Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters
France, a land known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and exquisite cuisine, is also home to some of the most intriguing UFO encounters in history. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at three remarkable stories that have captivated the hearts and minds of UFO enthusiasts worldwide.
Our first story takes place in the summer of 1944, when 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was on a bicycle ride to pick up food from a nearby farm.
During a brief rest in a meadow, she stumbled upon a strange, metallic craft and tiny humanoid creatures dressed in brown one-piece suits. Frozen in fear, Madeleine eventually fled the scene, keeping her encounter a secret for nearly 30 years before finally sharing her story with the world.
Fast forward to 1954, when railway worker Marius Dewilde experienced a chilling encounter near his home in Nord, France. One night, his dog’s incessant barking led him to discover a strange object and two small humanoid figures near the railroad tracks.
Paralyzed by a beam of light from the object, Marius helplessly watched as the beings boarded their craft and ascended into the night sky. In the aftermath of the incident, investigators discovered physical evidence supporting Marius’s account, solidifying his place in UFO history.
Our final story takes us to the picturesque region of Valensole, France, where farmer Maurice Masse had a close encounter of the third kind in July 1965. While taking a cigarette break, Masse noticed an oval-shaped object landing in a nearby lavender field, accompanied by two humanoid figures.
When one of the figures raised a cylindrical device, Masse was struck by a beam that left him paralyzed on the ground. As the figures boarded their craft and flew away, they left behind physical evidence that would later support Masse’s incredible story.
These three extraordinary encounters serve as a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of UFOs in France and beyond. As we continue to explore the vast expanse of the universe, stories like these remind us that we may not be alone and that the truth, as they say, is out there.

Have you ever witnessed something unexpected while walking through the woods?
Are we being visited by creatures from another galaxy?
What would you do if an entity completely paralyzed your body?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week, we are diving into a trio of French UFO Encounters. We’ll take a look at the Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters.
A Trio Of French UFO Encounters

First French Alien Encounter: Madeleine Arnoux – 1944
This first story involves Madeleine Arnoux and takes place in 1944 in Toulon sur Arroux.
During the summer of 1944 in rural France, 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was going about her business on a hot afternoon, going to pick up some food at a nearby farm.
Also, note that this was right around World War II, so some sources considered that this may have been Black Market food she was picking up.
In the sweltering heat, Madeleine was riding her bicycle, pedaling harder and harder to get there quickly so she could make this trip in the sun over as quickly as possible.
However, she hit a point where she felt exhausted, likely due to the heat, and noticed there was a nearby meadow that bordered the woods on her biking path.
So, she decided, what harm would it be to take a small break, cool down in some shade from the trees, and pick a few berries?
Those underground, black market, dark web berries.
The berries weren’t quite as readily available as she had hoped, but seeking them out, she began making her way down a trail that led off into the trees.
At this point, curiosity got the best of her.
She kept walking and walking, forgetting about the berries and now found herself more entranced by following this path.
The trail veered off and disappeared around a bend through the trees.
As she reached the curve, it was at this point that she noticed something incredibly strange.
Madeleine claimed that sitting just a few hundred meters away was something she had never seen before.
It was something grey, round, and metallic. Something around the size of a standard car.
She described the outer layer of this craft as appearing very smooth and having no visible openings, doors, or windows.
As she was studying the spacecraft, something moved and caught her eye.
She realized she was not alone in these woods.
Surrounding this craft were tiny, humanoid creatures. She claims they were only about 1 meter or so tall and dressed in brown one-piece suits.
Here is a quote from Madeleine:
“They did not make any gesture in my direction, and as to me, I was frozen on the spot. How much time did this mutual observation last?
I cannot say, but I remember the oppressive atmosphere, still worsened by the thundery weather, and my impression of being unable to move.
Suddenly I managed to react and wanted to pick up my bicycle again; which lay within a few meters. The time to bend down and, by looking up at the strange appearance again, there was nothing anymore.
Only, at this place, the trees were agitated by a violent wind. I did not think of looking up in the air, where I would have undoubtedly still seen the machine which flew away.”
So, understandably, at this point, she was pretty freaked out and terrified.
She said, “Fuck the berries,” and rode her bicycle home as quickly as she could.
She’s trying to get away from that spacecraft and those strange creatures.
At the time, she feared that no one would believe her. Her friends wouldn’t believe her. Her parents wouldn’t believe her.
