Texas UFO Encounters
This week, we head to Texas to discuss some popular Lone Star State UFO Encounters.
From the enigmatic Lubbock Lights of 1951 to the perplexing Stephenville incident of 2008, we examine reports of massive, silent crafts and unexplained aerial phenomena that have baffled witnesses and investigators alike.
In the Levelland UFO case, multiple vehicles mysteriously stalled in the presence of an unidentified object.
Perhaps most disturbing is the account of Betty Cash and Vicki Landrum, whose close encounter left them with severe, long-lasting health issues attributed to radiation exposure.

Texas UFOs
Are bright lights in the sky more than just lights?
Is there a connection between flashes in the stats and car stalling out?
What would you do if an unidentified flying object landed in front of you?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week, we dive into UFO Encounters from the Lone Star State.
Unidentified Flying Objects In Texas
Some light phenomena are known as natural earth light; some have been known to call them Will-of-the-whisps. These lights happen all over. These lights have been reported from Norway to Florida.
The Lubbock Lights
In the small Texas town of Lubbock in West Texas, there seemed to be a light event that no one could quite explain.
One of the first nationally recognized cases of UFO incidents was the Lubbock Lights.
In the summer of 1951, three tech college professors witnessed a strange formation of lights.
These three, Dr. Oberg, Dr. Ducker, and Dr. Robinson, along with a student, Carl Hart, grabbed a photo of the strange lights.

It came out that these four witnesses were not the only ones who saw these lights.
The lights they described were in the shape of a triangle chevron/horseshoe formation underneath a larger object.
One natural explanation for this story is ball lightning, but the conditions in Texas near Lubbock at this time made ball lightning almost impossible.
We will never know what the Lubbock lights were. Could they be related to the Phoenix Lights?
The Stephenville Lights
In 2008, residents of Stephenville, a town located near Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, described a giant structure passing by them in the night sky.
They described it as “Faster than a speeding bullet — and bigger than a Wal-Mart.”
Of course, they compared it to a Walmart
And a bullet about how very Texas is of them.
Dozens saw this phenomenon, including a pilot and policemen who were quoted as saying, “UFO hovered over the farming community for about five minutes last Tuesday before streaking away into the night sky.”
The pilot, Steve Allen, was quoted as saying, “Allen described the unidentified object as being an enormous aircraft with flashing strobe lights — and it was totally silent.”
He also reported that the object sped off and was followed by two fighter jets that could not keep up.
Over 40 people reported seeing this object at the Stephenville Empire-Tribune.
“Lee Roy Gaitan said he was walking to his car when he saw a red glow that reminded him of pictures he’d seen of an erupting volcano.”
Not only did residents report the incident, but twelve United Airlines employees also reported seeing this giant object in the sky.
The Levelland UFO Case
From the 2nd to the 3rd of November, perhaps the most credible UFO encounter of all time happened outside of Levelland, Texas, which is very near Lubbock, TX.
In 1957, two Farm Hands started by calling the police on the night of the 2nd to report a strange sighting.
There are two reasons, know you, it’s some real shit when rural farm hands fall the police. One, they won’t get there for approximately four and a half hours because it’s in the middle of nowhere, and two, they don’t want them there.
They called and reported that both saw a blue flash in the sky. It was near where they were traveling down the road.

