The UFO Abduction of Yoshihiro Fujiwara – The Kitami Aliens
In Kitami Japan in 1974, a 28 year old vegetable farmer, Yoshihiro Fujiwara, was awakened by a pounding knock at his door at 3 am.
He was shocked to discover a starfish/octopus-like alien creature at his door. And this was just the beginning. But, are the Kitami aliens believable? Listen now.

What would you do if you lived in the middle of nowhere and heard a knock on your door at 3 am?
Can unknown entities take control of your body?
Would you accept a voyage through our solar system?
What is up, Bizarros? This week we dive into the UFO Abduction of Yoshihiro Fujiwara.

When Did Yoshihiro Fujiwara Get Abducted?
This takes place on April 6, 1974, in Kitami.
Kitami is a city in Hokkaido, Japan, the northernmost island of Japan.
It is a legitimate, populous city but also covered by long, extensive farmlands. Great for winter sports, I hear.
There are also the Kitami Mountains nearby, which is what it is supposedly named after.
This abduction takes place in a rural area.
Our protagonist for this story is a 28-year-old vegetable farm, Yoshihiro Fujiwara.
He was a hardworking farmer who made his living by the land, with his biggest concern until this specific night was what kind of weather he was going to get for his crops.
He’s on that Antonio villas boas.
That said, he wasn’t someone who initially paid any mind to much entertainment, conspiracy, or stories surrounding the paranormal.
Living the rural farmer life in the 1970s, he probably was pretty occupied with his farm.
What Happened With Yoshihiro’s Abduction?
So, again it’s April 6th, 1974, and it is late – approximately 3 am, the witching hour.
Yoshihiro Fujiwara was sound asleep in his bed, no doubt from a rigorous day, when he was suddenly awakened by a loud sound.
It took him a minute to collect his thoughts and realize what he was hearing. First, he heard his dog parking – which wasn’t all that unusual.
There were always little critters, rodents, and animals around the premises.
But there was another sound – the sound that instigated his dog’s barks.
A loud, thumping sound on his door.
He checked the time again to ensure he was correct. He was; it was the dead, middle of the night.
Someone was pounding on his door.
This was especially unusual for Yoshihiro because his farm was in a very isolated area – far from other people and not right on the road.
Even if someone was driving and got a flat, it was unlikely they’d end up at his front door.
But perhaps it could be some kids from town messing around.
Cautiously and a little bit agitated, Yoshihiro left the comfort of his bed to discover who was knocking at his door at this ridiculously late hour.
When he opened the door, his entire demeanor changed. His expectations were thrown out the window, and his life would never be the same.
There, standing at his door in the early morning darkness, was what he described as a short, 3-foot tall entity with a clear-one-piece suit on that appeared to be made of some type of transparent vinyl.
That outfit was the only thing that resembled what we may call – humanoid.
Instead, it was more like a starfish/octopus of a being.
It had four tentacle-like appendages and a large bulbous head with a blue helmet surrounding it.
The creature’s eyes were slanted, and it had a strange V-shape set of nostrils.
The entire entity was brown and covered with slimy, bumpy toad-like skin, almost like it had a terrible case of skin lesions.
It also bore a large smile that seemed to be pulled unnaturally wide.
It was standing on two of its four tentacle limbs and had rounded nubs for feet.
The creature did not say anything, nor did it move.
He then noticed that its helmet had a weird antenna jutting out of it, which caused a low electrical humming charge.
It seemed to ominously ripple through the air, this visible electrical hum that came from a small elliptical element at the top of the antenna.
Naturally, they ended up just staring at each other for a few moments.
The frozen moment was broken when the creature flicked one of its tentacle arms up.
Yoshihiro realized it was pointing up at the sky.
A moment later, Yoshihiro was completely consumed by an unbearably hot beam of orange light.
As if breaking out of a trance, Yoshihiro jumped back out of the light and back into his home.
He slammed the door and dashed back to his bedroom. When he got to the bedroom, he peeked out his window to see if his visitor was still there.
