Cursed Games: Part 2
Would you ever summon a spirit into a doll and play hide and seek with it? Or what about riding an elevator to an unknown, hellish dimension? This week, we discuss four creepy and unsettling cursed games. Would you play these games, even if it meant risking your life? Listen now.

Top 4 Cursed Games
Would you ever play hide and seek with a doll?
Is it possible to conjure a spirit just by having some innocent fun?
Can an elevator take you to an unknown, horrifying dimension?
What is up, Bizarros? This week we dive into our second installment of Cursed Games.
What Are Cursed Games?
Cursed games are games that involve the paranormal and can negatively affect the player or players. There are a number of cursed games. Some of the most popular have been Bloody Mary, Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, and of course, Ouija Board.

The First Cursed Game: The White Kimono Game:
Fun fact: Waaaaay back in August of 2020, right after starting the podcast, I found this game, was terrified of it, and wanted to make it an episode, but I knew it was too short.
But now, I get to tell it here, and I’m super excited. Let’s go into the instructions:
There is a warning that the ritual is incredibly dangerous and to be very careful that you follow the instructions precisely.
There is absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose, so step right up.
Also, if you start feeling cold or heaviness on your shoulders while preparing to play, it’s recommended that you not try and wait for a different night.
So, if you’re shoulders are feeling loose, and you’re willing to abide by the rules, let’s begin.
Requirements –
One player, aka YOU.
A dark room with precisely four corners. Keep your pentagon and hexagon rooms out of here.
Curtains must be drawn, and all exterior lights should be eliminated. Or, if you’re living in a college dorm, use thumbtacks to put a blanket over the windows.
A light source with an easy-to-operate switch, such as a flashlight or a cell phone, and a compass.
1 Wait until after midnight.
Once the clock strikes 1, 2, or 3, head to your room, ensuring it has the proper amount of corners and has the blinds drawn.
Locate your one source of light and your compass if needed.
Lay down in your bed. This is where it begins.
2 Reminder – only your one source of light can be on, and it must be easily shut off. This is critical.
3 To begin the game, locate the corner of your room where the wall meets the ceiling. You must begin in the corner that is closest to the north.
This is why the compass is necessary.
Once you locate this corner, begin looking at the other corners of the room counter-clockwise, one by one.
Do this slowly, three times.
4) Then cross your arms on your chest
Start a chant “On-beiro-kya-mashironi-sowaka**” three times. (On be iron yamashironi sow aka)
5) Still keeping your arms crossed, imagine in your mind’s eye – a long and black-haired woman in white kimono, covered in blood and with her hair down, slowly coming closer to you.
Fight the urge to think of something else, something happier. Focus on this woman in the white kimono.
6) If done correctly, she is now in the room, walking towards you. Getting closer and closer.
7) When she arrives in front of you, stop imagining. Believe as though she isn’t there at all.
8) Uncross your arms, turn off all lights to leave the room as dark as possible, and do your best to go to sleep.
9 If you followed the directions properly, you will see a woman in white kimono covered in blood in your dream.
Technically, this means you succeeded in the game, but there is an additional warning regarding the dream.
Warning!! – The Dream
If you see the woman you pictured in your dreams, then you were successful in the game.
Even if the woman comes close to you, you must not speak to her.
Do not tell her your name — Do not let her whisper in your ear.
If she begins whispering in your ears, do everything in your power to wake up immediately.
If, after you have woken up, you look around and see no black shadow of the woman lurking in any of the four corners of your room, then you are safe.

The Second Cursed Game: The Camera Game
This one is a multiplayer game that can have 3 or more players.
For this one, you need a good length of rope, a glass, an alcoholic beverage, a knife or scissors, a mirror for each person, and one camera with a flash.
In a quiet, dark room, make a large circle with the rope, fill the glass with the alcohol, and place the glass in the middle of the circle.
The players now sit around the circle at midnight and hold their mirrors on their laps, and at no point from here on out is anyone to step within that circle.
Now you should all hold hands and close your eyes, after which you should one by one say aloud, “We trust you.”
When everyone has said it, you all then say in unison, “The door is open; please come in” three times and open your eyes to see, well, nothing at all yet; that’s what you need the camera for.
One of the players should pick up the camera and exclaim, “I caught you,” before aiming at the middle of the circle a snapping a picture.
