The Miami Mall Incident
On January 1st, 2024, law enforcement was notified that teenagers were causing a riot inside a downtown Miami mall with sticks and fireworks.
However, what residents outside the mall witnessed was an intensive police response that many watchers claimed they’d never seen in their lives.
It seemed that whatever was happening at the mall, which completely shut down the street with rows and rows of police cars, was bigger than just rioting teens. Then, word came out about 8 to 10-foot-tall creatures being seen around the mall. But, is this believable?
Listen now.

Miami Mall Aliens

This information is from Newsweek:
On January 1st, 2024, police were alerted that something was going down at the Bayside Marketplace in downtown Miami, which has kind of been just called the “Miami Mall.”
Around 8:30 pm, several people outside the mall in apartments and other buildings called 911 because they reported hearing gunshots, which were later explained to actually be the sound of fireworks.
Dozens of police officers rushed to the two-story mall and booked off access between Second and Fourth streets.
What was being reported, and is still being reported, was that there was a group of teenagers inside the mall that were causing a ruckus.
The Miami Police Department Twitter posted this message at 10:17 pm:
“TRAFFIC ALERT: Due to a large crowd of unruly juveniles, we have temporarily closed some lanes on Biscayne Boulevard between 2nd and 4th streets. Please Avoid this area.”
Essentially, these New Year’s Eve hooligans were fighting each other with sticks and also shooting out fireworks at each other inside the Bayside Marketplace.
Furthermore, it’s reported that four teenagers were arrested in connection to this riot.
Here is what was from the Miami Police on the event:
“Two of the male teenagers, aged 15, are facing charges of burglary, third-degree grand theft, and violence. The two other arrested teens, 14 and 16, were charged with resisting an officer without violence.”
The police claimed that they ended up escorting 50 juveniles out of the Miami mall when they spotted another 15 juveniles beating up a driver and ordered them to stop. The teens ran away but were eventually stopped and apprehended by police at a parking garage.”
It seems odd that 15 kids were beating up a driver but only ended up with four arrested, but at the end of the day, this is the news story.
If you were watching your morning news, there was a report on this New Year’s Day incident; this is what you would hear and see.
It’s still kind of crazy, but it is Florida, after all.
Of course, that isn’t where all of this ends because we are a paranormal podcast, after all, not some random crime pod.
Okay, but here is what was also reported. Differences.
So, here is essentially the setup for the rest of this episode. You can make cases for each side, which is why so many people are interested in this incident.
This is going to become a “what we are being told” vs. “what eyewitnesses believe they saw.”
Police and news articles report this, while people who were filming and living in the area say that.

