The Backrooms | Ep. 109
Welcome to another episode of Believing the Bizarre. This week, we dive into a creepy conspiracy and famous creepypasta – The Backroooms.
Known as an eerie and unnatural place that people noclip into, The Backrooms is full of mystery, horror, and unnamed entities.
From the yellowed lobby to thousands of distinct levels, The Backrooms is not a place you want to find yourself. But, is it believable? Listen now!

What are the Backrooms?
Have you ever seen a strangely off-putting photo?
What if reality wasn’t what we think it is?
Is it possible to come back from another dimension?
What’s Up Bizarros?! This week we are diving into the figure out if the backrooms are real?
Before we jump into testing the believability of are the backrooms a real place, let’s look at this short personal encounter.
Possible Backrooms Experience
Ten years ago I was returning home from a road trip with two friends. I received a phone call from my parents asking when we would be arriving, and I explained that we were about 25 minutes away.
About a minute later we came around a bend; it was a full moon and we could see the reflection from a lake below us and other than that the road was completely empty. Suddenly everything went completely dark in the car, no lights from the dash or gauges, or headlights on the road. The music also stopped and re-started at the beginning of the cd we were listening to.
There was now a vehicle pulled over by the police about 1/4 mile in front of us that hadn’t been there a split second before. I assumed I had dozed off for just a second as it was late. I thought it was still quite peculiar, though.
After about a minute, the driver of the car turned the music all the way down and said “did that just happen to anyone else?”
The other passenger in the back seat sat forward abruptly and exclaimed “I thought I just fell asleep…”.
We then realized that the clock in the car was reading an hour later than it just had a minute before. To keep ourselves from freaking out we decided that the car had possibly had a momentary electrical failure and reset the clock to an odd time, turned off the dash lights, headlights, and gauges, and restarted the CD player.
But when we arrived home 25 minutes later, we were one hour late. I am missing an hour of my life, and to this day have no idea how it happened.
What if something like this happened but it didn’t end up being on the road again. What if those people fell into the back room?
Origin of the Backrooms
The idea of the back rooms comes from a post in 2019 on 4Chan.
That was the first post that showed what the back rooms could be. It didn’t say that “this is the back rooms it’s outside of reality” it just said “ thread of places that feel off”.
But the crux of the episode is to question the idea that these places that do feel off and are inherently scary are actually located outside of reality and that the people that are posting and talking about them as though they have been to these outer dimensional planes are telling the truth.
The original photo is that of an almost sickening off yellow that kind of looks like it’s the same room reappeared when you look around the door frame. It is described as having buzzing fluorescent lights. You can see them in the photo as well.
This is also called level 0 or the first level in the back room.
All of the different locations of the back rooms are called levels. If you can navigate through the backroom level then you can “go back” to reality or go on to the next level. Though some say once you are in the back rooms you are stuck there.
But how many levels are in the backrooms? There are 1000s of levels in the back rooms.
It is said that if anyone person thinks of a new level of the back rooms it becomes one.
On the backrooms wiki, they have actually named up to 2024 levels of the back rooms.
A few of the most dangerous backroom levels are
- 0 The lobby
- Level 3 electrical station
- Level 974 Mrs. kitty’s house
- Level 444 the dark lobby
Backrooms Creatures
There are terrifying creatures that live in the back rooms. Here are some of the scariest.
- Smilers
- Facelings
- Partygoers
- Hounds
- Skin-stealers
- Frowners
- Insanity
- And windows
Are Backrooms Pocket Dimensions?
Roughly quoting the Atlas Obscura about pocket dimensions. Basically, science says that they may be possible if the constantly expanding universe is not expanding at the same rate and it leaves pockets of places where the universe was and that can create for a short time these dimensions outside of our reality.
The Backrooms ”Mirror” Theory
Since the Backrooms are 600 million square miles long, somewhat infinite, it cannot be on any planet in our Solar System or frankly anywhere in the Universe because in the Backrooms you somehow are able to breathe, meaning you would have to be on Earth but Earth is smaller than 600 million square miles. And on any other Planet that could somehow have breathable air, it would 100% be uninhabitable for any organism due to extreme heat or cold.
So my theory is that the Backrooms is actually just a different Mirror Dimension that you can accidentally, and SOMEHOW, no-clip into and that all the exit theories about it are all false and that it never ends (level-wise).
And that the Entities are somehow a part of that Mirror Dimension.
Could They Be A Parallel Universe?