That player then passes the camera to the next player in the circle, and the process is repeated until all members have taken exactly three photographs.
It is crucial to remember that if anyone feels dizzy, nauseous, or acts out of character at any time, you should stop the ritual immediately and destroy the camera, and if you are using a digital camera, it is forbidden to preview any of the photos you have all just taken until after the ritual is complete.
When this picture-taking is done, you all sit down and repeat three times in unison, “It is time to go home,” before putting your mirrors face down on the floor and cutting the rope circle with the knife or scissors.
The glass should be emptied outside, and you’re done. Don’t drink it.
If you have been successful, you can now look at the pictures and apparently find everything from orbs, to strange blurs, to faces and apparitions in them.

The Third Cursed Game: The One Man Hide and Seek
Saya in underworld source
The one-man hide and seek, aka the one-man tag, is a game but also a ritual for contacting the dead.
So, if you want to contact the dead but keep it funky, or you’re bored of board games and want to simultaneously speak with those that have passed, this is for you.
So, this game believes in the idea that spirits can be trapped on this plane and aimlessly wander, searching for bodies to possess. And in times of restlessness, they may even possess objects.
In this game, you are offering a wandering spirit the opportunity to possess a doll. It is a summoning.
Warning: If you have psychic abilities, you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.
Things you need:
A Stuffed Doll with limbs
Rice (enough to stuff the doll full)
A Needle and a Crimson Thread
A Sharp-Edged Tool (such as a Knife, a Glass Shard, or Scissors)
A Cupful of Salt (natural salt would be best)
A Television
+ A Hiding Place (preferably a room purified by incense and ofuda)
Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll and stuff it instead with rice.
Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread.
Pour water into a bathtub.
Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
Now it is game time
1. Wait until 3 am, the witching hour. It is suggested you have a prepared and well-chosen hiding place.
Remember, it is kind of like hide and seek. Is there somewhere in your house Charlie, that you’d choose?
Okay, so it is 3 am, it’s late, and you have the doll.
2 Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own) – So, Charlie, in this hypothetical game, what do you want the name of the doll to be?
3. You claim to be It first, so if it were you, you’d say to the doll, “Charlie is the first it,” three times.
4. Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
5. Turn off all lights in the house, go back to your chosen hiding place, and switch on the TV.
6. When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc.) in your hand.
7. When you get there, say to the doll,”I have found you, __(the doll’s name),” and stab the doll with the edged tool.
8. Say, “You are the next it, __(the doll’s name),” as you put the doll back in its place.
9. As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
Now it is the doll’s turn. This is the invitation for something to take the place of the doll.
Here is how to end the game.
Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don’t drink it; keep it there)*4 and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll.
It is important to note – the doll is not necessarily in the bathroom.
Whatever happens, don’t spit out the salt water.
Keep a close eye on the television. The purpose of the television is to alert you to the presence of these potential visitors.
Should it begin to display abnormal behavior, do NOT, under ANY circumstance, leave your hiding place without the salt water.
When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
Say “I win” three times.
This is supposed to end the ritual.
After this, make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.
Please don’t stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.
This is a dangerous ritual, and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
Don’t go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
You must turn off all lights.
Keep quiet while hiding.
You don’t need to put the saltwater in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
Remember, if you are living with someone, you might put them in danger too.
Don’t continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment’s notice if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.
*1 – the rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
*2 – the crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
*3 – by cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
*4 – if you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter “something wandering around” in your house, which might harm you in some way. Apparently, the way to feel the presence of “something wandering around” is to watch “what happens to the TV.”
I actually have two personal encounters with people both brave and crazy enough to attempt this game. One from Mysterious Universe and one from Reddit.
The One Man Hide and Seek Encounters
Account from Mysterious Universe:
“I waited for approximately 1 minute but couldn’t feel any signs which would signify that the ritual worked.
After 1 minute, I started to feel the signs. I suddenly had to take deep breaths to breathe.
I realized the temperature had drastically made its way down.
The spare room in which I was hiding happened to be just beside the living room where the television was.
Remember I left the television on a static noise channel? I swear I heard the static noise grow louder.
I waited patiently despite the extreme conditions.
I started to feel nauseous at this point, and I immediately knew it was time to end the game.
I picked up the cup of salt water beside me and took half of the saltwater in my mouth but didn’t swallow it.
