Zozo the Demon
If you’ve ever played with a Ouija board, you may be familiar with Zozo the demon. Out of all the demonic entities, Zozo is the one most closely related to Ouija board experiences.
Its other names may include Mama, Zaza, or Zoso. In this episode, we discuss terrifying encounters that have truly scarred individuals after potentially encountering this entity.
But, is it believable? Listen now.

ZoZo The Ouija Board Demon
How much power can a thought have?
Can the idea of evil manifest as an entity?
What connection does an Ouija board have to a specific demon
What is up, Bizarros?! This week, we dive into the terrifying story of the demon Zozo.

Zozo, the Ouija Board’s Most Famous Demon
Zozo is the demon known to come to people who use Ouija boards. Not many demons are known for multiple possessions and cases of terrorization. Zozo is different
Zozo is an infamous demon known to cause harm, from the widely known tale of Darren Evans to the case of the two girls in the 1800s whom Zozo terrorized.
It is believed that the movie The Exorcist was inspired by the possession of Roland Doe, who was possessed by Zozo after playing with the Ouija board.
Zozo was even the culprit behind one of our scariest listener encounters, the Ouija board demon.
The record of the demon goes back to roughly 200 years ago when the spelling was changed to Zoso or Zozo.
If it is the same, this same entity can be traced back even further with this spelling.
Zozo is also known to go by the alias Mama.
He is also known to pretend to be other things in order to lure people into a sense of ease, and then after he’s got you calm, he starts to scare people with unsettling remarks.
Another thing he does is to move the planchette away from the goodbye, as closing the session by saying goodbye is the only way to get rid of him.
Here is a list of reasons about when you shouldn’t use one of the most famous spirit boards.

Quote from important “Ouija Board Facts.“
“1 Never insult the spirit. If you are rude or disrespectful, it can attract evil spirits.
2 Never play alone. When you’re alone, you are, and evil spirits may try to possess you.
3 Never use the board if you are sick, drunk, depressed, or when you are in a weakened state, you are vulnerable to possession.
4 Do not force anyone to use the Ouija board against their will.
5 Never use the Ouija board in a cemetery or any location where a murder or an unnatural death has occurred. It could cause terrible manifestations.
6 Never trust a spirit. Evil spirits will use lies and false flattery to gain your confidence and trick you.
7 Do not ask questions about God.
8 Do not ask when you’re going to die.
9 Don’t give your name out to the board or spirits. Knowing somebody’s name is power. Use a nickname when using the board.
10 If you encounter a spirit called ZOZO, stop playing. Many people have had bad experiences with this evil spirit. ZOZO goes by other names: MAMA, ZAZA, ZOSO, OZ, ZO, ZA, ABACUS, PAZUZU. After you see any of these names, say goodbye immediately. Also, get rid of that board. Don’t burn it.
11 If the planchette moves to the four corners of the board, it means you have contacted an evil spirit.
12 If the planchette keeps moving in a figure 8, it means the spirit is trying to gain control of the board.
13 If the planchette begins to count down through the letters of the alphabet or the numbers, it means the spirit is trying to escape from the board.
14 Never let the planchette fall or fly off the board. It could allow an evil spirit to escape.
15 Do not leave the planchette on the board when you’re not using it. This could allow evil spirits to enter the world.
16 When you’re finished, the board MUST be closed down properly. Say “Goodbye” and do not leave until the spirit moves the planchette to “GOODBYE.”
17 Do Not burn the board. There have been cases where people burned the board and:
(A) it later turned up in perfect condition,
(B) they heard an unearthly scream,
(C) it released an evil spirit or
(D) the board wouldn’t burn at all.
18 To properly dispose of an Ouija board, you need to break it into seven pieces, pour holy water on it, and then bury it.
19 Do not become addicted. Evil spirits may try to make you dependent on the board in order to gain control of you.
20 If the Ouija board starts freaking you out, stop using it.
21 If you are religious, do not use the Ouija board. The Catholic Church warns against it, and they have done many exorcisms to cast evil spirits out of people who were possessed through Ouija boards.”
Could Zozo be just another episode of blaming our fear of the unknown of the culture that all of humanity has marked the enemy, or maybe it never existed?

Possible Encounters With Zozo
Encounter 1
“My name is Darren, and I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am currently 40 years old and have held a fascination with the occult since an early age.
