The Devil’s Hole & Mel’s Hole | Ep. 74

The Devil’s Hole, also known as Mel’s Hole, is a Washington State bottomless pit. Mel Waters called in to Coast to Coast AM claiming that there was a hole on his property that he estimated was over 80,000 feet long.

This story involves government coverup and conspiracy, ritual sacrifices, unknown creatures, and more. But, how believable is it? Listen now to find out!

What if your home wasn’t just your home? What if it was home to something terrifying? Something evil?  

What if your home was a portal to hell?

What’s up Bizarros? This week we dive into the tale of the Devil’s Hole.

Manastash Ridge Devil's Hole

In 1993, Mel Waters bought a piece of property in Manastash Ridge, Washington. At first, this piece of the property seemed to be completely normal.  

All of it, except one spot. On Mel’s land is a hole, a seemingly bottomless hole, about 9 feet diameter, with bricks lining the wall about 15 feet down. 

Mel and his neighbors would use this hole to dispose of their trash, animal carcasses, and whatever else they wanted. 

Mel claimed that the hole gave him weird feelings, but that he felt drawn to the hole.

And after years of dumping trash down the hole, he became puzzled that it never showed any sign of becoming full. No matter how trash was put in there it never seemed to fill up.

Mel stated “We’ve been here several years we just take all of our trash rubbish there. Anything we have we have to get rid of we take it and just throw it in the hole there. Everyone’s throwing their stuff in the hole. The people from around there throw all the stuff in the hole. I mean it’s just been going on for a long time well, and I got to thinking one day how come this hole is not filling up? It must be an awfully deep hole.”

In 1996 Mel’s curiosity was piqued and he decided he was going to do some tests to find out how really deep the hole was. 

Being an accomplished fisherman, Mel set up a spool of fishing line to go down the center of the hole with a triangular one-pound lead weight attached to it. To his astonishment, he was never able to reach the bottom.

Spool, after spool, he was never able to reach the bottom. Assuming that maybe it was just landing in the water he attached a pack of lifesavers to the end of it. But when he pulled it up, the lifesavers and fishing line were dry.

After doing some calculations, Mel figured that he fed 80,000 feet of line into the hole, making the hole in Washington two times deeper than the deepest hole recorded in Russia of 40,000 feet.

This triggered Mel’s obsession to getting to the bottom of the mystery hole.

The hole still gave Mel an eerie feeling. Even his dogs would begin to act weird around the hole. They would dig their paws into the ground as they got closer to the hole as if they were terrified of it. 

dog scared of the Devil's Hole

Mel explained “As usual I brought the dogs with me they wouldn’t go anywhere near the damned thing and they went back to the Suburban and hung out over there… if I try to bring them there on a leash they‘ll just dig their feet in – they do not want to go anywhere near the hole.”

But the bottomless pit wasn’t done with revealing its mysteries.  

One of Mel’s neighbor’s dog passed away. As everyone had been doing he threw his pet into the hole. 

Only to have it return from the dead.

But his neighbor was out hunting one day and saw his old dog. It looked exactly like his dog, he was even wearing the same collar that his dog was wearing when he threw him into the hole. 

Mel goes on to explain “One guy claims he threw his departed canine down into the hole… and the guy that did it swears the dog came back to him… he was a hunter and he was out there hunting and he saw the same dog, he had the same collar, he had the same little metal thing on his collar there and he said it was the same dog and he says he knew he had thrown the dog into the hole!”

Mel Waters Devil Hole

This report about the resurrected dog had such a strong effect on Mel and he believed it so much that he wrote it in his will that when he dies he wants his remains to be tossed into the hole, as well.

At this point, Mel decided to go public with his story and called the popular late-night paranormal radio show Coast to Coast. Mel went on the show in 1997 and it struck such a chord that they had Mel back on a few days later.  

The story was so popular that the listener’s nicknamed the hole “Mel’s Hole.”

Shortly after Mel was traveling to Coast to Coast to present more research on the hole when he was stopped by a few men.

One was in street clothes, while the other two were in military uniforms.

They claimed to be government agents and informed Mel that a plane had crashed nearby and they were blocking off the area.

While the agents were speaking with Mel, he noticed a few more military personnel behind the agents that were wearing bright yellow hazard suits.

But Mel hadn’t heard a plane crash or any reports of that

This was technically his private property, so he was pretty pissed. He didn’t like the idea of some government officials coming in and telling him what he could or couldn’t do on his own land.

