The Ohio Grassman | Ep. 123
Ohio has its very own Bigfoot and it is known as the Ohio Grassman.
Also known as the Kenmore Grassman and Orange eyes, this type of big foot is known to live in grass dwellings and is significantly more violent than other species of Big Foot.
But, is it believable? Listen now!

Searching For The Ohio Grassman
Have you ever seen a large intimidating human-like shape?
Is there a Bigfoot-like creature in the wilderness of Ohio?
Is it possible that there are unknown creatures that live in our woods?
Is there a hairy creature that ransacks farms in the Buckeye state?
What’s up, Bizarros?! This week we dive into the tale of the Ohio Grassman.

What Is The Ohio Grassman?
The Grassman seen throughout Ohio is a Bigfoot hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creature.
If you search for the Grassman, you find casual encounters from Ohioans that are all over the state. From Guernsey County, Cuyahoga, Summit, Stark, Hamilton, Butler, and Franklin to Salt Fork’s Park and many, many other counties.
When Ohio was first settled, the Europeans thought the Grassman was more of a boogie man type of story rather than an actual cryptid. Until they started to actually see the creature.
Imagine this:
You are a settler trying to start a farm in the gentle hills of rural Ohio. You have your wife, your 6 kids, two dogs, and your cattle. You wake up at 4:53 to milk the cows.
You wander out to your field with 3 of your sons and buckets. You think on the outskirts of your farmhouse; you see a large dark shape. You double-take, and it’s gone. You faintly smell what you think is rotten meat. Maybe it’s a dead deer…
After a few hours of milking, you walk back out, and you see all the feed for your chickens has been strewn about and eaten. You also see the body of a pig mostly destroyed, with blood trails leading off in the woods with several varying-sized foot prints.
All of them are giant.
You just got hit by the Grassman.

The Grassman is a type of Bigfoot. I don’t know if it’s THE Bigfoot, but it’s definitely an off-brand, at least. Kind of like the great value paper towel to like brawny.
The Grassman color ranges from black, gray, and brown. They are also known to be social.
They are sometimes seen in mother-child units and occasionally in groups of up to 5.
They also seem to be an extremely aggressive variant of the Sasquatch family. They are known to attack when hungry or threatened.
Another name for the Grassman was also Orange eyes. Because they have amazing blue eyes….just kidding; it’s because they have orange eyes.
The elusive creature likes to roam in the fields, farms, and forests of Ohio. They make dwellings outside of large trees, kind of like a nest/hut out of the grass. Kind of like a primitive campground
Another defining feature of the Grassman is the smell that is said to have a strong odor, smelling outrageously of rot.
They are said to be 7-8 feet tall, and with that height comes some serious weight. They are said to range from 800-1000 pounds.
As you can see, this bipedal creature would be an imposing figure if you were to run into it in the woods. Now let’s look at some amazing stories about people’s encounters with the Ohio Grassman.
Ohio Grassman Encounters
This encounter comes from ranker:
“In 1978, the Cayton’s had their first encounter with the alleged Grassman. Evelyn and Howe Cayton were sitting inside when their children came inside screaming. The kids said that they saw a monster in a gravel pit nearby. When the parents went out to investigate, Evelyn claims she saw a seven-foot-tall, 300-pound beast with dark hair. According to her account, the creature simply stood there until she ran away.
This wasn’t Cayton’s only encounter with the Grassman, though. In fact, the Grassman visited frequently enough that one of the Cayton daughters started referring to him as a “pet.” The Caytons said the creature never really bothered them, but they always knew when he was there due to his strong stench. “

