The Man From Taured
A seemingly normal man showed up at Haneda Airport in Tokyo with documentation claiming he was from the country Taured.
Confused, they asked him to point on a map where his country was at. The next morning, he completely vanished. We discuss this bizarre case and more interdimensional stories.
But, are they believable? Listen now!

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
Did a man try to use a phony passport to get into Japan?
What if someone told you your home, city, and country never even existed?
Why would a person be dropped into an alternate reality they had no part of?
What is up, Bizarros?! This week we dive into the conspiracy theory about The Man From Taured.

Who Is The Man From Taured?
On a normal day In July of 1954, a man arrived at Haneda Airport (also known as the Tokyo International Airport) in Tokyo. He was a Caucasian man. He seemed fairly indiscreet.
The plane landed with no complaints or reports of oddness while in the air.
This man got off his airplane and went to customs with the other passengers.
That’s when the ordinary airplane passenger turned into a mystery.
When the man started reporting to the customs officer, he claimed he was from a small country in Europe.
The country was called Taured. He said it was his third time visiting Japan from that country.
He said the primary language of Taured was French.
Everyone at the passport check was extremely confused because no one had ever heard of this country, but this man was holding a genuine passport issued by Taured.
It looked real to their standards, but no one could place this country.
They gave him a globe to show them where Taured was. He pointed to a country, but there was a country called Andorra.
Andorra is a small country on the border of Spain and France in the mountains.
The man from Taured was more confused than the airport officials at this point because his country of Taured, the one that had been recognized for over 1000 years, was labeled Andorra on the map.
There were other oddities about the man. He carried with him different types of money from European countries.
He said he worked for a company. However, the company wasn’t from Taured; of course, it was actually a Japanese company.
He said he was staying at a local hotel, but when they contacted the hotel, they said they had no reservations in his name.
The security staff took the man in custody and put him up in a hotel. They left him there while they continued to investigate.
They put two patrol men outside of his door to ensure he couldn’t escape.
This particular hotel also only had one door in and out.
But the next morning, the man from Taured was gone. He seemingly disappeared into thin air.
All the personal documents the man had on him were all gone as well. They vanished and were never found.
A search was launched for him, but they never heard from him again.
He vanished from a hotel that was high in the air and had no balcony.
Where did the Man From Taured Go?

