of control, and her condition deteriorated to the point where she could barely walk.
Things were getting really bad incredibly fast. And the only thing they could point to was that terrifying experience on the way home from the party.
Her husband, naturally and understandably very worried, rushed her to the hospital, where doctors revealed she was suffering from a perplexing womb infection.
The couple was left to wonder about the mysterious connection between that fateful night and the ailments that now plagued them.
As all of this was going on, Kelly began to have little fragments of memory come back to her from that lost hour of time, little flickers that floated up from her subconscious like fleeting, half-forgotten dreams.
First, she remembered going into an intense, blindingly bright light. Then, faint images of shadow figures moving in that light appeared. One day, when they were driving past the same spot, she felt a sudden sense of overwhelming terror, and it all came back to her.
Here is a quote from Kelly:
“On the way home from bingo one night, we went along the same road, and as we passed a certain spot, I just got this incredible feeling of terror going through me. I mean absolute terror.
All of a sudden I just started remembering, and by the next morning I had remembered just about everything that happened, except there’s still missing time that I can’t place.”
So, here is a memory recount from Kelly regarding what she believes actually took place during that missing time.
“What we had actually done was drive into the light, but the road curved, and the light we had thought was in front of us was actually to our right-hand side.
It was in the field, and it was massive… the “size of a house” or perhaps close to 5O meters.
It was very big. I knew it was very big because we could have driven for five minutes.
The road sort of wound around this part.
You could have driven for five minutes and not had it out of your sight the whole time.”
She remembered that she and her husband had stopped the car and got out to get a better look at this immense craft.
While gazing at this light, they also noticed another vehicle just slightly down the road that was stopped.
Kelly looked and saw that three people had stepped out of that car, too, and were also taking in the sight of the brilliant light.
When she turned her attention back to this glowing spacecraft, she witnessed a very tall, thin black figure – estimated to be about 7 feet tall.
She said the entity had luminous red eyes, like fluorescent stoplights. At that moment, awe turned to complete terror.
Here is another quote from Kelly:
“All of a sudden, I started screaming out to my husband. . . .
Now, this has really got me baffled because of the fact that a human being doesn’t know this, so I don’t even know how I came out with this, but I started saying,
“They’ve got no souls.” And then I started screaming, “THEY’VE GOT NO SOULS!”
Then all of a sudden, there were heaps of them in the field, not just one, a whole heap of them, and they started coming towards us . . . faster than a man could run, and they were gliding off the ground.
They got halfway across the field. They split up.
Some of them went towards the other people [two or three, Kelly thought]. and some of them [the rest] came towards us.
I was hysterically terrified. . . . I had never felt terror like that.
Not even in my worst nightmares had I experienced terror like that.
The next thing I know, I felt this oomph! in my stomach, right across here like I was winded, but I was thrown right back, and I was on my back on the ground.
I sat up with my head between my knees. Here, I’m trying to stay conscious. I couldn’t see.
My eyes. . . . It was all black.”
During the encounter, she said she was only mildly conscious of her husband’s presence nearby.
He remained mostly quiet as the beings repeatedly projected telepathic messages into her mind, insisting to Kelly that they meant no harm.
Yet despite their persistent reassurances, every instinct screamed that these creatures were fundamentally evil.
Just absolutely nothing good or trustworthy about them at all.
Abruptly, an unexpected wave of rage swelled up inside her, overpowering the paralyzing terror that had gripped her.
She recalls furiously yelling at the entities, demanding they leave, unleashing curses and threats.
The next lucid memory is finding herself back in the vehicle, and all other recollections are reduced to a chaotic whirlwind of fragmented images.
Over the following weeks, extraordinarily vivid dreams would haunt her – visions of what she had witnessed and of being inside their craft, conversing with them.
Here is a quote from Kelly regarding these dreams:
“After I did remember it, I had another dream, and these dreams seemed very physical.
In these moments, I know I’m dreaming, and I’ve got to wake up out of them. . . .
In this particular one, I felt as if my legs were being pulled off the bed, and it was like I was paralyzed from my waist down, and my legs were being pulled over to the side, yet I could almost use the top of my body.
Then I’m grabbing a pillow, trying to hit my husband, to wake him up. . . . I’m fighting this.
I’m not going to let this thing drag me off the bed by my legs. Then I woke up and saw it standing there again!
It didn’t scare me quite as much this time…
. . I was still terrified, but it didn’t scare me quite as much because each time it scared me, it was that same power like I felt out in the field that night.”
Regardless, during all of this, her husband, unfortunately, was not quite as connected via dreams or memories.