From the angle, he couldn’t see if the creature was still at his door, but he could clearly see the orange light that consumed him.
It was a magnificent, bright, oranged-colored light that was emanating from an illuminated, disc-like craft floating up in the sky – about 70 feet off the crowd.
He estimated the craft to be about 26 feet wide.

His shock at what he was seeing was quickly replaced by the sudden realization that something was happening with his feet.
There was a warm breeze of hot air that was surging around his feet, and he found himself drawn back to the window as if by an invisible, unseen force.
But it wasn’t just to the window he was being dragged. This unknown force was tugging him out the window.
It dawned on Yoshihiro it was attempting to get him back outside.
He then began to hover due to this inexplicable force, fully levitating off of the ground. It pulled him through his window despite all of his fighting against it.
Once outside, he was drawn faster and faster toward the floating disc.
At first, he feared he was going to collide with the spaceship and braced for a collision.
But he didn’t collide. Instead, he went through the craft and was dumped on the floor inside. It was like he was absorbed inside.
Once inside, he tried his best to assess the surroundings. He noticed the room he was in was long and skinny and blue in color.
He also acknowledged strange lamp-like attachments on the walls and a few air vents.
There were some scribbles on the wall, and to Yoshihiro, they almost like vaguely like Japanese, but he couldn’t decipher them.
Before he could take in any other observations from the craft, he was overtaken by a disgusting and repulsive scent that left him lightheaded and queasy.
He turned around, and there above him were two more of the tentacle-like alien creatures that he saw outside his door.
He panicked and tried his best to push himself up, but no matter how hard he struggled with all of his strength, the two entities managed to hold him down.
They were significantly strong despite their shorter stature.
Yoshihiro claims that at this moment, they released him and tried to speak with him telepathically.
They told him, “No danger. We promise to release you at your home.”
This sounded peaceful, and for a split second, Yoshihiro considered their sentiment.
But, then, they leaned in to grab him again, which struck fear in Yoshihiro, leading to his survival instinct to take over.
He evaded their grasps, adrenaline rushing through his veins, and hurried toward a partially open hatchway. He had no idea how high in the air they were, but at that moment, he didn’t care.
Thankfully, it ended up only being about 10 to 15 feet.
He hit the cold, hard ground with a thud. Pushing the pain aside, he scrambled to his feet to get back to his home. Or, at the very least, as far away as he could.
He sprinted, desperate to get away from that craft and the creatures inside.
He found himself approaching a nearby house. In a frenzy, he pounded on the door.
Just like Yoshihiro himself earlier that night, the startled homeowners peeked outside.
Except, of course, in this case, they only saw a very distraught man.
They flicked their outside light on and then immediately opened the door; they recognized him as the farmer that lived about 2 miles away.
The hospitable neighbors let him and spoke with him.
It was in this moment that Yoshihiro realized that a full hour had passed, even though it had only felt like minutes to him since he had been forced inside the floating spacecraft.
After a short while, Yoshihiro finally calmed down, thanked his distant neighbors, and decided to walk back home – but not before peering out their window to ensure the spacecraft had disappeared.
To his relief, it was gone. He let out a deep sigh and embarked on his walk back home in the chilly, early morning darkness.
So, there is more to this story!
The next night, Yoshihiro naturally had difficulty sleeping. He was up late, sitting around with his mind drifting back to the tentacle creatures.
Out of nowhere, he felt a deep, stabbing sensation in his head.
The sharp pain went from his ears all the way down to his fingertips.
He started to feel like he was in a daze, and for some reason, his hands seemed to move on their own.
His fingers felt ablaze, and seemingly with a mind of their own, they began to scribble strange letters onto a piece of paper.
It felt like he was in a trance-like state, and when the writing stopped, he seemed to regain focus. He glanced at what he wrote and tried to decipher it.
But, before he could completely look it over, he heard a booming voice inside of his head distinctly say, “When the disc lands on the mountain, you will come and board by yourself.”
Was it a command? Was it a threat?