So, what’s the point of telling anyone at all? Just so they can make fun of her or worry about her well-being?
She ended up keeping this encounter to herself for many years. Trying her best to repress and forget it ever happened.
At the time, being so young and also in the 1940s, when X-files and Invader Zim weren’t around, she wasn’t readily connecting the dots to aliens the way a lot of people likely would today.
She actually had no idea what a UFO was.
To her, it was just a strange and otherworldly experience.
Eventually, as she grew older and wiser, she learned more about UFO phenomena and realized that many of those stories and descriptions matched her experience to a tee.
Here is another quote from Madeleine:
“A long time ago, I thought of the strange encounter, and then I forgot it… It was necessary that one started to speak about the “Flying Saucers” for me to make a link, and I think that I had undoubtedly seen one of these mysterious UFOs.
After so many years, the image is still very clear in my memory. I know that I had not dreamed and that what I saw in the woods that day was nothing “known.”
It could not have been a vehicle of that time. Moreover, they were rather rare, so I undoubtedly identified it.
The place of the encounter was deserted. The way leads into the wood, and the closest farms are 1 km away.
We were in 1944, and the men of the resistance were numerous in the area, but it could not have been any of them.
Neither German soldiers, and undoubtedly one or the others, would have called me. It is thus necessary to think that I witnessed one of the first visits of UFOs.”
So, she’s like – hey, I gotta do something about this. I gotta tell someone.
So, almost 30 years after her berry-picking UFO experience, she wrote a letter to a ufologist named Fernand Lagarde.
Her experience that she detailed in the letter ended up being published in the French ufology magazine Lumières Dans la Nuit
While she received some feedback mail, no one ever visited Madeline or went to her property to investigate.
Probably because the experience was almost 30 years old, but here is another quote from Madeleine:
“Whereas I received quite a lot of mail after the publication of the article in question (all the magazines treating the matter at the time (1972) wrote to me to interrogate me and to ask me the report of the facts.
I was even told that that a young man of Toulon on Arroux, studying with the UCLA (University of Los Angeles), a few years later, had read my article in an American magazine, in the very library of this prestigious university).
But it seems that my modest person did not interest the investigators, for nobody came to my home. It is quite possible that some journalists came on the spot, but they never met me.
I went back to the place myself ten years ago. Everything was changed, and if I had not had this true “photographic impression” of the scene of June July 44 in my memory, I could not have recognized anything.
It seems that she wanted that clout. In 1996, she apparently contacted a different ufologist, Michel Figuet, and claimed that there was actually another possible UFO sighting in 1942 in Toulon on Arroux.
Here is what she wrote to Michel:
“I might add something all the same to bring back facts that came back to my memory after the publication of the article, which perhaps does not have any relationship with the occurrence but which are rather odd.
A few years before, i.e., in the first years of the war, perhaps in 1942 (the Germans occupied Toulon on Arroux, rather peacefully, it should be acknowledged), almost every evening during the summer, I think (for the evenings were beautiful and tepid), and for several days in a row, the district where I lived with my parents, the “Suburb,” was in agitation.
Indeed, we managed to observe a whitish gleam, slightly shining (a “dull” moon), in the sky, roughly at a point located in the northwest. This gleam was motionless, sometimes seemed to die out a little, then revived.
Needless to say, each evening, there was a gathering of all the district, and everyone went on with their comments and guesses, admittedly comprising only “tethered balloons,” “a zeppelin” (memory of another war…), allied or enemy observation “sausages” [blimps]… I know that courageous young men went, in the day, to check the surroundings and never saw anything…
Now, I am about sure that in straight line, the place where we could see this luminous and fixed object was located at the vertical of the place where I saw, a few years later, my “UFO”.
Was there a connection between these occurrences? Did they observe us already, from above, before trying the landing?”
Over the years, Madeleine has discounted those who have wondered whether she may have seen German soldiers, perhaps members of the French Resistance, or even that she imagined the whole incident, stating that had it been soldiers or resistance members (whom she had encountered relatively frequently), they would have approached her.
Let’s move on to our second French Alien Encounter.

Second French Alien Encounter: Marius Dewilde – 1954
It was a cool September evening in 1954 when Marius Dewilde, a dedicated railway worker, was settling in for the night at his home near a railway station in Nord, France.
While preparing for sleep, he had no idea how remarkable this evening would be.