He actually was completely unable to remember anything that had happened to them.
Which, honestly, is a major bummer for Kelly. Like we say many times on this podcast, it is always better when you have a witness, whether it be a friend, loved one, co-worker – anything really, have a shared paranormal experience.
Kelly ended up reaching out to Bill Chalker, a renowned Sydney-based researcher from the UFO Investigation Center, who proceeded to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the incident alongside Phenomena Research Australia [PRA].
Their efforts actually led to the discovery of additional witnesses in the other vehicles who had also observed the UFO that night.
If you remember, on the way back from the party, Kelly claimed there was another car that was stopped and viewing the spaceship.
Here is a quote from ABC Net News:
“He and the PRA placed an ad in local newspapers in an effort to find the occupants of the second car.
Remarkably, they got a response, and the stories from the second car were identical to Ms Cahill’s but went even further, detailing experiences inside the mystery craft where they were strapped to a table and examined by the beings.
According to the PRA, the women had the same triangular wounds near their navels, as well as other strange marks.
PRA discovered that there was even talk of a third car driven by a local lawyer, whose story also lined up.
The researchers began prepping an exhaustive 300-page report that promised to reveal the truth.”
After more closely examining the site where the UFO had reportedly landed, Chalker and his team claimed to have uncovered various pieces of physical evidence, including perplexing chemical and magnetic anomalies, unusual radiation and magnetic readings, and inexplicable marks in the field that defied conventional explanations.
As the extraordinary story gained media attention, Kelly Cahill found herself in the spotlight, becoming a prominent figure in the realm of UFO research.
She appeared on numerous television shows, participated in UFO conferences, and even authored a book in 1997 titled “Encounter: The True Story,” in which she shared her incredible experience.
She also ended up losing her Christian faith because she felt it was inadequate to explain anything that happened to her.
She still believes in God, but not the way she was taught.
Actually, there is something that happened to Kelly shortly before the main encounter that she finds strange and related to God.
Now, me being the Mayor of Chronological Stories, you may wonder why I’m saying this now.
The reason is that I think the context of the UFO experience is necessary.
Despite the seemingly incredible nature of her account, Kelly Cahill has long been regarded as a credible witness with no history of mental illness, no apparent motive for deception, and no prior involvement in the UFO community.
Moreover, her neighbors and family members have consistently praised her as an honest and sincere individual.
Chalker had this to say about Kelly and her experience:
“Here we have a striking situation. Two groups of persons unknown to each other have witnessed the same UFO encounter and entities.
They also experienced missing time, and each group has been available to competent investigators. Independent witnesses have provided information that enables cross-checking and correlations to reveal a remarkable amount of similar information.
The result is a compelling case for the reality of the strange events described.
The ontological status of the events is further strengthened by a range of apparently related physical traces, including ground traces, a magnetic anomaly, and effects on some of the witnesses.”
Stories in Australia – Reddit Australia Threads
Australian Alien Encounter #1 – A bitchy universe:
I’ve never seen a UFO before, nor did I think I’d ever see one! I am a huge skeptic, so this left me excited and perplexed. I was sitting in the passenger seat after a trip from the cinema, and we were on our way home at around 12:20 am, only a few minutes ago.
I saw a giant circular-shaped object in the sky lingering there for a few seconds, then it WHOOSHED away and disappeared.
I thought to myself momentarily, assuming it was a reflection from the window or the moonlight (which was to our right, not in front of us), but my cousin, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, looked at me and asked, “Did you just… see that?”
And we both explained the same thing to each other.
I have goosebumps! I know this might’ve been anything, BUT what I might be assuming it could be, but the speed and the way it moved and disappeared were extremely similar to how a lot of people have described these objects online and in documentaries.
I am a curious and passionate skeptic, so this definitely has me weirded out and excited about having witnessed one myself.
Australian Alien Encounter #2 – Sleepless and Anxious
I’ve seen about 6 or so UFOs in my life, some of the sightings weren’t really that spectacular, like a clear night sky and a small white glowing light that was travelling in one direction before it stopped mid air for several seconds then accelerated incredibly fast in the opposite direction then vanished.
The most notable incident was when I was in the kitchen getting something as a kid, and my dad was outside smoking and yelled out, “Come quick, there’s a UFO!” so I did.
I thought it would just be something small and orb like but when I looked up into the sky where my dad was looking there was this massive triangular object slowly hovering above our backyard, maybe about 1-2km up. It had large lights on the corner points that were shifting from white to red then blue. There was also a lot of other smaller little lights on its underside, and it was completely silent.