At the time of this light, their truck was working just fine,
However, going down the road a little more, the truck’s engine died, and as the engine stopped working, they both witnessed something else above them.
They both saw an object shaped like a rocket scream past them, ripping the wind as it came through.
After this sighting, about an hour later, another driver named Jimmy Wheeler also reported seeing a rocket-shaped object, but this time, it was not flying by but blocking his path in the middle of the road as he approached Levlleand from the East.
As he came up to the object in the car, just like the truck earlier, the car’s engine died. As Jimmy stepped out of the car to get closer to the object, it took off into the night. after the UFO left, his car started right up again.
Over that night, the Levelland police department received 15 calls from locals reporting flying objects in the area.
This caught the attention of the infamous Project Blue Book, and they concluded that these incidents were nothing but mere ball lightning.
However, Ufologists James E. McDonald and J. Allen Hynek both claimed there were no lightning storms that night, just some light rain.
Hynek also stated that ball lightning made no sense because two cars were stalled out and then regained life.
The Betty Cash Case
Four days after Christmas in 1980, Betty Cash was driving herself and her friend Vickey Landurm. Vicky’s 7-year-old grandson, Colby, was also in the back of the car.
They were driving home from dinner and were just outside of Dayton, Texas.
They were traveling down a road known to locals as Farm to Market Road.
While driving, they all noticed a strange shining light in the sky.
Betty Cash described what happened next by saying:
“We didn’t know what it was, but we knew there was something that was lighting up the sky. We had begun to feel the heat, and all of a sudden, Vickie screamed for me to stop. And when I stopped, she went forward, and her handprint was embedded into the dash of the car. And I thought, well, I’ve got to see what this is. So I got out, walked toward the front of the automobile, and stood there looking up to try to figure out what this object was.
It was a diamond-shaped object. Then, at the bottom, flames were shooting out. The heat was tremendous.
It just felt like I was burning from the inside out. When I reached for the door handle, the door handle was so hot I couldn’t even begin to hold on to it. I was more than scared. The only thing I was thinking was, are we going to get out of here alive? “
Vickie continues by saying that moments after the craft landed, black helicopters descended on them.
She said, “There were these large helicopters that have the double rotaries on them. I counted 22, and I knew they had to belong to the army.”
After that night, the three have had horrible ramifications from their encounters for years.
That same night, Vicky spoke about Colby’s reaction. Around 1 am he woke up crying.
Vicky said, “He was begging me for water. He had a fever and had vomited all over the bed.”
The next morning, both were still very nauseous. They both seemed to have extreme cases of sunburn and seemed to be suffering from sunsickness.
Betty, who had gotten out of the car, was in worse condition. Her fever was dangerously high, and she had red welts on her face and hands.
Vicky convinced Betty to see a doctor five days after the incident and after the symptoms intensified. She went to a doctor in Houston, and they put her in the hospital and treated her for extreme radiation poisoning for three weeks.
She stayed in for another 3 weeks as she lost over half of her hair and patches of skin on her face.
After Betty had left, she did an interview with John Schuessler, a former NASA project manager and UFO Investigator.
He said, “We had done several interviews with Betty and Vickie, and then we went out to the location where this happened.
They were very clear on where it happened and how it happened. They told us exactly where along the road they stopped because there were markers that identified the spot.
They were able to point out exactly where they saw the object coming down out of the sky, over the road, and hovering there.
They were able to point out a spot on the road that indicated that it had been heated to an extreme level. It was burned, and it was very clear to the naked eye.
Several weeks after we went to the spot and saw this burned area, someone dug up the road and hauled it away, and replaced it with new asphalt.
Some of the witnesses that watched this happen said people brought in unmarked trucks, dug up the road, put the material on the trucks, covered it with a tarp, and drove away.”
While John was investigating, he also found that “At least 10 other people had seen the object, and seven or eight other people had seen the helicopters. And their descriptions were all very similar to what Betty and Vickie described.”
One witness, Police Officer L.L. Walker, said, “My wife Marie and I were returning from her mother and dad’s. As we were coming out of some tree lines, I saw a helicopter. It was shining a spotlight on the ground.
Then I heard the noise of other helicopters behind it. And I stopped the car ’cause I didn’t know what was going on. The helicopters were military, and they were all flying fairly low to the ground with search beams on.
I thought maybe there was an airplane down, but they didn’t hesitate. They kept going in the same direction, which would probably intersect the area where Vickie said her encounter was.”
So Vicky and Betty were convinced that this was a military cover-up, and they convinced their senators to let them have a meeting with the Air Force. So they went to Bergstrom Air Force Base, and when they walked in, they saw a map with their encounter circled!
The interview was two hours long and was recorded. However, in the end, the Air Force denied any involvement.
They also told them that they could put a medical claim in, and they did, but 4 weeks later, that claim was denied completely.

They all continued to battle illness after their encounter
“The doctors say it could be the result of massive radiation exposure. Betty has been diagnosed with several types of cancer. She, Vickie, and Colby all have white blood cell counts that are far below normal. Their immune systems now have difficulty fighting off even minor infections.
Dr. Brian McClelland said, “Vickie’s having visual problems. And there are lots of suggestions that they may be related to radiation as well, but that depends on the kind of exposure. And someone needs to tell us what the exposure was so we can figure it out.”
Is Texas A UFO Hot Spot?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Are these strange phenomena related?
Are the bright objects in the sky related to the Phoenix lights?
Why would these encounters take place in such rural areas?
Do you think they were optical illusions or ball lighting, as some have suggested?
Do military bases nearby have anything to do with this thing?
Is the cash incident military or alien?
Let us know what you think in the comments!
Sources used for Texas UFO Encounters:
Only in your state. Com
Mysterious universe
Lubbock Lights