And, he had no problem telling them that. Still, the agents persisted that no one but military personnel would be allowed into the restricted area at this time.

Again, Mel angrily told the agents that it was his property and he demanded that they let him pass through.

This final plea was met with a chilling, matter-of-fact threat by the agent. 

He told Mel that if Mel didn’t follow their orders and turn around immediately, they would falsely accuse him of concealing a meth lab on his lab and arrest him by any means necessary – which included manufacturing the meth lab in need be.

These sightings of the military agents on his property became and more and more frequent.

Clearly, despite getting his story out and the fame he was gathering from the Coast to Coast AM audience, the military was intent on keeping Mel far away from the Devil’s Hole.

It got to the point where the government bribed Mel. They offered $250,000 to leave not only his property, his city, or his state. He had to leave the country.

With his marriage ended, and his life falling down around him because of the “Devil’s Hole” Mel decided that traveling on the government’s dime didn’t sound like a bad option.

Mel accepted the government’s offer and moved to Australia to work at a wombat rescue.

But in 2000 Mel felt the pull of the hole, coupled with his homesick feeling Mel decided to get on a plane for Washington.

Mel's Hole

But when he got off the plan his pay stopped, and Mel started to feel like this wasn’t a pay him and forget it deal. 

On his way home, via bus, he witnessed an encounter between some passengers and police officers.  

Mel was pulled off the bus so that officials could get his statements, but it was the last thing Mel remembered for two weeks. 

The next thing Mel remembered was stumbling around in San Francisco. He had no clue what had happened the past two weeks nor did he know how he got to San Francisco.

Once he started coming to a little more, he realized that his entire body was sore – like he had been beaten viciously.

Also, he noticed that his rear molars had been removed during his blackout. There were also IV marks on his arms.

This made him believe he was intentionally subdued. He didn’t know whether he had been drugged or perhaps the police officers were really government agents just pretending to be basic cops.

Either way, he was on edge and terrified. He ended up calling his nephew who wired him enough money to get back to his original property at Manastash Ridge.

Upon arrival on his property, Mel was served with legal documents by government agents in black suits with black sunglasses stating that his ownership of the land was in question due to “modifications” that had been made and the government would officially be taking control of the land.

A few days later, one of Mel’s neighbors saw him outside and approached him. They told Mel that they had seen large black vans outside of Mel’s house while he was away in Australia. 

In addition to the black vans, men in suits were searching and tearing things apart.

Mel thanked his neighbor for telling him what had been going on, and his intense suspicion grew. He believed the original agents, the agents searching his property, and his mysterious blackout were all connected – even if he couldn’t prove it.

To make matters even worse, he was diagnosed with esophageal dancer almost immediately after returning home.

A little suspicious that he blacked out, obviously had something happen inside his mouth with the removal of his teeth, and now had cancer of the esophagus.

Feeling down, lost, and frankly pretty desperate, Mel decided to reach out to the only person and the only people that he thought would listen and care – Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM.

And a day later after reaching out to Coast to Coast, his house blew up.

With his life spiraling out of control Mel decided to start researching other mysterious holes. To his astonishment, he found a second hole similar to the Devil Hole, in Nevada.  

Since this hole was on public land, Mel was able to see it. This hole however had a different quality about it. 

It had what he described as a solid metallic collar sticking out of the ground toward the lip of the hole’s gap.

He discerned that this metal collar was man-made and it rose about 2 feet above the hole.

Similar to the screaming and lack of echoes he discovered with the Devil’s Hole, he accidentally found himself in another sound test.

This time, he accidentally dropped his entire toolbox on the metal collar of the hole. To his surprise, the collision didn’t make a single sound.

He started wondering if these holes had a built-in noise-dampening aspect. Mel was told that this second hole was under the supervision of the Federal Bureau of Land Management and the area was utilized by both Native Americans and members of the Basque community for grazing sheep.

With Mel’s interest piqued he decided to run some tests on this hole.

One of the first tests was to lower a bucket of store-bought ice about 1500 feet into the hole to test if it melted.

When the bucket of ice returned to the surface, he discovered that the ice hadn’t melted, but it hadn’t stayed the same, either.

Instead, the ice now felt warm to the touch and had a silica feel to it, and they also claimed the ice had become a flammable substance.