Basically the same concept as pocket dimension. The bubbles of reality that exist between expansions
So how do you get there? It’s called no-clipping a reference to the act of breaking throw the walls in video games and being able to see the level as the creators never intended you to.
It’s a tactic used by glitch finders and speedrunners to beat the level way faster.
Personal Encounters In The Backrooms
I Woke Up In The Backrooms
So I went to sleep in my bed last night but woke up somewhere else??? I thought it was some kinda prank and tried calling my roommate but it went straight to voicemail. I walked around to find someone but there’s no one there. after realizing how big this place is I decided to walk in a straight line for what felt like an hour and it looks like it goes on forever. I searched ”world biggest building”, ”biggest office ever”, and searching ”infinite office” brought me to this Reddit page. I read a few posts and it is all insane, none of this can be real. but I always try to have an open mind. on the off chance I don’t wake up from this dream what can I do to increase my chances of survival? I found some chairs and a table in a dim-lit area and want to take a nap but I’m worried it’s not safe. There are 4 chairs a table and a potted plant on the table, is it safe to approach?
I Had A Friendly Encounter In The Backrooms
This may seem impossible, but I met a creature in the backrooms that helped me get out.
The first time I had been exploring the backrooms for around half an hour when I heard what I can only describe as a whale having an orgasm and saw a long black arm reach through a doorway. I turned and ran as fast as I could and didn’t stop. I eventually collapsed and sat in a corner and cried. I could only think about the monster I had just seen. Because I wasn’t thinking of escape, I guess the backrooms let me go and you know when you are about to fall asleep and your body does that fake fall shit? That happened and I woke up in my bed.
I eventually found this subreddit and learned about what the backrooms were. The second time I noclipped I managed to get out quite quickly. I remembered [this post]( and so I tried it and it worked.
The last time I was in the backrooms I knew a lot about them so I decided to explore a bit. That was a terrible idea. I got lost and couldn’t find my entry point. I tried the same trick as before but I guess it only works in the first few hours when you are still kinda close to reality. Eventually, I met something that looked kinda like [this guy]( I think it was a different creature as it was wearing a hood and was a bit shorter but it also had the plastic bags. I immediately turned around and started walking away but it grabbed my shoulder and pulled out of one of his bags what looked like a peeled avocado it was hard and the tip was brown and it smelled like a hazelnut. He gave it to me and I thanked him and left. I knew it was food but I didn’t eat it. I kept it and whenever I got sick of the smell of moist carpet I would smell the ‘nut’.
After a few days, I ended up in the next level of the backrooms. I knew I had because the lights started flickering. I had managed to survive without food for that long, and there are bathrooms in the backrooms. But after a few more days in level 1, I was starting to get really hungry. When the lights went out completely I thought I went to level 2. I know that no one has survived level 2 so I did the only thing I could do.
I ate the nut.
It was hollow, kinda like a kinder surprise egg, and didn’t taste like anything I had tasted before. It tasted a bit like hazelnut but more fruity and salty. Suddenly all of the lights turned on. I thought I had returned to level 0 but then I looked around and realized I was in a hallway with a wall on one end and a door on the other. I walked through the door and it led outside. I stepped out and realized I had just walked out of my front door. I turned around and the door was closed again. I opened it and sure enough, I was home. I looked at my watch and it was 4 pm today. Around 15 minutes before I noclipped. I also realized I was wearing my school uniform and had my school bag, which I definitely didn’t have when I noclipped. My cat came running yelling at me for treats as she usually does when I get home from school.
So if the garbage man gives you a salted hollow hazelnut avocado fruit thing you should eat it.
TL;DR, A creature gave me some kind of fruit/nut and it brought me back home.
The Mrs. Kitty Backroom
Hi. I am an adventurer of sorts, and I’ve always liked the idea of the backrooms. So, after numerous attempts, I have been able to no-clip to the backrooms and ended up on level 974. You may know this as Kitty’s house, with a cute, pink-themed interior, and an entity known as ‘Kitty’. I have interacted with him a few times, and he seems to be pretty friendly.
From the information, I gathered online, many joke that if you live at this level for a long time, you become ‘Mrs. Kitty’. Since I have forgone and forgotten my name, Mrs. Kitty will suffice.
I’ve been here for approximately a month now if my sense of time hasn’t been too warped. I wish to use this post as a means of updating the outside world on my situation. If you have any questions for me or advice for this level, please let me know.
Are The Backrooms Real?
What do you think Bizarros?
Are the backrooms real? Have you had a backroom experience? If they are real, who made the backrooms?
If you knew a backrooms location would you try and go into it?
Let us know what you think in the comments.