Yoshihiro wasn’t sure, but a vision of the area they wanted to visit was imprinted inside his mind. His skull was throbbing, but then just a few seconds later, it was all gone.
The pain, the head, the daze – it all dissipated.
After the pain abruptly left, it left Yoshihiro there shaken and with strange hieroglyphics etched onto paper by his hand, but the meanings of which he did not know.
Being familiar with the area, he recognized the vision as nearby Nikon Mountain, and although he was left understandably frightened, he felt the compulsion to go to the mountain.
Also, these entities have demonstrated the power that Yoshihiro could not comprehend.
In the back of his mind, there was a tiny thought of his that wondered – what would they do to me if I don’t go?
He gathered up some supplies and reached out to a couple of friends to join him, and they set out, unsure of what awaited them up on that lonely peak.
Regardless, they are pretty pointless.
Yoshihiro and his friends climbed the mountain, and once they got to the top, he remembered he had to go on the ship by himself.
The instructions were for him to board alone, so he said sayonara to his friends and continued climbing the mountain.
After reaching the psychically designated area, Yoshihiro was greeted by the same orange-illuminated flying saucer.
This time, he threw caution to the wind, and he boarded without a fight.
Once aboard, the aliens treated Yoshihiro to an amazing flight through space. They took him around the moon and around Earth twice, within about an hour.
Whether it was the journey through space, extreme fatigue, or something that the aliens did to him, Yoshihiro became very dizzy and lost consciousness.
Eventually, his friends found him lying on the mountainside, and they helped take him home.
It apparently took Yoshihiro days to recover from this whole ordeal.
During his recovery, he realized that he had developed psychic abilities.
He found that he was not only able to communicate with the alien beings that had pursued him, but he also displayed telekinetic skills finding that he could bend small pieces of metal with his mind, such as spoons.
Maybe a little parting gift from his extraterrestrial friends.
According to Yoshihiro, on April 13, just a few days later, he was telepathically invited on another trip with the alien beings.
Yoshihiro entered the orange-lighted spaceship again, and this time they flew at intense speeds and found themselves in the middle of the solar system.
Seeing an enormous, stormy planet in front of him, Yoshihiro discerned that they had taken him past Jupiter.
After visiting Jupiter, they ended up landing on one of Saturn’s moons. There, one of the alien creatures departed from the spacecraft and shortly returned with a rock.
With a tentacled arm, it reached out and handed the rock to Yoshihiro.
That was the end of that trip and the last time Yoshihiro managed to travel through space.
However, he claimed to have continuous dialogue with these beings. In fact, he believed his telekinetic powers only grew, and he began to refer to himself as the spokesperson for the “summon call space union.”
He was also quoted as saying, “I can teleport to a star 250 million light-years away in 5 minutes; my role is delaying natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.”
He also claimed that he had direct access to no less than 3 UFOs at any time.
He testified that the UFOs enabled him to stop volcanic eruptions by allowing him to travel inside the hollow Earth, where he was able to prevent the flow of magma from going topside by stuffing rocks inside the volcano’s inner channels.
Evidence Of the Kitami Abductor
Though no one else claimed to have seen the craft, a UFO investigator claimed that at the same time Yoshihiro was being abducted, a junior high school student named Miyuki Fujita, who lived nearby, was woken up by a light shining outside her window.
Although the young woman did not get up to see the source of the illumination, she testified that it was much brighter than the moon.
Skepticism About The Kitami City Abductction
Could you believe there was some skepticism about this encounter?
When Yoshihiro returned from his second space travel trip to Saturn, he quickly delivered the Saturn Moon rock to science at the laboratory of the University of Studies of Engineering of Kitami.
The team ran a series of tests on the stone and came to the conclusion that the rock was nothing more than a chunk of stalactite from a local Kitami cave.

Did Yoshihiro Get Abducted By A UFO?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Did a rural farm meet tentacled aliens?
Did he go on a ride in their spacecraft?
Do you find the UFO Abduction of Yoshihiro Fujiwara #believable?