Amy Rylance Alien Abduction and November UAP Congressional Hearing
In October 2001, a peaceful evening in Australia turned surreal when 22-year-old Amy vanished from her living room sofa.
Her friend Petra claimed to witness Amy being lifted through a window by a beam of light into a hovering disc-shaped craft.
Remarkably, Amy reappeared just hours later at a gas station 500 miles away, showing signs of weeks’ worth of body hair growth and mysterious triangular marks.
She recalled encountering a tall, masked figure in a well-lit room. As UFO investigators began looking into the case, Amy, her husband Keith, and Petra suddenly disappeared after reportedly being pursued by mysterious strangers in a dark truck.
Additionally, we provide an overview of the early November 2024 UAP Congressional Hearing. We discuss the 7 key takeaways provided by the four individuals providing testimony, Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, former Department Of Defense official Lou Elizondo, journalist Michael Shellenberger, and former NASA official Michael Gold.

Can aliens abduct someone from inside a home?
Could an Australian woman abducted by aliens be an elaborate hoax?
Why would paranormal investigators stop in the middle of an investigation?
What is up, Bizarros!? This week, we are diving into the alien abduction of Amy Rylance.

When Did Amy Rylance Get Abducted?
Amy Rylance was abducted in October 2001 in Queensland, Australia.
On October 4th, Amy and her husband, Keith Rylance, were hanging out and enjoying each other’s company, along with their friend Petra.
They talked and shared stories that went late into the evening. So much so that 22-year-old Amy ended up falling asleep on their sofa in the living room.
Keith went off to the main bedroom to sleep, and Petra went to their guest room.
Around 11:30 pm to midnight, they had a nasty thunderstorm. It woke up Petra, and she decided to go into the living room and check in on Amy since she wasn’t in her typical sleeping setting.
She figured the whole storm and ordeal may have startled her.
However, what Petra discovered absolutely stunned her.
Petra claims that when she walked into the living room, she saw Amy being lifted into the air by a rectangular beam of light.
This strange light proceeded to carry her through the living room window outside, where she hovered near an enormous disc-shaped space craft.
Immediately, Petra felt woozy and lost consciousness for a second.
She had no words to explain what she was witnessing, and it hit her hard.
Once she gathered herself, she ran to get Keith for help.
But, once Keith and Petra made their way back to the living room – Amy was gone.
Amy wasn’t there. There was no beam of light. There was no disc-shaped spaceship.
All that was left was the sound of rain and a broken window.
Keith sprinted outside to frantically look for his wife or any clue of her whereabouts. But she was nowhere to be seen.
What Happened After Amy Was Abducted?
Keith called the police to report Amy as a missing person.
He was trying to stay as calm and calculated as possible, but he was battling with the intense fear of losing his wife, along with this seemingly insane story presented to him by Petra.
Once the police arrived, they conducted a search of the property.
They found no sign of Amy, but they did discover a few unusual details.
Apparently, a flowering bush outside the window she was allegedly flown through was intensely burned by some type of heat on one side.
This was a very strange and unexplainable detail for the officers and Keith and Petra.
Less than two hours later, Keith received a phone call that turned this already strange UFO encounter on its
When Keith answered the phone, he was shocked to hear that a woman had claimed to find Amy at a gas station.
According to this phone caller, Amy was discovered walking around the gas station in a daze.
She was extremely dehydrated and speaking nonsensically.
The state that Amy was found inThe information was strange and made no sense, but in that moment, Keith let out a sigh of relief because his wife was found, and for all intents and purposes, okay. led to her being admitted to a nearby hospital.
The information was strange and made no sense, but in that moment, Keith let out a sigh of relief because his wife was found, and for all intents and purposes, okay.
He then asked where Amy was admitted so he could go get her.
The woman on the phone said the town of Mackay, which is 500 miles from Amy and Keith’s home.
This made absolutely no sense to Keith. The whole ordeal had happened just under 2 hours previously.
And Mackay was at least an 8-hour drive away.
Keith thanked the woman for the call and contacted the MacKay police.
What Did Amy Experience During Her Alien Abduction?
Amy claimed that she remembered lying on the sofa in the living room, and the next thing she remembered was sitting on a bench in some sort of large, rectangular, well-lit room.
While she felt like she should have been absolutely freaking out, there was a calm male voice that she heard that kept her from breaking into a panic.
Soon, a tall, slender figure in a full-body suit entered from an opening.
The entity had a black mask over its face and told her that they were bringing her back from their journey.
Then, her memory jumped to walking through a forest until she stumbled upon that gas station where she was discovered.
While being examined, there were a few strange physical clues that proved that “something” had happened.
She had some sort of anomalous red marks all over her body and triangular marks on her thighs and heels.
Also, her body hair had grown considerably, as if she had been missing for weeks, not just a couple of hours.
They conducted a blood test which showed that there was no alcohol in Amy’s system, nor drugs.
Confused and not sure where to turn, Keith ended up reaching out to Diane Harrison at the Australian UFO Research Network and Ufologist Bill Chalker.
An investigation was set up, and they met with Amy, Keith, and Petra to examine the property of the home.
Obviously, having some belief in this subject matter, Harrison believed Amy was sincere but also had some doubts.
Here is what she said about the property investigation:
“Some of the damage on closer inspection seemed suggestive of possible dog damage.
Our inspection of the plant damage also suggested possible prosaic causes, such as heat stress.
A plant at the front of the house had similar damage, and a healthy flowering bush of the same species that was at the window was examined by us at Mount Basset Lawn Cemetery had similar damage.
A gardener there we spoke to indicated that the species often had random or more extensive damage from a heat-stressed nature from hot sunlight.
The prosaic possibilities for both the screen and the plant damage are only suggestive at this point, and further investigation is required. We undertook extensive investigations of the property and the area. The police were very helpful.
Our investigation generated many issues and questions, which we feel need resolution in order to assist in the interpretation of these events.
Further extensive investigations were undertaken in Mackay, focusing in particular on the area where Amy Rylance returned.
These included attempts to reconstruct the circumstances of Amy’s return through onsite research.
The BP petrol service station staff were spoken with, and a surveillance videotape that may contain Amy’s visit there was provided to us by the station owner.
This part of our investigation also generated many issues and questions that need resolution if we are to approach any measure of certainty about the real nature of the events alleged.”
A short while later, during the investigation, Keith, Amy, And Petra all vanished, having already checked out of a hotel where Harrison and Chalker had arranged to meet them.
A call on Keith’s phone made it apparent that the trio had fled some sort of mysterious strangers who had been harassing them.
Here is a quote from Harrison regarding the phone call:
“Keith apologized for not being available but was indicating they had relocated to an unspecified location after having fled the area.
The primary reason for this, Keith indicated, was that they claimed they had a kind of “men-in-black” experience.
In this case, Keith was reporting a pursuit of their vehicle by a high-powered dark brown 4-wheel truck.
The nature of this event apparently frightened Keith, Amy, and Petra, prompting Keith to attempt to lose the vehicle and eventually leave the area.
Before the completion of this preliminary report, we heard from Keith again.
We remain hopeful that they will get into more direct contact with us.”
Unfortunately, there isn’t too much resolution to this case. The trio never really worked with the investigators again and were hard to locate for further questioning.

The Abduction Of Amy Rylance By Unidentified Flying Objects
What do you think, Bizarros?
Is this a case of an abducted woman?
Did Amy have an alien encounter on a spacecraft?
Why did Amy’s body seem like it had been gone for an extended period of time?
Were the groups’ abduction claims true, or was this an elaborate hoax?
Let us know what you think in the comments!