No one could explain this chemical change in the ice, but one of the men brought the ice home and filled his woodstove with it. 

He claimed that the “burning ice” burned for three months and seemed to have a strange penchant for sucking all of the moisture out of the air around it.

By the end of the winter the woodstove had inexplicably plummeted through the floor of the man’s shack sinking 5-feet into the ground; soon after the entire hut was said to have dissolved into fine wood dust.

According to Mel, a group of unidentified researchers quickly descended upon the shack and attempted to raise the sunken woodstove. 

The men used heavy chains and construction equipment but were unsuccessful until they filled the crevice above the stove with water.

Mel and other eyewitnesses claim that upon contact with the water the chains fused to the woodstove and the team was then able to lift it from its moistened tomb. 

The stove was secured to a large truck and taken away to who knows where. Somewhere undisclosed, but never seen from by Mel or anyone else again.

For his second test, Mel wanted to send a sheep down into the hole. The sheep reacted to the hole the same way Mel’s dog had. And in order to get a sheep in the crate, they had to stun the sheep to get it in the crate.

Same as before they lowered the sheep to a depth of 1500 square feet. At this point, they couldn’t hear the sheep screaming anymore.

However, something remarkable started happening. The metallic rim of the hole began to vibrate.

Stunned, Mel and the men helping him backed away from the hole and left the sheep and crate there for about 30 minutes before they pulled it back up.

It was clear as soon as the crate reached the surface that the sheep was dead. This, of course, was not a good or clear enough answer to any of their questions – so they performed an immediate autopsy on the sheep and cut it open.

It looked like the sheep had been cooked from the inside out.

They also found a gelatinous, tumor-like glob where the sheep’s internal organs should have been.

But, of course, it gets even creepier.

Mel removed this gelatinous tumor and as they were handling it, they noticed that it wasn’t as still as the sheep corpse. This tumor seemed to move completely on its own.

They sliced open the tumor and what came out could only be described by Mel as a “fetal seal” with an umbilical cord and everything.

To make what is already bizarre even more terrifying, all the men agreed that the seal-like fetus looked like it had haunting human eyes.

They were completely stunned. After what felt like hours, the men claimed that the seal-like tumor did a small nodding-like motion with its head, and then dove back into the hole.

Mel went on to say about this whole seal-like experience that rather than fright, he felt a certain level of compassion coming from the seal-like creature.

He also completely credits this encounter as to why his esophagus cancer completely vanished.

Shortly after this incident, the locals began noticing a new species of bright red birds with blue beaks that seemed to be making their home around the Nevada hole. In Mel’s mind, he wondered if this essential sacrifice awoke something in the hole and new creatures started emerging.

Ever the experimenter, Mel decided he wanted to inspect the birds a little closer. So he planned to shoot one of the birds down and inspect it.

However, he was unsuccessful. 

Not unsuccessful in shooting the bird – he hit one with two shots, but rather the birds seemed to be impervious to his bullets. He found two crumpled bullets sitting below where the bird had been flying.

Finally, he also described that this Nevada hole occasionally emitted a “black beam of light.”

He said in his words,

“This is a contradiction, but a black beam of light, okay, comes from the hole. It lasts a very short time, but it just goes directly up to the sky… [it’s like] if you had a flashlight, and it was capable of throwing up a solid black beam.”

So what could these holes be? Are they connected?


The Devil's Hole
  1. A cover-up: Some say that the government filled the hole in when they were finished using it for whatever arcane purposes they had, others suggest that a shed-like structure has been erected over the site to hide it from prying eyes. 
  2. Aliens: There are also some who feel that aliens protect space with a sort of “cloaking device” and they use it for whatever reason. Maybe it is an entrance to underground tunnels, maybe it’s where they store something important. Who knows
  3. Portal To Another Dimension: Maybe this hole leads to a different dimension entirely. Somewhere that the seal-fetus thing is from or a different galaxy with beings we don’t fully understand. This could also explain why the physiological aspects of the hole – such as microwave characteristics, vibrations, warm ice, etc 
  4. A Portal to Hell: Rather than a different dimension, maybe this leads to Hell. And the sacrifice of the sheep awoke the hole and started changing things, such as the birds and the beam of light.

So what do you think Bizarros? What is the hole? A portal? An access hole that the government uses?

Let us know what your theories are, or if you’ve ever experienced something like this.