I have had many bizarre experiences with Ouija boards, and I am writing this as a warning to people that bad things can happen because of these “portals.”
During my experiences with Ouija boards, one particular spirit always seemed compelled to make its presence known. Its name is ZOZO.
Today I refuse to even pronounce it’s name as I believe the mere pronunciation of it can cause it to manifest itself.
Too many times to count, it has at first pretended to be a nice spirit or pretended to be whomever I was trying to contact. But eventually, it showed its true self, cussing me and threatening me and others present in the room.
Once, it actually cussed me using what looked like Latin or Hebrew and using biblical terminology. I was genuinely fascinated and startled by how many times ZOZO showed up, even in many different states and many different Ouija boards.
It always wound up being very nasty and commented freely about how it wanted to possess my girlfriends and take them to paradise. When asked where paradise was, it spelled H.E.L.L.
One time, I walked into my bathroom only to see my 1-year-old daughter about to drown.
Her mother had left her alone in the tub “just for a second,” and somehow, the water got turned on and was overflowing.
Instinctively, she had her face tilted up and was seconds from going under when I grabbed her from the water. The next day, she was hospitalized for some weird internal infection and was put in isolation for 14 days straight as doctors tried to diagnose the illness.
We almost lost her, and that was when I began to suspect a demonic attack.
At this same time, my girlfriend maintained a “trance-like” state. Her personality changed from a very sweet person to withdrawn and uncaring.
ZOZO said before this that it was going to possess her and eat her soul. I was recording music for a future rock project, and I remember jokingly asking if I had an opinion on what I should name the band. It spelled IRON TONGUE, which at the time I thought was pretty cool, but only later, when my daughter’s tongue swelled up in the hospital to the point of asphyxiation, I realized that this wasn’t cool AT ALL!
Her tongue became rock hard and distorted her face, swelling up to where it hung grotesquely from her mouth. We took turns bedside at the hospital for what seemed like forever before my daughter began to recover from this strange affliction.
When guests would spend the night in our house they would claim that they heard frightening voices coming from inside the walls. Objects would be thrown across the room, and spiders seemed to come from nowhere.
My girlfriend’s brother, who lived with us, complained that he couldn’t sleep at night because the “conversations” were so loud that he simply could not rest. He believed in ghosts, and though he wasn’t afraid of them, he said that it definitely felt demonic. Lights would come off and on by themselves, doors would open and unlock themselves.
One night in our bedroom a viscous laughter emanated from thin air, and to this day I cannot explain the terror in that laughter. One night, I was awakened by what felt like hands on my throat choking me.
I could not breathe, I could not scream. After about 30 seconds, it released its grip, and I gasped for air.
The same thing happened to my girlfriend the next night. Another night me, and her brother were standing just outside the back porch sliding glass door when we were talking about a supposed curse of their family. I abruptly exclaimed, “I rebuke this curse in the name of Jesus Christ!”
I no longer finished saying those exact words when a deafening sound and a vibration struck the entire house with such an alarming “boom” that the neighbors came over to ask if I had heard something strange. I knew it wasn’t our imagination; I got out of the ladder to see what had landed on top of the house, only to find nothing.
Things settled down after that, and to this day, I believe that whatever made that noise also caused the disturbance to go away… For a while.
My girlfriend broke up with me, and I met someone online in Michigan, where I moved up to be with her. She didn’t believe in spirits, and although I knew better, I decided to make her a believer as well.
Living in a very small town in Marshall, Michigan, there were no stores that sold Ouija boards, so I downloaded one from the internet. I printed it out, and to my horror, ZOZO returned. It said it came from “cyberspace”…and when I asked it where it lived, it spelled “SKULL NECKLACE”… We didn’t think much of this until I asked it again where it was, this time spelling “MIRROR.” There was only one mirror in the bedroom where we were crouched on the floor, and I heard a scream coming from her 7-year-old niece, who was watching us with another young friend. We looked up at the mirror and saw the skull necklace swaying back and forth with glowing eyes looking down at us!
My new girlfriend’s son had hung the necklace on one of the posts of the waterbed hours before I downloaded the paper board.
