The Flannel Man
There is a phenomenon where hundreds of people have awakened to find a man in a blood-red flannel shirt standing near their bed.
While he may not give off negative energy, what could this entity possibly be or want? Listen now!

Have you ever felt the presence of a figure watching you while you slept?
Hundreds have seen this entity, but why?
Why does this handsome Spector haunt people in their beds?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week, we dive into the ghost in the plaid flannel. The Flannel Man Ghost.
Tea and, Reddit, Birds magazine, Daily Mail.

The Flannel Man Ghost
An entity that sneaks into your room at night. A man dressed in traditional logging attire. A blood red and a deep black flannel shirt. Some have seen his face, and some see blackness. Some say he is just a man, and some say he is more than that.
He is known to any specific location, but some say he started being seen in Minnesota.
He comes to any home and is seen by 100’s. this is a known phenomenon.
Is this like a Hatman? Is he similar? Does he harbor bad intentions? Is this many ghosts being attributed to one entity, or is this a desertion on the fay and small folk?
Let’s start with my favorite, but admittedly least likely. Fay. (Of course, Charlie. It’s always the Fay/FAE. There are no ghosts, only fairies.)
Fay: the fay has a relationship with people that is special with humans. We don’t worship them, but they do want our attention.
Respect goes a long way with the fay. They want your attention and respect. Don’t get that twisted, though; they don’t need us to exist.
Fay isn’t evil or good. They are neutral. This is one of the reasons why I think that the Flannel Man may have fay roots.
no one ever is really terrified by seeing him. He merely grabs attention and makes you notice him. He doesn’t look for gifts, but people who see him do tend to give him undivided attention.
Two. He has roots in Minnesota, a place where Fay is strong due to the Norwegian influence in the area. Charlie’s theory is that the small folk came with the Norwegians that came to the area. They followed the immigrants to the area. It was much more rural and gave them places to live, but also had cultural relevance, and they knew they would be revered.
Three. Some say that he is handsome. This handsomeness is also a trait shared by the fay.
Let it go.
Is it a ghost or another entity?
Is the hat man a ghost or more of a malicious spirit?
Is the flannel man similar?
I’d say not because many people report not feeling scared around the flannel man.
Many people do think this is the same entity, though. The one that travels around to different people. They say it gives off similar energy, and it’s believed that maybe if it’s not some kind of evil spirit, maybe it’s more of a neutral spirit that maybe is a harbinger type like a Banshee.
Is It One Spirit Or Many?
What are the odds that people are reporting the exact same spirit? I’d say low. However, I wouldn’t necessarily say they are reporting the exact same spirit.
Flannel is a popular and notable design in America and other places.
People also describe the face of the flannel man as being different, and if they don’t describe his face, they say it was in shadow or darkness.
That is also a way for a spirit to save energy. Presenting itself as faceless saves the spirit energy, so it doesn’t cost as much to check on someone or to manifest in General.
Maybe that’s why people see different faces, and when they don’t, it’s because it’s different spirits trying to completely drain themselves; that’s why it appears as faceless.
The Flannel Man Ghost Encounters
Daily Mail quoting Reddit
One of the most chilling accounts came from Lanaglugglug, who recounted a story from her husband’s high school days.
While camping with a friend in their aunt and uncle’s garden, he had gone for a short walk around a pond to ‘relieve himself’ in the middle of the night.
‘As [my husband] was doing his business, he looked up and saw a man walking around the edge of the pond towards him,’ she wrote.
‘He clearly saw this man, who was walking with his head down. He described him as wearing a red flannel shirt, jeans, and work boots.
Despite calling out to ask what the man was doing, he received no reply from the mysterious figure, who seemed to disappear after walking past.
Most chilling was the fact that, after describing what he had seen to his friend’s aunt and uncle afterward, the aunt burst into tears.
‘She had been seeing this same guy in the house, sometimes standing at the foot of the bed, and her husband did not believe her,’ Lanaglugglug wrote.
‘He had been accusing her of insanity, and apparently, they were at the brink of divorce from this issue.
She was so relieved that someone had been able to validate what she had been experiencing.’
From games spot discussion board.
I’m 18 years old now, and for the past few months, I’ve had this one man appear in my bedroom. I don’t know exactly what he is. I heard from some people that this man might be my spirit guide due to the fact that whenever I see him, I don’t feel afraid.
I had this experience a few weeks ago, which made me really start to wonder who he was. I was lying in my bed and had just woken up; it was probably around 9 a.m.
I rolled over onto my back and noticed something weird. There is a gap between my dresser and bookcase where we used to have a small coffee table, but that is gone now.