Here is another fascinating story from Bella online:
“On January 23, 1896, a man and his daughter were walking down a road near their home in Gallia County when a large beast attacked the man. After a frighteningly long struggle, the girl hit the creature in the head with a rock, and it ran away. They described it as being “gigantic in size,” hairy, with burning eyes. “
“In 1988, truck driver Rich Lamonica was traveling near Salt Fork State Park when he saw a black, wide, huge creature. He was able to see the beast clearly because of the snow-covered landscape and the small amount of foliage. It ran off into the woods.”
According to the Akron Beacon Journal, there have been upwards of 36 Grassman sightings in Salt Fork State Park. They were also really uppity about the word evidence in the arrival and used quotation marks around it.
They are lucky to have not seen a 7-8 foot creature. I’m sure this would change their tone.
Also, from Bella online:
“Outside Akron, in 1995, Researcher and head of the Ohio Center for Bigfoot Studies, Joedy Cook, found a primate nest of interwoven branches large enough for three adult men to fit inside. He attempted to investigate the nest further a few weeks later, but it was gone. “
“Late one night in Randy, a woman was awakened by a barking dog. When she opened her eyes, there was something in her window that began to growl at her. It backed away and walked toward her shed, turning to look back at her once. She described it as being very large, with “wide-set eyes, a wide nose, and a big mouth.” It walked on two legs.”
“In late December of 2006, Treba and Terry Johns were enjoying the sounds and sights of the night at their campsite. It was almost midnight when they decided to pack up and leave. They saw a “broad-shouldered, tall, black thing come up over the ridge.” Treba went on to say, “Every nerve in my body was twitchin’. Every tiny hair on my face stood up.” “
“When the Monster Quest team investigated the Ohio Grassman recently, they heard sounds in the woods that included wood knocking, a form of primate communication; they also recorded vocal sounds of creatures that were not associated with any animals in the area.
I have no doubt the Grassman is a cryptid you could easily encounter if you choose to visit the region of eastern Ohio. As anyone in the area would likely tell you, camp out in the woods near a farm or cornfield, and listen for the sounds of wood knocking and growling. I’d be prepared to defend myself . . . just in case. This fellow is really big!”
According to the Richland News
In Ashland, Ohio, a girl was leaving her gym. At approximately midnight, the 20-year-old girl walked out to her car. Hers was the only car in the lot, but she was not the only humanoid shape in the area. She looked 30 yards to the right when she heard a twig snap. She saw a giant gray-furred man-shaped creature running toward the nearby woods.
A man named Mathew Moneymaker wrote about his well-established Sasquatch opinion in this case because he is the founder of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO).
He wrote the girl in Ashland about her encounter.
“It ran back into the woods at an angle to right and was quickly obscured from her view by the corner of the gym building. She only saw a side view as it ran off with large arms swinging. She said she most likely would not have noticed it at all but for the noise of the twig breaking, which she assumed was caused by the creature standing on wood debris,” Moneymaker wrote”
He also said from his own Bigfoot knowledge and knowledge of the Grassman’s habit of hunting deer.
“Whichever way that deer would use to access that island of woods behind the Warehouse Gym is likely the same pathway the sasquatch would have used,” Moneymaker said.
“If a deer or sasquatch came to those woods from the north, there is only 100 yards or so of the exposed field to cross (in the dark) before reaching a large swampy area connected to the Jerome Fork of the Mohican River.
“So the location is more plausible for a sasquatch than it appears at first in aerial photos. The key element is the presence of deer. That shows there is both a pathway and a reason for a sasquatch to approach the edge of development late at night,” Moneymaker said.”

Here is our listener submission (big shout out to Randy) that inspired our Grassman Episode
New Miami, Ohio 2005
“This is my encounter with what stepfather and I believe was the Ohio Grassman.
It was the winter of 2005, and I was 11 years old. I lived in a very rural area on a small farm that was around 165 acres. Next to our farm, there was a fairly thick wooded area we would travel to from time to time to get firewood. The past few days, there was a fresh snowfall that had left around a foot of snow on the ground, and with the weather calming down, we were finally able to go out and restock some firewood.
We arrive at the edge of the woods with our ATV and sled and begin looking around in the forest for fallen-down branches and easy-to-break-apart logs that hopefully weren’t too wet. After searching for a few minutes, that’s when I found it.
What was in front of me was what I could only describe as some sort of nest or den. It was a sunken hole covered in woven sticks like a bird’s nest that extended over the top and acted as a partial covering and dirt packed in the bottom. It was approximately 4 or 5 feet tall, and the nest was easily 7 feet across.
Inside the nest, there was a distinct lack of snow in the area that was exposed to the open air. I had begun looking around the nest when I called my dad over to come to look at this cool thing that I had discovered. I started noticing these clumps of snow/ice that had this dark brown wiry hair in them and held one up to my dad as he came over.
He took the clump into his hand with a slight look of confusion that was quickly replaced with a blank stare of dread and concern as he looked into the nest. On the ground leading away from the nest were the extremely large footprints with fully visible toes at one end. Each print was absolutely massive in size, with a decent amount of space between each step. I was about to begin following the footsteps away from the nest when I remember becoming afraid for no reason.
My dad started telling me to stay still in a very hushed tone when off in the distance, there were 3 loud knocks of what sounded like a large branch being swung and struck against the tree.
I panicked and froze up, but my dad lept into action; he moved forward and picked me up, and started running out of the woods. As we were running, there were three more loud knocks, but my dad didn’t stop to see what it was.
Once we got back to the ATV, he put me down on the back and told me to hold on tight. He jumped on started, and we sped back to the house where we stayed inside for the rest of the week.”

Would You Go Looking For The Ohio Grassman?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Is the Grassman real? Would you go looking for him in the tall grasses of Northeast Ohio?
Is the Grassman a missing link or a relative of the Bigfoot family?