Interested in Advertising on Believing the Bizarre?

Do you want your brand, product, or services promoted on Believing the Bizarre?

We would love to have a discussion about various sponsorship opportunities – especially if your brand is in the paranormal/horror genre!

*Not being in this niche does not disqualify you from sponsorship opportunities, of course.

Why promote on our podcast?

According to Listen Notes, Believing the Bizarre is in the top 0.5% of podcasts.

We are dedicated to our craft, love what we do, and intend on continually growing.

Believing the Bizarre currently averages 11,000 downloads per episode in a 30-day window and 150,000 downloads total per month. In terms of impressions, as we include multiple ads per episode, we reach over 340,000 per month and can sell up to 250,000 impressions per month at a CPM of $19.

For complete transparency, we absolutely can send any analytic and audience data you’d like to see. This information will be pulled directly from our hosting platform, Spreaker.

We actively engage our audience on all social media platforms and have extensive marketing skills when it comes to creating scripts, optimizing content, social posting, and graphics.

We offer 60-90 second pre-roll and mid-roll ad spots.

Whether you prefer to provide a script, your own audio clip, or would like us to craft a script based on highlight points and your chosen call-to-action is completely fine.

To submit a sponsorship inquiry, please provide your information below.