We almost jumped out of our skin, and although 3 feet of fresh snow had fallen that night, we all found ourselves in the front yard, not knowing what to do, scared and frozen in terror. My girlfriend was so fascinated she drove 40 miles to purchase a new glow-in-the-dark Ouija board, much to my dismay.
The next night, we had another session in the same room. ZOZO immediately came forth, even without me being a participant. My girlfriend’s nieces were using the planchette, and I would secretly write down a color onto a small piece of paper, then crumple it up where no one could see.
I asked the young girls to ask the board if it knew which color I had written down, and it quickly scooted to “YES!”…” BLUE!” I remember chills coursing up and down my spine as I threw the wadded-up paper to my girlfriend. Her eyes widened as she read the written color BLUE! We then tried the same thing with shapes and words, and every time, the board knew.
One night, we asked the board if the spirit would show itself. It spelled YES and told me to turn out the lights and take a picture of the necklace above the board. I did just that, and what turned out is eerie, to say the least. On the upper left-hand corner of the picture, you can plainly see “winged” skeletons flying about, and they are of the exact same weird shape as this “skateboarders” skeleton necklace.
Towards the middle you can make out hideous faces, I have seen at least 4 evil faces in this picture. I took this picture about 6 years ago, people have stolen it off of paranormal websites claiming they took it, when I know truthfully it was me.
I have sent this picture to several “experts,” and they have all said they cannot explain the images inside. As if all of this wasn’t strange enough, now comes the REALLY scary part.
A few months ago, I googled the word ZOZO. To my shock, many other people have also been contacted by a demon by the SAME NAME!
I read about 20 similar stories, and I am now convinced that this simply CANNOT be a mere coincidence. Supposedly, ZOZO is an ancient demon name that possibly stands for “The Destroyer.” Claims of demonic possession are associated with this ZOZO, and I feel it my duty to warn people to steer clear of this if it happens to present itself during an Ouija board session.
I am currently researching this phenomenon for a future book and am in the initial stages of presenting my findings to a reputable demonologist who has been involved in hundreds of cases of paranormal activities across the world, including “A Haunting in Connecticut.”
What is this ZOZO? Supposedly, the 3 headed dog demon that guards the gates of hell has a tattoo on its forehead that spells ZOSO. Also, ZOZO is a term Aleister Crowley claimed meant “666.” Jimmy Page of the rock group Led Zeppelin also used ZOSO as a symbol on the Zeppelin 4 album. Could ZOZO and Zoso be connected somehow? How can so many different people from so many different parts of the world somehow lie about this ZOZO spirit? And if they aren’t lying, then how can you explain these visitations by this wicked entity? Is ZOZO the devil himself? Or a wayward demon who has the power to manifest itself wherever and whenever it is called?
Heed my warnings, people, if you are playing around with an Ouija board, and you jokingly ask it if it has a name and it spells ZOZO. Close the session properly, cleanse the house, NEVER, I repeat, NEVER ask it again. And if you are brave enough to carry on conversations with this spirit, do NOT antagonize it or act on its directions. I know what I have seen, and I know other people have also come into contact with this spirit. It is dangerous beyond words. I realize not every session results in negativity, but when you play with this ZOZO, you are playing with fire.
Everything I have described here is true, and I am not exaggerating one bit. It may take me years, but I DO intend to write a book about this, as I have many more stories that I do not have time to mention here. They all stem from true events that took place while talking to this ZOZO.
Folks, I have been told by people wiser than myself that the spirit world is “MORE REAL” than this world of so-called reality. Ouija boards can cause many bad things to happen in your life. Maintain an open mind, and most of all, BE CAREFUL!
Encounter 2
I just got back from my friend’s house. I hadn’t seen him in a while, and we were catching up. I mentioned to him that I’ve messed around with Ouija boards several times recently, and he told me he always wanted to try one.
So I draw one out, and set it up, lights out, candles and everything. I start the session, and after a few minutes of asking if there are any spirits that wish to speak, we get a yes. I ask it to move to the symbol on the board it identifies with, and it goes to the sun. I then ask it to spell its name, and it starts spelling Z-O-Z-O-Z-O…
I’m actually kind of curious about Zozo, so I ask a few questions about where it came from, whether it’s male or female, etc. According to what it told me, it’s both male and female, never lived as a human, and was born in Hell. My friend thinks all this is funny and starts asking idiotic questions, like, “Does Hell have a good healthcare system?” The planchette ignores his questions and starts moving in figure 8’s, and several times attempts to move right off the board.