Right around 10:30 pm, Marius’s faithful dog began to bark hysterically. This was very unusual of his pup, according to Marius.
At first, Marius tried to ignore the commotion, but as the barking persisted, he knew something was going on.
He groggily got out of bed, grabbed his flashlight, and ventured outside to see what was going on, not really expecting to find much other than maybe a stray cat or some other animal running around.
As he approached the tracks, just about 6 or 7 meters away, Marius spotted a strange-looking object near the railroad tracks.
Not only did he see something, but he heard something, too. Footsteps behind him.
Swinging his flashlight around, he came face to face with two small humanoid figures, each standing between 80 cm and 1 meter tall.
Their heads, when illuminated by the flashlight, reflected the light as if they were wearing mirror helmets.
Before Marius could react, a beam of light shot out from the object on the tracks, absolutely paralyzing him.
Completely frozen, unable to move at all. Similar to Pascagoula, if I remember correctly.
He also noticed, while paralyzed, that his flashlight flickered and then completely died as if the batteries had suddenly been drained.
Helplessly, he watched as a door opened on the object behind him, and the mysterious beings boarded the craft. As it ascended into the night sky, the object changed colors, leaving Marius in awestruck despite his horrifying situation.
A few moments later, his body was released.
When he finally regained his mobility, Marius rushed to tell his wife and neighbor, in that order, about his incredible encounter, but they had neither seen nor heard a thing. Desperate for someone to believe him, Marius contacted the local police.
To his surprise, when the officers arrived at the scene, they found Marius unable to approach the exact spot where the event had occurred, as it made him feel ill.
This, along with the fact that his flashlight and telephone had stopped working, convinced the officers that Marius’s story was no hoax.
So, just to reiterate, Marius legitimately fell ill when he approached the spot where he had frozen, and additionally, his flashlight and telephone completely stopped working.
As dawn broke, investigators swarmed the area. A passing train came to a screeching halt when it produced an unusually loud noise at the site of the encounter.
Upon closer inspection, a six-meter depression was discovered on the exact spot where the object had landed, likely the cause of the strange sound. The small rocks beneath the train tracks were found to be carbonized, and the sleepers between the steel lines bore symmetric marks.
The incident quickly gained notoriety, thanks to the local magazine RADAR.
Within days of his initial experience, he found himself surrounded by government investigators, the press, and inquisitive onlookers
However, the story didn’t end there. In the days that followed, Marius suffered from respiratory problems, and tragically, his dog died just three days after the encounter.
Nearby farms reported the mysterious deaths of three cows, their blood inexplicably drained.

Third French Alien Encounter: Maurice Masse – 1965
Maurice Masse (From Listverse)
In July 1965, a very weird series of events occurred in the quaint region of Valensole, France.
It all started near the small village of Valensole. On July 1, 1965, a farmer named Maurice Masse was taking a cigarette break before starting his morning chores.
As he puffed out wisps of smoke into the air, something caught his attention through the haze of cigarette smoke, and he could see some sort of strange object descend from the sky to land in a field of lavender flowers not too far away.
At this point, he did not take it to be a UFO, thinking it instead to be a helicopter, but when he extinguished his smoke and took a look out across the field, his eyes met with an oval-shaped object perched up on four-leg-like apparatuses.
Stranger still was that there appeared to be two humanoid figures standing in front of it.
The figures were described as standing approximately 4 feet high and dressed in tight gray-green clothes, seemingly unrelated to humans.
Their heads were oversized and bald, holding within them large, almond-shaped eyes and small, pointed chins, and they seemed to be making some sort of low grumbling noise.
As the farmer stood there, mouth agape in awe, one of these curious figures allegedly turned to him and raised into the air a device that looked cylindrical and “pencil-like” in nature.
Before Masse could even really register what was going on he says that the device projected some sort of beam that caused him to lose all control of his limbs and go crumpling to the ground in a heap.
He would claim that as he lay there in a daze, the figures boarded their craft and then flew off at great speed.
At a later time, it was discovered that the ground had a deep indentation in it and a hardened area like concrete.
It would also be found that Masse was honest, very sincere, and was considered to be telling the truth.
Was France The Center Of Unidentified Flying Object Sightings?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Did Marius DeWilde, Mauriece Masse, and Madeleine Arnoux have alien encounters?
All of the encounters were so similar; did they see the same UFO?
Let us know in the comments!
Sources used for this article:
Strange strange strange
Mary Evans picture library
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