Similar Stories About The Man From Taured, and Parallel Dimensions
Stories from Reddit on indiatimes. Com
About 4 years ago, I lived in this fairly small flyspeck of a town. At the time, I had lived there for about 12 years, so I knew my way around.
Our house was about a mile and a half away from the nearest neighborhood. Our mom intentionally picked that house due to the lack of neighbors.
It was tucked away on a back road, with the woods surrounding it. Every now and again, I liked to take walks with my little brother, who at the time was about 13.
We decided to do just that. We headed up the road and decided to try to find a new path or a new clearing that we hadn’t discovered yet when we noticed something a little shocking.
Just off the road that led almost directly to the neighborhood, there was a brand-new paved road.
Every road in that part of town was a gravel road, so seeing an out-of-place paved road was pretty unusual.
We stared at it for a while and came to the conclusion that it must have been made within the last few days due to the modern but slow growth of the town.
However, we had no explanation for how they did it so fast.
We decided to explore it a bit. I remember as soon as we set foot on the road, the air became notably colder by at least 5 degrees.
The road itself was a black pavement but no dividing lines. It was surrounded by some thick, red trees that resembled redwoods, but they were too short and non-native to our state (southern Arkansas).
We walked on the road for about 3 miles until we decided to head back due to it getting dark. When we got off the road, we felt the temperature go back up.
My brother and I agreed to explore it the next day.
At roughly noon the following day, we set back out to explore this place, only to discover that the entire road was now missing.
When I say missing, I mean the trees that were cleared to make it had apparently grown back, with no sign of the redwood-like trees.
We even began to explore the woods once more, but only to find no sign that it ever existed. When we asked our parents about it, they said they knew nothing about any new road work being done near us.
Story #2
So I’ve never discussed this with anyone other than my sister and a friend of mine. around the age of 11, my family decided to go and visit my grandparents, and while we were there, I decided to go out and play around for a bit (
They lived in a flat in the middle of the city) they had a road that had stores and then a car park on the right that had enough space for me to play around with my friends that lived there.
As I got down and ran to that car park, a car went past that nearly crashed into me in that car; there were three passengers, a woman, her daughter, and a male driver. As I dodged that car, they looked like they had no emotions whatsoever and looked really dull
and as I focused on the car, the male driver was my dad (very easily distinctive.), and the car was our car, same color, same car plates, and the same everything.
As I was there in shock, I instantly ran up to our car, thinking it was stolen, but our car was right there; I turn around to follow the other car, and all I know the car was no longer there.
Standing there in shock, I ran upstairs to my grandparent’s house without knowing what to do or what to say, luckily my sister was right by the door, and I told her the story and what I saw (at this moment in time, I didn’t mention the part of our car still.) for all I know there is she is laughing at me, and she told me that my dad hasn’t left the house yet.
Ever since, I tried to explain to myself what I saw, but I was unable to express what my eyes saw and found out about this subreddit today. hopefully, you guys can help me out.
Quick notes about the passengers and my family, at the time of what happened, I was the youngest child of two; my sister was 5 years older than me. When my sister was born, she was told that she wasn’t going to live past a week and that my mum would never be able to have kids ever again. The passenger was a woman that looked slightly like my mum, but I was more shocked about the fact of me seeing my dad with another woman in the car. P.S. We’re now a family of 6, lol.
Story #3
The story from my perspective:
While at a festival, a man walked up to me and stared me dead in the eyes. His irises were so dark that it was impossible for me to distinguish his pupils. He spoke:
“What was that? Do you see it?” I suddenly saw a bright array of colors surrounding him, much like what I’d think to be an aura. “Can you hear it?” The aura faded away, and I heard a bunch of high-pitched harmonic hums resembling an ensemble of singing bowls. “Perhaps you can smell it.” The sound was no longer present, but I smelled an indescribable fragrance. It’s a little bit of a stretch to say it resembled lavender. “Or can you taste it?” I experienced a taste in my mouth similar to that of a cough drop. My mind was blown. From what I experienced, this man was playing with my senses simply by looking at me and speaking. It was as if he had special consciousness-related powers. I asked his name, and he said, “I have no name” he walked away, and I never saw him again.
Story #4
Did I Visit a Parallel Universe?
New to Reddit, but I made an account just to share this experience of mine. Disclaimer: I am about to break rule 5, but I don’t know where else to post this.
Just read. Please.
My cousin and my aunt were all outside on the front porch playing. We were all the same age, around 4-5. Two teenagers approached us and asked if we wanted to see a castle.
I knew this was bad news, but my cousin had to go see it so we both agreed to follow. We went into the woods and walked along a trail for what felt like an eternity.
Probably be twenty minutes or so, realistically.
We arrive to find a beautiful, gleaming, majestic castle in the distance. I’m talking about something you would see in the movies.
This place was made of heaven, it literally shined as if we entered a city of wealth. We excitedly look at each other and sprint home to tell our parents.
The teenagers stayed behind, never chased or followed.
Our run back was instantaneous as if it took a few seconds compared to the walk there.
We go and tell my mom, and obviously, she is freaked out and tells us no more playing outside for the day.
Here’s the thing. My mom was so incredibly strict with me that she would have never let me out of her sight for longer than a minute.
The door to the front porch was open, so there was no way two random teenagers could’ve actually taken us into the woods, let alone anywhere without one of our parents seeing.
My mom and my cousin’s mom were the two adults at home at the time.
I’ve spoken to my mom about this multiple times.
There’s no church or anything nearby that we could’ve mistaken to be a castle. I’ve even looked as an adult. No luck.
All three of us remember this phenomenon. I’m 25 now, so it’s been 20 years but we’ve spoken about this at the age of 6, 8, 12, 15, etc., essentially every time we see each other. We all remember.
Always have.
I know some will chalk this off as kids imagining, but I swear to you that this was real.
So my question is, what happened? Did we experience a glitch, parallel universe, divine intervention, pure imagination, or something other-worldly, or did two creeps try to rape and kill us? And has anyone had anything like this happen? I’ve wanted answers for so long.

The Man From The Mystery Country
What do you think, Bizarros, about this mysterious story?
Was this man a con man using a fake passport from a nonexistent country to get through the Japanese Airport?
Could this be a story of identity fraud, and he used a made-up country just to get into the country?
Or was it, not a bogus passport and a real one, but he somehow pierced the walls between dimensions, and he was really from a parallel universe?
What was the ultimate fate of the Man From Taured?
Let us know in the comments what you think.