I know that this is a bad sign, so I attempt to close up the session. I thank Zozo for his/her time and ask him to please move the planchette to Good Bye. It instead zooms straight over to No. I say, “Fine, me and (my friend) will move it to Good Bye ourselves.” I pull it towards goodbye, but it won’t budge. I pull harder, and the whole damn board moves a fraction of an inch. It was like the planchette was glued to the board. I pull again, and this time it slowly releases and allows me to pull it over to Good Bye. There was resistance, though, like I was pulling it out of molasses. Kind of weird.
Anyway, that’s my story. It’s nothing too crazy, but it’s pretty unsettling. Has anyone else ever contacted Zozo? I’d like to hear some of your stories.
Encounter 3
This encounter is a response to a person talking about their experiences
OMG. Me fucking too. It started back in July when my best friend, some other people, and I used the board.
It started out as a spirit who claimed it was a little girl by the age of 3. The first thing it spelled out was “MUM.” We kept asking questions, but I felt uneasy the whole time.
Its age kept changing, and eventually, it told us it was lying. We asked if it was a good or bad spirit, and obviously, it was a bad one. It said it wanted to harm my best friend and later just kept going to the letters A and H like it was laughing at us.
Immediately, I told my friend to say goodbye, and when she did, I felt a kissing sensation on my forehead. According to my friends and what I remember, I acted extremely aggressively and vouched to burn the board.
I remember my friend’s mom telling us not to burn the board, and I literally cried out of anger. Both I and my friend knew there was something attached to me after this because she had looked up the symptoms, and I had ALL OF THEM.
It felt like it was always standing behind me with its clawed hands on my shoulders. It followed me home, where it would frequently speak to me, especially in the shower, where I figured out that IT was a HE.
He would always make comments about my body, calling me sexy or good-looking. He would always try to manipulate me, but I knew better, and eventually, he just went away. He did tell me that I was an empath, very connected to the demon world and that my best friend was a vessel. He wanted to get to me. I would frequently see him, a tall, lanky, shadowy presence with long arms and a jagged head, but it just stopped out of nowhere, and that was the end of it.
Fast forward to literally a few days ago. My friend’s mom hid the board from us after everything happened the first time, but now it’s December, and I think she figured we could handle ourselves.
The first night we tried to use it, it was with a large group of friends. We asked if anyone wanted to talk to us, but the planchette just slid to “no” every time. My best friend and I kinda just shrugged it off and waited till the next day when we could just do it together. The next day came along, and everyone who slept over at my BFF’s house that night left besides this other girl and me. So we go down into the basement, where we left the board, sit down, and open it up.
Immediately this spirit wanted to talk to us, but I was suspicious. I knew it was him. My BFF and I looked up at each other, and I could see that she knew too. We said goodbye and decided we needed to find a better, more comfortable place to do this. We needed to know who this was.
So we go upstairs with the board and set it up, and once again, the same spirit is there talking to us. I was only asking a few questions, and it was just mostly my BFF talking. He said he was a 45-year-old man who lived in the house.
The two girls fell for it, yet I did not. I stayed silent until I saw the planchette go to the letters A and H back and forth. He was laughing. I remember exclaiming, “I knew it!” and asking the spirit if he was who I thought he was.
He slid the planchette to yes. I started talking to him as if he was a friend, and my friends grew a little more comfortable, and they picked up on it, too. He would frequently trick the other girls and confuse them, my BFF being the most gullible. I kept asking him if he was telling the truth, and of course he slid the piece over to no.
I remember calling him a trickster, and he said yes. He was very into our convos, and he even knew about an ex boyfriend of my best friend and even SPELT OUT HIS NAME. This spirit told us he lived in her house, so maybe he eavesdropped, but who knows? Anyway, I finally gained the balls to ask this spirit if he attached himself to me, and he said yes. I kept asking if he was telling me the truth after my questions, and he would be honest. We asked if he had a favorite, and he did, so we asked him to point to them. I remember the planchette turning clockwise towards me and stopping.
I asked if I was his favorite, and he said yes.
Finally, we asked what we should call him since he would never tell us his name, so we asked him to spell out a nickname. He spelt Mama. We kinda laughed and asked if he was sure, and of course he was.