I saw a young man sitting in the gap. His age, my guess, would probably be in his mid-to-late 20s. He had medium-length, straggly brown hair and was wearing a flannel shirt.
His style looked grunge. I’ve nicknamed him Kurt because after I told my sister about him, she said he sounded like he looked like Kurt Cobain, which he kind of did style-wise.
He had his legs stretched out before him and was leaning forward onto his knees. He was staring forward in the direction of my bookcase.
I did the classic thing of opening and closing my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn’t imagining things, but as I did this, he didn’t disappear.
I remember not feeling afraid at all, and I’m the kind of person who is TERRIFIED by the idea of ghosts. I felt completely relaxed. After a few minutes, he was gone…
The man in the red plaid shirt
There is the ghost dude that I call the man in the red plaid shirt. I’ve seen him since I was little.
According to my parents, I’ve always described him the same way.
He has black hair that’s parted to the side, and a small curl falls into his face; he leaves the top 2 buttons unbuttoned and rolls the sleeves.
He has dark jeans and work boots. He’s maybe 5’10 and slim to medium build.
Every time I see him, he’s leaning with one arm up against a tree and one able crossed over the other.
I feel like I know him, but I don’t. I’ve never seen him in old family photos, and no one else recognizes the description I give.
My mom says that I’ve seen him since I was about 2, and each time I see him, it’s the exact same description no matter where or when.
Recently, my niece saw him. I’m trying to sort out the who, what, and why questions.
Reddit comment
Years late, but I saw it in the ’70s, standing in my bedroom doorway about 2 ft from the head of my bed. It scared the crap out of me.
I hid under the covers for minutes and peeked out, only to find he was still there. I did this several times before I decided to jump out of bed (on the opposite side) and run around the end and through him full speed down the hall and to my parents.
He was gone when Dad brought me back. He said that he prayed God would send Angels to protect us in our sleep.
So I let it go at that. 25 years later, my daughter(sleeping in our bed) woke up my wife and said there was a man standing in the bathroom doorway in our room.
He was wearing flannel (red and black) and was smiling at her. I had never told her about my experience… then I found out my dad has seen it within the last few years also. I really don’t get it.. I tend to think your brain plays tricks on you.. but to see a lumberjack or what some call a flannel man is crazy. I mean, did they run out of white dresses or period clothing? But it’s not a ghost story I shared growing up cause what ghost wears flannel?
Op glittergreddo
possible to ghost in my house, FLANNEL MAN?
During Christmas, my mom said someone kept knocking at her bedroom door in my house. the first knock woke her up; the second she looked, and she saw someone in a red flannel shirt swaying outside the door through a now cracked door. No one owns a red flannel shirt in my house. she said, “Brad (my husband) are you fucking with me” no answer. She told me she knew not to invite things in, so she just ignored it.
Shortly before that, maybe a month or so. My 2-year-old daughter saw something outside; she looked at me, then looked into the void, then back at me, booked it into the house, and tried to close the door on me. trying to get away from something. Seriously, what could she have seen? When I rushed in with her, I felt tense and uneasy on my back all the way upstairs. all the way to her room. I ended up turning around and yelling, “Get out of my house,” because I believe, and I believe, small children can see them better than adults.
Since these two occurrences, I have seen a short, hunched shadow walk up my stairs; I hear footsteps walk to the top of the stairs (as if they are going to descend, but don’t); I have had someone stand behind me (thinking it was my 6’3″ tall kid I turned around and said get out from behind me but no one was there). My husband just makes fun of me. I am not scared or anything. I think it’s male.
I recently learned my daughter knows what monsters are, and she gets freaked out if you mention them, so I’ve been teaching her to yell, “get out, monster.” It’s weird; sometimes, she just looks behind me or across the room, stares, and maybe tenses up. I look to see what’s there, but nothing is there. and she wants a hug or to get out of the room.
Should I buy some sage and burn it around the house, or is that some B.S. people do? I was thinking about setting up my small camera to see if I can catch the sucker on vid.
Possible Flannel Man/Ultraterrestrial Experience.
Has anyone ever had a Flannel Man experience?
I am asking because I have been growing increasingly more intrigued with Flannel Man and other entities or Cryptid sightings. I understand Flannel Man may not be classified as a Cryptid, and there may be skepticism surrounding the validity of his existence due to the seemingly sudden surge of first-hand accounts, but from what I am hearing, Flannel Man has been at large for quite some time. Let me back up to when I was about 7 or 8 years old, living in my childhood home, a log cabin on a lake. At the time, I shared a room with my younger sister, and, like most siblings in the early 90s, we had a bunk bed in which I slept on the top bed.