Remembering the instructions I read on the internet, I got out of my hiding place with a half cup of salt water and started looking for the doll.
Even though my jaws and cheeks started to hurt a bit, I didn’t swallow the salt water.
I entered the bathroom to check out the tub, but the doll was not there. I already knew this would happen, but I just decided to check it out.
The thought that a possessed doll was after my life gave me shivers. I was bare-handed, so I decided to go to the kitchen to take another knife.
By chance, if something went wrong, I could use this knife for my protection.
I searched all the places on my way to the kitchen, but there was no sign of the doll.
I was happy because I finally reached the kitchen at this point. But when I entered the kitchen, I got the shock of my life. The doll was lying on the kitchen floor.
The knife which I gave it lay right beside it with an ADDITIONAL knife (which I didn’t give it).
The doll had found another knife in the kitchen in the meanwhile. I quickly poured the saltwater in the cup on top of it before spitting the saltwater in my mouth on top of it as well.
Then I said, “I win!” 3 times before leaning down and cutting the crimson thread with my teeth.
I picked up the doll and took a lighter before heading to the lawn.
I was successful in burning the doll with a little help from the lighter. The fire stopped by itself when the doll was badly burned and was not recognizable anymore.
I picked up the heated doll and headed toward the nearby dumpster. I dumped the doll in the dumpster and headed back home.
Nothing happened to me because I did the ritual correctly, BUT please don’t try this. I am too scared to even now.
It was a really, trust me, really scary experience!”
Account from Reddit:
Then we ran out of the bathroom, turning out all the lights and switching on the tv in our hiding room to a static channel.
Akane grabbed a knife and left the salt water on the table.
We went back into the bathroom, and sure enough, the doll was there, in the bathtub, smiling serenely up at us from the bottom.
“Erina, Akane, and Sarah found you!” we yelled. We yanked it out. Akane stabbed the heart and made sure to sever a lot of the red thread before dumping it back in the tub.
“Erina is the second it! Erina is the second one! Erina is the second it!” we chanted, then ran back to the family room with the tv going.
We each took a gulp of salt water, making sure not to swallow it, then held our cups firmly before settling in the closet.
Akane left open a crack in the door because she wanted to watch what would happen to the tv.
It was a terrible, terrible idea.
To this day, I wish we’d left the door closed.
For the first five minutes, we were just waiting. Nothing was happening, and I felt relieved.
Then, I heard the static of the TV begin to change. Without any of us touching the remote, the tv began to switch channels fast enough that sentences began to form from the words of different channels.
I shrunk back into the closet, terrified. The air seemed to be getting colder. Akane still stayed with her eye pressed up against the crack of the closet quietly.
I could hear footsteps and thumping.
The footsteps changed and stopped in front of the closet.
Then I heard the most chilling words of all:
Akane screamed and fell back to the ground. The tv distracted her, and she accidentally swallowed the water.
The kitchen knife we had used to stab the doll was protruding from her eye, the eye she had used to peek through the crack of the closet door.
Luckily, as terrified as I was, I managed to keep the saltwater in my mouth, clutching the stupid cup as well. I waited until the static returned to normal on the television screen.
Akane was sobbing quietly, the knife still in her eye, but she whimpered,
“You need to end the ritual.”
I did what she had told me to do.
I wandered around the house, looking for the stupid doll. It was no longer in the bathroom. I found it, sitting upright on Akane’s bed, grinning. I dumped the salt water and spat the salt water on it, then shouted,
“I win! I win! I win!” loudly.
Then I grasped the doll firmly and went to the neighbor’s trashcan and put it in a bath of gasoline before torching it.
It was now five AM.
I came back into the closet and told Akane it was over, so she came out of the closet, knife still embedded in her eye, and we called an ambulance.
After surgery, it was determined she would be blind in that one eye, unfortunately. Akane lied and said she tripped on the knife after getting up early to make breakfast.
The scary thing is, even though I ended the ritual and burnt the doll-like Akane told me, I don’t think it’s ended. Akane says she can still see “Erina” walking around the house when only that eye is open.
I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye as well. I don’t know what to do, we thought we did the ritual right, but maybe it’s still going on.
Some weird stuff has been happening lately, footsteps outside of my door at three in the morning, the tv changing channels, and the sound warping.