That’s when I knew this was an important name. I got home, did my research, and came to a conclusion. It’s the Ouija Board demon. I’m not saying his real name. As of right now, this is all that has happened. I plan on talking to him again. If anyone knows ANYTHING that will help me, it will be greatly appreciated. Don’t worry btw I stay very unbiased in these situations, and I am not quick to trust. I do NOT trust this demon, I just want to know more, and why it is so attached to me. Also, I want to eventually get rid of him because he’s preventing other spirits from talking to us.
Encounter 4
I’m going to say that it’s impossible it’s fake because I have experienced it myself. I used an Ouija in college with a few friends a long time ago. Ever since we had the first session, we would feel a weird presence in our apartment, and we’d see things peeking around corners.
The building we stayed in was built in the 1880s and used to be a butcher shop for livestock. One night, our roommate wondered if we all wanted to contact spirits on her Ouija board, and we all said, “Eh, sure, why not.” HUGE Mistake!!
So all was going well, and we were having fun, laughing and whatnot. My one roommate put a lit cigarette on the board and asked a spirit to smoke it. To our amazement, the board started smoking the cigarette like someone was inhaling it. It’s super weird but kind of cool. But then, someone asked, “Who’s this we’re talking to?” And the board started spelling out ZOZO ZOZO ZOZO.
Not kidding you at all. (And I didn’t know who ZOZO was until much later, and none of us had ever heard of this spirit before, either.
Anyway, we closed the session, but the vibe in the house was just weird. After that, we all started fighting with each other, one roommate became so enraged with us that she wouldn’t even talk to us for months.
We’d hear footsteps upstairs when no one was up there, and we’d hear banging sounds and strange noises and thumping sounds in different areas of the house. To this day, and this is 17 years later now, I’m STILL feeling haunted by that demon in some ways. This stuff is all too real, and I know what I experienced, not just once but multiple times. I believe in the power of the Ouija board, the spiritual realm communicating with us. And I believe we can be haunted or followed by malevolent spirits as well. I am proof of this possibility. Take it or leave it for those of you who are skeptical, but until it happens to you, ‘judge not, lest ye be judged.’ 😉
Encounter 5
My ex played with an Ouija board as a kid in his garage with his neighbor.
They were contacted by this ZOZO demon, being kids they didn’t know to officially end the session, and they just got scared when the lights flickered and realized it wasn’t either of them messing with the other and put the board away.
Years later I moved in to the house with him and weird stuff started happening and one day I was cleaning the garage and found the board sticking out of a rafter on the ceiling of the garage and pulled it out and showed him and joked about it.
He immediately freaked out and asked where I found it cause he thought it was locked up in a small storage room by a padlock with a lost key in the basement. He wouldn’t tell me for a really long time why it bothered him so much till one day, I was looking up bad experience stories with boards hoping to find something that would tell me why he was so scared of it, my phone glitched literally spelling out “ZOZOZOZOZOhahahahahahahH” and I freaked out and showed him while it was still glitching and spelling it out.
That’s when he finally told me the story and how weird stuff has happened to him ever since he was a kid and messed with the board, he still didn’t really want to talk about it, and when I told him we should do a session to officially END the years long session they started he got all defensive like he didn’t want the weird stuff to go away, he just didn’t want to talk about it or bring* attention to it..
I ended up doing a session alone and telling the board that the session that started everything was ending now. I moved out shortly after, and I’m not sure if it worked or not.
Encounter 6
Did I invite ZOZO Into my life?
Hi, everyone; this is my first post here. I hope to get some help here
A short background to my life: I’ve always been a relatively normal girl. I’ve always had friends, I’m just about to finish a higher education, I never had financial problems, I’ve never been seriously ill, and things just always went on smoothly with my life.
More or less. I never believed in the paranormal, but things that have happened to me this past year have made me doubt. I’ll start from the beginning.
About a year ago, me and my boyfriend spent a night alone in a pretty big house. We were sick of just watching movies or TV, so we decided to think of something different to do.
The other night, we had been watching a horror movie about an Ouija board, and we had been talking about how none of us had ever tried one. Since neither of us believed in the paranormal, we decided to try it just for fun. We were kind of silly about the whole thing, making it something “romantic” instead of something serious. We turned off all the lights in the house, and I decided to grab a piece of paper to make the board.
