The Barney and Betty Hill UFO Abduction
This week, we tackle one of the biggest and most historical alien abduction stories around – The Betty and Barney Hill abduction.
What started as a fun and spontaneous trip to Niagra Falls in 1961 turned into a night of absolute terror. The Hill Abduction started with an eerie light following the couple as they were driving late and night and ended with needles, injuries, radiation, bruising, and more.
But, how believable is this alien encounter? Listen now!

The True Story of Barney and Betty Hill’s Alien Abduction
What would you do if you were chased by a UFO?
Why would two small-town civil rights activists destroy their reputation?
Would you be able to tell your alien abduction story if it meant you could lose everything?
What’s Up, Bizarros? This week we dive into the first alien abduction story, the infamous The Barney and Betty Hill Abduction.

One Of The First Alien Abduction Stories
This is the first widely reported interaction of UFOS and aliens. Until this point, there were lots of people saying they saw something in the skies, but not on this scale. This case has all tropes of an alien encounter, possibly because it was the first. Missing time. Strange lights, fear, and little gray men who do terrible things to honest good Americans. The Barney Hill abduction case is the start of the alien abduction phenomenon.
According to the book “an uninterrupted story,” Betty and Barney decided they needed a break. A break from their stressful life. They were a biracial couple that came together at the heart of the civil rights movement. It’s important to state this was a random trip. They had been married for 16 months. They just had the “urge” to go on a trip. It was spontaneous. Though on the trip, the couple called it a “delayed honeymoon” as they saw Niagara Falls and Montreal. This trip was so random they only had 70 dollars on them.
Who Are Barney Hill And Betty Hill?
Let’s take a look at the famous couple, Barney and Betty, and get a little more background information about who they were.
Barney was born in Virginia in 1922. In the roaring 20s into the great depression of the 30s was a hard time for anyone to experience their youth, but Barney was faced with intense racism. When he was a young man, Barney enlisted in the army during WW2. Allegedly he had a hand grenade accident that knocked out all of his teeth, but I only found one source that said this. After his time in the army, Barney married a woman named Ruth Horn, While he studied at Temple University. Ruth and Barney had two children. He and Ruth eventually did get divorced. He remarried a white woman, Betty. He became a postal worker in New Hampshire and drove approximately 60 miles every night.
Betty’s full name is Eunice Elizabeth, with her maiden name being Barrett. Betty was a few years older than Barney; she was born in 1919. Betty was a social worker with her master’s in social sciences from the University of New Hampshire. She was even the supervisor of the local child welfare department.
The quiet couple lived in New Hampshire in a city called Portsmouth. Both were obviously very passionate about the civil rights movement happening in America at the time, being they were an interracial couple. They were heavily involved in their local church, and they were members of the NAACP. They were well-respected members of the community. Thankfully for them, they did live in a very liberal area at the time and were not in as much strife as if they had lived somewhere less progressive.

The Start Of Their Alien Abduction Story
So the couple did endure stress, and this may have been enough to give Barney an ulcer. And, in turn, give him the time to take a short sabbatical or leave of abscess from his work as a postal worker.
During this time of abscess is when they decided to take this trip to Canada. They also took their dog Delsey on a spontaneous outing. The two were on their way back from this short, deserved vacation on the evening of September 19th, 1961, and in the home stretch of the 500-mile drive when things got interesting.
The two stopped over at dinner in Vermont while returning home. They left this diner around 10 pm. They were on track to reach Portsmouth at around 2 am. But on this dark, desolate road in New Hampshire, they started to notice a strange light in the sky that was on their tail following them.
Barney thought the bright object was nothing; it could be anything. It looked like a satellite, a falling star, or even a plane.
However, Betty was more concerned about the thing in the sky. While driving, it seemed to somehow follow the car. The alien craft dogged the car in its chase, popping in and out of sight from behind trees hiding in the shadow of the moon and coming back a moment later. Though Betty was a little nervous and had thought of what was following them, Barney was still calm, having seen many aircraft in the war.
With his calm and Betty’s curiosity, they felt comfortable pulling off at a rest stop to let Delsey take a walk, and Betty took the chance to pull out her binoculars and get a closer look at the bright light on their trail.
They grabbed the dog and jumped in the car, hoping to finish the rest of the trip quickly. As the car started going down route 3, the two agreed that this was not a normal night object. But, after the last stop, this became an all-out chase.
While it got closer, the Hills also recounted the feeling of odd tingling drowsiness coming over them. Quickly the light that was chasing the Hills got close, so close it was approximately 100 ft over the car. The Hills were resigned as they looked at what they recognized as a UFO.
Barney stomped the brakes as the disk hovered over them, and that’s when he reached over Betty and produced a handgun that was hidden beneath the seats. He jammed it into his pockets.
Barney slowly left the car but rushed into a dark field where the UFO lowered. He could hear loud sequencing beeping while this object hovered in the night sky. Barney recounted, “it was as big as a jet.” It was also flat.
Barney was struck with awe and terror as he stared at the giant ship. As he looked at the saucer with his binoculars, he saw that there was a row of windows with lights on. In the lights, he saw people, alien humanoid creatures in gray uniforms.
As he stared at the alien spacecraft, he went to grab his gun and level it at the craft, but he found his hand wouldn’t let him. He also heard a voice in his head that told him to put down his binoculars. Whether instinct from military training or pure adrenaline, Barney realized the situation.
He realized they were in danger. He sprinted to the car and sped down the lonely street as the ufo gilded behind with ease while Betty watched. Barney heard more of the beeping from their trunk, and that’s when they both blacked out.
Hard cut to 2 hours later, the Hills woke up in their car 35 miles south of Indian Head, New Hampshire. They were very close to home at this point. They got back around 5 in the morning and had no idea what had happened the night before.
Betty’s dress was torn, and she had lost her blue earrings. Barney’s binocular strap was ripped, and his shoes were scuffed ON TOP, not the bottoms. His lower half was sore, and both of their watches stopped.
Both were aware that something terrible had happened. The next few nights, they both started to have horrific nightmares. Barney was quoted as saying to a friend his feeling was “One of a person who saw something he doesn’t want to remember.”
After the two showered and cleaned up after feeling like they were “dirty,” they talked about what they felt happened to them. They drew up some pictures of what they remembered. They also noticed on their car that there were strange marks on top of the trunk that had not been there before. The next day Betty called her sister Janet.
A few weeks after that night, Betty reported it to the National Investigation Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and the Air Force. She was worried about radiation and radiation poisoning.
They were so worried about radiation they actually left everything they had brought on the back porch so they wouldn’t contaminate the house. Betty said that on her torn dress, there was also some kind of pink powder.
Major Paul W Henderson took the official statement from the Hills. During their conversation, Henderson told the Hills that at 2:14 am; radar was picked up at Pease air base. This has not been confirmed by the military. After a few days of working on the report, Henderson came to the conclusion the couple had misidentified the planet Jupiter.