Let’s preface this before we get into the strange with a couple of things:
1 If police were called and thought there was a massive shooting happening, the massive police presence is understandable. The quick response is a good thing.
2 While social media is a toxic echo chamber, and there is something about people who believe EVERY conspiracy that is irksome, people who think every single thing we are told is a lie, and every single conspiracy tossed out on Twitter is true. It can be tied to narcissism by people who like to feel elevated by this sense of “I know more than you, I’m deeper than you, you’re sheep.”
It comes down to black and white. We happily live in the gray area and think some conspiracies could very well be true; we’ve already talked about 9/11 and the moon landing,
We also don’t think every government official, police officer, or journalist is inherently bad or trying to cover things up.
So you see footage of this heavy police presence and wonder what went down?
Before, we could be influenced or biased by reading comments by social media users or anything like that, and immediately, a red flag went up. Just that sinking feeling you get in your stomach like, hmmmm, this doesn’t add up.
Of course, there is the potential shooting aspect. But, if you’ve never seen the videos, check them out by searching Miami Mall or something like that.
The amount of cop cars surrounding this shopping mall and clogging up the streets was crazy.
From the aerial videos and from people in nearby buildings looking down on the outdoor mall, there was a very common belief among many of the people commenting.
“This is the largest police response I’ve ever seen.”
And we haven’t even hit paranormal or conspiracy yet. The idea is that all these people, many of whom claimed to live in Miami for decades, were saying wait a minute – we’re told there are some teens causing a riot in the mall, and this is the response.
It looked like absolute overkill. Just that feeling of, we’re not being told everything.
So, just to reiterate, teens are causing a ruckus in this mall and just an onslaught of sirens and police cars blocking the mall and the entire street.
We can’t properly confirm these next reports because they weren’t reported by the media like NBC News or CBS News. However, there are first-hand reports or comments from people responding to these videos on social media.
But here is what else was happening at this time:
-Neighborhoods and districts had their power cut off. Like, just completely shut down power. There is no great explanation, but just the electricity shut down.
-Unmarked black military choppers were circling the mall and flying around in the sky. Not the helicopters that were shining down spotlights or things like that. Just these unusual black helicopters up in the air.
-It was reported that the airspace surrounding the mall, other than the black helicopters, was completely shut down. It turned into a no-fly zone.
-Police scanners were apparently shut off.
We cannot confirm these to be true; this is simply feeding into the lore by people in Miami that something seemed more off than teens messing around in this mall.
But here is something to think about. If there were helicopters in the area, whether it was a conspiracy or not, maybe they didn’t want planes being in the area while these helicopters were in their path.
So here is a quick recap:
We’re told:
A bunch of teens rioting inside this mall, and dozens of cops show up at the scene and apprehend some of the teens fighting with sticks and shooting off fireworks.
What people are seeing:
A seemingly unnecessary amount of police cars and precautions shut down streets, areas without power, and black helicopters.
People also think it’s strange that there was such minimal footage from inside the mall. Some folks claimed that people said they tried to record but their phones stopped working properly and started malfunctioning, or signal jamming or something like that.
Okay, here is where it gets a little bit bonkers and a lot of bit creepy.
So, you have all these cop cars around, and people above are filming, right?
There is a growing wave of people that are saying, “No, I don’t think those were actually fireworks. No, I don’t think those were teenagers. We didn’t see any teenagers.”
We think that it truly was gunshots.
And what were they shooting at?
There are people who are claiming that they witnessed 8 to 10-foot tall grey shadowy entities scurrying around the Miami Mall. (Perhaps 10-foot-tall aliens.)
When you imagine that someone reported unknown, unrecognizable, eerily tall creatures in a downtown Miami mall, the overabundance of police vehicles, black helicopters, street shut down, power off, and no-fly zone details seem to hit a whole lot closer to home.
Again, just for the sake of our credibility, we can’t prove this is what happened, but this is what is being said by a good number of people.
Let’s get into some theories as to what these entities could be.
Miami Mall Conspiracy Theory
Shadow Aliens
A lot of people are jumping on the alien bandwagon with this. We’ve been conditioned over the last few years to be more accepting of this as a possibility.
Also, one user on Instagram claimed earlier that day, January 1st, to see a UFO flying around in Miami in the clouds.
Some people would say likely more on the spiritual side, but we’re not trying to put words in anyone’s mouth; think that the entities terrorizing the mall were the Nephilim or giants.
Essentially, it was believed in The Book of Enoch in 200 BC that before the flood, angelic beings populated with human women, and then they gave birth to these giants.
Some of the videos kind of tie in the belief that the end could be near, Jesus could be returning, and the last time the giants showed up was before a big flood, and that could be happening again.
Again, not saying this as a fact or saying if you’re this religion or that religion you matter of fact believe this, it’s just what we stumbled upon.
Let’s move to a non-entity-based yet still conspiratorial theory.
Distraction from Epstein’s list being revealed
We can’t go into this too much, not because there is a CIA agent behind us with a gun to our heads; We’re just not as up-to-date as many people are who can speak more intelligently about this.
What we will say is it’s a common belief by those who lean into conspiracies that when something happens in the news or media, and it seems to irrationally take over headlines or seem to be all anyone talks about, there is a chance it’s simply a distraction from what we aren’t supposed to be paying attention to.
The old magician look here, not over there.
On the flip side, when something insane happens, and it gets absolutely zero media attention, that also seems like a red flag. A major hush-hush.
Similar to Epstein’s death/suicide, a very popular topic on social media is the release of his list of guests to his island.

What Happened At The Mall In The South Beach?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Was there an 8-10 foot alien at the Miami Mall?
Why was there a massive police response? Were there alien creatures invading Miami?
Could these dozens of police cars be to distract from things like Epstein’s list?
Let us know what you think happened at the Miami Mall on New Year’s Eve in 2023.