I don’t really remember how long it was there for, or how long we were watching it for. I don’t even really remember anything afterwards, and the memory of it had gone fuzzy the next day and my dad and I never talked about it.
Til one day in my late 20s, so maybe 15ish years after it happened, when I was visiting my dad, the memory just randomly popped up in my head, so I asked Dad “hey remember that UFO we saw in the backyard when I was a kid?” and my dad looked like they’d just had an epiphany and was like “hey yeah, we didn’t we?” Then, I proceeded to describe it exactly as how I remembered it as well.
Mind you my dad has never been big on paranormal stuff, and even refused to believe my mum and I when I was younger and would hear weird stuff in the house like footsteps and voices when there was no one there.
So, the fact that my dad didn’t immediately brush it off and even had the same memory of it as me is just something that still sticks with me to this day.

Australian Alien Encounter #3 – Neva Say Neva
I was walking with 2 friends (Bob and Jennifer – not their real names) in the middle of the night, in the side streets of West Croydon (Adelaide), about 27 years ago.
We had just passed through an intersection when Bob stopped and called us back to look at something down the street we had just crossed. I was too lazy to look, but Jennifer turned, and when she saw it she demanded that I come and look too.
Bob said it was a UFO. It definitely looked weird, but not so weird that “alien spaceship” seemed like a plausible explanation, so I said no.
It looked kinda like a set of floodlights on top of a tall building. They were all lined up in an L shape over the building, but at a skewed angle, so it seemed like they might be attached to light poles on top of the walls, to shine down on the roof (which was flat).
They were very very bright, but I persuaded myself that they weren’t impossibility bright, because the street lights were dim and there was no other source of light; my eyes were adjusted to the dark. They also appeared to be a little too high to be attached to the building, but they were quite a long way away, so it was difficult to tell.
We stood there arguing about it for ages. Jennifer and I agreed that they were just floodlights, but Bob insisted they were not, and he gradually won her over.
They really did look too high and too bright, but I refused to accept a spooky explanation, and floodlights were the most plausible thing I could think of, so I stuck to my guns. Bob said they were moving, and it really seemed like they were, but so slowly that it was hard to perceive.
It really felt like a long time had passed. I noticed that we were all standing in the middle of the road at an intersection, and we were so wrapped up in the experience that we probably wouldn’t have noticed if a car was coming.
The lights were coming closer.
It seemed like they were floating directly towards us, and they made no sound at all.
That scared the shit out of me, and I immediately began to panic. I wanted to leave, but I didn’t want to leave on my own.
It was like 2am, I was in an unfamiliar neighbourhood with no phone or money, and public transport had stopped running. If my friends wouldn’t show me the way back to Bob’s house, I had nowhere to go.
I stopped looking at the lights at this point because I was more focused on my friends.
They were standing there like zombies with their mouths wiiiiiiide open, looking up at the sky. I thought they looked stupid, with their mouths open like that.
Then I noticed that my mouth was open, too, and I felt like an idiot.
I was begging them to leave with me, but they were hardly responding at all. I was barely getting grunts of acknowledgement. This scared me even more, but I saw that I wasn’t going to get my way and I had to make a decision.
I thought about how weird it would be to walk away from my friends with nowhere to go, and I felt lonely. I also thought about how weird it would be to walk away from those lights. By far, they were the most interesting thing I had ever seen, and it was hard not to look at them.
I took one more look at my friends’ stupid, wide-open mouths; their heads were tipped back now because the lights were almost directly above us. I looked back at the lights, and I surrendered to the situation.
That’s the last thing I remember clearly. They looked very similar to the Phoenix lights, but with one chopped off the end so that one leg was longer than the other, and they were much closer than any of the photos/footage of the Phoenix lights.
I do have a very vague memory of standing with my head tipped back as far as it would go and my mouth wide open as far as possible, looking at the sky immediately above me.
There were no lights, but there was a dark black square object blocking out the stars. It looks heavy, but it’s floating, and it’s completely silent. It’s directly above my head. It seems pretty close, and it takes up almost the whole sky. I felt like I was alone.
It’s just a flash of memory, and it’s vague. I don’t think I remembered it until a long time after it happened, so it’s probably not real, but who knows?
The Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction
What do you think, Bizarros?
Is this Aussie UFO abduction story the ‘holy grail’ or an almighty hoax?
Let us know in the comments if you find it believable or unbelievable.
Sources used for this article:
National Archives of Australia
Mysterious Universe
Eyes on Cinema