The Aftermath Of Their Abduction
After dealing with the trauma of something they can only partially remember for years, Betty was suffering from disturbing dreams, and Barney suffered from nuclear anxiety.
Bettys had a stretch of 5 days where she had dreamed she and Barney were stopped by humanoids. A group took her, and a group took Barney. They were taken to the craft in the nearby woods. And her dreams showed her what happened to them on the ship.
Mitchell Webb, the president of NICAP and pupil to J Alan Hinek, decided to interview the Hills about what they remembered of their abduction. They explained to Webb how they were chased and taken and tortured.
Barney’s friend Major James MacDonald backed the credibility of the couple. Barney, who was sober, started to drink and became withdrawn with his anxiety. He also developed a ring of warts on top of the genital area. Barney’s ulcer, at this point, had also gotten worse.
After this interview and Barney’s seeming collapse mentally and physically is when hypnosis therapy was suggested to the Hills to help them cope with the phenomenon they experienced.
They agreed and started seeing a psychiatrist named Benjamin Simon.
Hypnosis Sessions: A Key To Remembering The Extraterrestrial
Through months of hypnosis sessions, the two pieced together their abduction memories and what actually happened to them. Just like Betty’s dream, they saw something land on the car (marks on the car), putting them into a trance-like state, and the saucer landed in the nearby woods.
Short gray flat-faced humanoids carried/dragged the Hills out of the car up a ramp into the ship. Barney and Betty were separated at this point in the ship.
They were in large curved walled examination rooms where they stripped and put onto cold metal tables. They took hair, nail, and skin samples. Then needles connected to wires scanned their entire bodies, heads, legs, arms, and spines.
Betty recounted a huge needle that she begged them not to stick in her. They said it wouldn’t hurt as they inserted it into her belly button, saying it was “just a pregnancy test.” She screamed out in pain, and “the leader,” according to Betty, came over and, with a motion of his hand, made the pain go away. He oversaw the whole examination.
Barney was stricken with the eyes he said under hypnosis, “oh, those eyes, they’re in my brain” I think this has something to do with physic communication/control. He also said, “I was told to close my eyes because I saw two eyes coming close to mine, and I felt like the eyes had pushed into my eyes.
The humanoids were also strangely fascinated with Barney’s teeth as they were dentures. Betty did explain to them eventually that his teeth were fake.
They placed a “cup-like device” over his genitals, and a tube was inserted into his anus and then quickly removed.
Barney’s examination was more of an attack, at least mentally. Barney was really controlled and manipulated through fear. He was scared.
Betty’s examination was less violent, and hers was more conversational. Perhaps that’s why he was somewhat collapsing mentally, and Betty’s effects were less severe.
After the intense examinations, Betty got to talk to “The Leader.” She asked him where they flew from. According to Betty, The Leader said, “if you don’t know where you are, there wouldn’t be any point in telling you where I am.” He did show her a map, and under hypnosis, Betty drew a star map. Her map was that of the Zeta Reticuli star system of a planet in the system.
Quote from Star-Facts. “In 1968, amateur astronomer Marjorie Fish used the 1969 Gliese Star Catalogue to construct a model of nearby stars based on Betty Hill’s map and found that the only star that matched the map was Zeta Reticuli. Her conclusions found their way to the editor of Astronomy magazine and, in December 1974, the magazine published an article that started a debate about the map.”
Carl Sagan said it was “an arbitrary alignment of points,” making it seem that Betty Hill’s drawing wasn’t enough evidence.

Is the Barney And Betty Hill Abduction Story True?
The shows Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone came out that year and featured aliens. Could this have influenced Barney & Betty and their abduction report? Their experience wasn’t long after the Roswell incident either. Could the Roswell incident lend credibility to their account?
Or were they influenced by two tv shows that discussed aliens?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Were Barney and Betty influenced, or did they really experience an abduction by humanoid-like creatures?
Was it another traumatic experience done by the closed-minded humans, and this was the Hills’ way of coping with the event?
Why, after this incredible experience, has it led to countless abduction stories?
Let us know what you think in the comments.