I remember this night in almost crystal-clear detail and have thought about it many times over the past year or so (especially since I started having strange, unexplainable occurrences). It was a summer night, I remember, because we were out of school. I had gone to sleep like normal but woke up in the middle of the night for what seemed like no reason at all. My eyes shot open, and were drawn to the door that led to our back porch. There were two glass doors that opened up to the back porch that overlooked the lake, one in the living room and one in my and my sister’s room. We had sliding vertical blinds that we could open and close with a metal chain, but they were always closed because my mom was a bit paranoid about people looking in, even though we lived in the middle of nowhere. This night was no different; however, when I looked towards the glass door, a shadow was cast on the closed, vertical blinds.
I was suddenly paralyzed with fear. I began to sweat uncontrollably and wanted nothing more than to scream, except I couldn’t. I physically could not move or speak at all, let alone scream. As I tried to fight this temporary paralyzation, sweat poured out of me from everywhere. All I could do was stare at this…thing. On the back porch, where the glass doors led to, there was a hanging swing. The shadow figure I saw, which appeared to be the bust of a large man wearing a collared shirt, was swinging slowly back and forth. It looked as if there was a very bright light behind the shadow, possibly a full moon, but the “light,” in contrast to the shadow, seemed brighter than the moon. The thing I found to be most terrifying about this experience was that I could see the outline of the man in much more detail than you’d expect, with it just being a “shadow.” I could see the outline of his ears, shirt, shoulders, and hair. He sat swinging back and forth but never moved other than that.
I lay there for what seemed like hours repeating the same thing over and over (since I still couldn’t move), shutting my eyes as tightly as I could, praying for the thing to be gone when I opened them and finally being released from the inability to move or scream so I could call out to my mother for comfort… but every time was the same. I would open my eyes, and the shadow would still be there, unmoved except for the slow swinging. Back and forth. Back and forth. As tears streamed down my face, mixing with the sweat, leaving me in a puddle of salty moisture, I got the sense that this shadowy figure was looking back at me, even though that didn’t make sense because the swing faced away from our room. I also felt as though it wasn’t going away, and after a long time fighting with the urge to move or speak, I fell back to sleep.
At this point, I must clarify that this may have been sleep paralysis, which was no stranger to my childhood and something I am still very familiar with to this day, but I have never had a bout of sleep paralysis last for what seemed like an infinite amount of time. Also, I felt very much awake and in control of my thoughts; I was just unable to move or speak. Going back to sleep was out of pure exhaustion. The next morning, when I woke up, my sister was playing on the floor, and I immediately asked her if she had woken up in the middle of the night for any reason. Without breaking focus with her toys, she nonchalantly said, “No….” I got out of bed and found my mom in the kitchen. I asked her if she had been awake last night or had any visitors at the house that were swinging on the back porch. Confused but lighthearted, she also said no. I told her what had happened to me the night before, in full detail and as calmly as I could. She sort of laughed it off and said we would see if we could figure out what had made the shadow when I went to bed that night. The thought of investigating where the shadowy figure came from and the possibility that it could have been fabricated by something organic settled my mind enough for me to enjoy the rest of my day.
When night fell, and it was time to settle into bed, I reminded my mother of the encounter I had the previous night. We began turning lights off, shining lights on and behind furniture, and my mother even went outside to sit on the swing in an attempt to recreate the shadow. Nothing even remotely resembled the figure. I began to panic as the idea sunk in that I had experienced something beyond explanation. That night, I lay in my bunk, staring at where I saw the figure the night before, awaiting its return. However, it did not come back. I finally fell asleep and gave little thought to the shadow person after that. However, I would think about it from time to time and wonder if what I had seen was something interdimensional.
Fast forward to 2020. I began having strange UAP and paranormal experiences, as well as synchronicities beyond my explanation. I also first heard about Flannel Man while listening to the podcast Strange Familiars and was instantly reminded of that strange night from my childhood. I often wonder if that was Flannel Man, a ghost, ultra terrestrial, or simply a freakishly long bout of sleep paralysis that made me susceptible to a very thin veil of reality. I post this to see if anyone else has had something similar happen to them or, specifically, had a Flannel Man encounter. Thanks for reading and believing!

Is The Flannel Man Ghost Real?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Is the Flannel Man Ghost a spirit that haunts people? Is he an ultra-terrestrial watching over people?
Or is it a spirit that takes the shape of a man in plaid checking on you?
Let us know in the comments what you think he is.