I googled a picture of the board and copied it. My boyfriend turned on some candles, and I did a quick google on how to do the whole thing. As I remember it, I just clicked on the first link and read that we should take a glass, place it on the board, and with a finger on it, we should make the infinity sign 10 times and then stop.
I think I stopped my research here somewhere, so this was all we did. We were sitting opposite each other, and we started asking some questions. Nothing happened for the 10-15 minutes we were holding our fingers on the glass. The “mood” kind of left us, and my boyfriend started to get a bit silly.
The weather outside was pretty bad that night, and the wind made a sound in the house wall outside. At this point, my boyfriend started laughing and saying, “It’s probably ZOZO, ZOZO IS THAT YOU?!” (He remembered this name from the movie we had watched). I laughed at his efforts to scare me, and I also said something regarding this (I do remember saying the name ZOZO out loud).
At this point, we started talking about doing something else. We just removed our fingers from the glass and started cleaning up. I took the paper off the board and was folding it because I didn’t want the house owners to see it in the trash can (it was not our house), but at the last moment, I decided to bring it into our room instead and put it in our “personal” trash.
Just because I was a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and wanted to make sure that no one saw it. The evening went on, and eventually, we went to bed. The next morning i was about to start cleaning our room a bit, and i came across the paper of the board. It was clean and open, the foldings I had make the other day were gone.
I asked my boyfriend about it but he didn’t take it seriously, again laughing and saying “maybe ZOZO wanted to talk more to you”. I grabbed the paper and looked at it, and in the corner where the word “YES” was written, the text was smeared out like we had spilled water on it or something. I couldn’t remember us spilling anything on this paper, we had a glass of wine when we were doing this but this was no wine stain, it looked more like water had been spilled on it.
We forgot about the whole thing and moved on with our lives, and I didn’t think about the whole thing until last month. The thing is that, after this “session”, my life has changed.
A lot. And only for the worse. I don’t want to give you any details, but I can give you an overview. My studies (which always went well) started going incredibly bad.
I started losing relationships. My relationship with my partner almost broke apart.
I have very, very bad financial problems.
Everything that had always worked out for me just stopped working completely. In addition, more or less everything that could possibly go wrong for me did go wrong.
To the point where people around me have started asking me where all of this “bad luck” is coming from. I take it pretty seriously when other people start to see things like that since humans tend to feel more sorry for themselves than others do.
The bad habits I had have increased in intensity, and this “bad luck” I have is INSANE. Every tiny, tiny thing that can possibly go wrong just goes wrong. I’m often sick. You just have to take my word for this. This past year has been the worst in my life by far, for a “normal” person, the things happening to me just should not be happening.
We have a dog that very often just barks into nothing in our home. My boyfriend often makes jokes, saying, “We have a ghost.” The other month I decided to think about this a bit more, and I googled a bit.
As I now understand it, we did a lot of things wrong that night. A lot. Especially when saying the name ZOZO out loud so many times. I also started remembering that thing about the piece of paper (the board); it was just very, very strange since I so clearly remember that I was folding it to “hide” the text in the trash. We also didn’t finish it up correctly, we just stopped.
I’ve never been open to these things, but this “bad luck” in my life has gone so far that I’m open to anyone telling me the Ouija board session we had has something to do with it. Worth mentioning is that my partner also experienced this to a certain extent, things have been happening to him to but not as much. It’s mostly me.
Since I don’t have a lot of knowledge about this, I’m turning to you. Could it be possible that something is attached to me? What could I do? I don’t know how long I can take this, this has to stop.
Please give me all your thoughts and tips, I really appreciate it.

Is The Ouija Board Demon A True Story
What do you think, Bizarros?
What do you make of it that the demon has only really been around about 200 years?
Do you think the fact that people talk about it like it’s the only one gives it extra strength?
Is there more than one?
Are all Ouija boards in danger of this demon coming, or just some under the right conditions?
There are few, if any, possessions reported outside of Roland Doe. Is this just some bully rather than a very powerful demon?
Is this dark entity really coming through the Ouija Board?
Would you play with a spirit board and take the chance to meet it?
Let us know in the comments!
Sources: Thought Catalog, All That’s Interesting, Reddit