I keep incense burning and salt in my room to keep me safe, as does Akane.
But if someone comes up to you and asks if you want to play this game, save yourself the hassle and just don’t do it.
Looking up the real directions now, we did a lot of wrong stuff, I guess from hearsay.
Putting blood in is wrong; it can curse you. We were supposed to put in fingernail clippings instead.
Akane and I are going to a shrine in a couple of days for help this Sunday. And if anyone has any advice as to what to do in case of a haunting in Japan, let me know.

Fourth Cursed Game: The Elevator Game
One of the most well-known of these scary games involves elevators and opening some sort of portal to some kind of spiritual realm or alternate dimension, for better or worse.
So, what is needed?
All you need the play the elevator game is a building with at least 10 floors, an elevator, and to be completely alone on said elevator.
Being alone is key – you have to make sure that no one else is on the elevator. Even if you have to push the close elevator door as someone is running down the hallway.
Gotta make tough choices.
If anyone gets on the elevator with you, it brings you back to square one in the game.
Also, another reason to play late at night – besides the spooky atmosphere.
So, you’re alone in a building with at least 10 floors and an elevator?
Let’s get started.
Step one – you need to get in the elevator on the first floor and then press the button inside to head up to the 4th floor.
However, once you reach the 4th floor, you do not get out.
Now, once you reach the 4th floor, you have to push the button for the 2nd floor.
If everything has been done according to plan, this is when things start getting strange.
At this point, it isn’t unusual for folks playing the elevator game to experience disembodied voices calling out to you on the 2nd floor.
They are encouraging you to get off. Pleading for you to just take one step.
It is important that you do not do this.
Instead, wait for the doors to shut on their own. When they do, push the button for the 6th floor.
Again, do not leave the elevator when it reaches the 6th floor; just simply wait for it to close and go back down to the 2nd floor with the voices.
When you are finally back on the 2nd floor, go all the way up to the 10th floor and then come down to the 5th floor.
Things ramp up even more once you reach the 5th floor.
When the elevator stops on the 5th floor, you’ll notice that you’re no longer alone. You have run into what appears to be a woman.
She will enter the elevator and stand in the back, lurking behind you.
No, the game is not ruined. You haven’t gone back to square one.
This is part of the elevator game.
This woman will try to start up a conversation with you. There will be a sense of urgency to it, if you don’t respond.
She may mention that she was in an accident or have a different type of medical emergency – despite her relaxed demeanor upon entering the elevator.
Under no circumstances are you to reply.
You must ignore her. Don’t even glance in her direction, no matter how insistent she gets.
Try to avoid her reflection on any reflective surfaces in the elevator, too.
According to the game – if you are lucky, she will just leave you alone, but if you are to acknowledge her presence in any way, things can go bad very quickly.
Players have claimed to have been attacked by this spectral woman, cursed, spat, and ranted at.
In severe circumstances, some players report that she has followed them to their homes long after the elevator game and will bang on their doors night after night or stalk by their windows.
Others have said that she will visit them in their dreams or haunt their homes to the point of insanity.
So, it is imperative to ignore her and let her be.
While avoiding her, push the button for the 1st floor.
But it’s not the 1st floor you’re going to.
If you’ve done everything right up to now, then the elevator should not move down to the 1st floor as instructed, but rather up, where it will stop at the 10th floor and open its doors.
Immediately, you will feel something is off. That you’re not really on the 10th floor.
In fact, you’re questioning if you’re even in the same building anymore.
You are, for all intents and purposes, now in a different dimension.
The air is thick and heavy, oppressive even, and the windows are said to have a red frosting from a fiery glow beyond them.
If you are brave enough to actually get off, it is said that that woman from the 5th floor refuses to come with you, as if she knows this is a horrifying place and that you will immediately become dizzy and disoriented.
If you can bring yourself to look out the windows, you will see a dead and apparently abandoned city sprawled out before you and an enormous flaming red cross in the distance, sometimes described as having corpses draped over it, as well as possibly inhuman shadowy shapes stalking through the desolate city streets below.
The whole time you’re observing this new dimension, you can feel that strange woman just watching you, her eyes burning into you.
If you have left, you will likely want to get back in the elevator quickly, but that is easier said than done.
It will seemingly pull farther away from you as you find the air becoming increasingly heavy and draining, like moving through water.
Do not let this deter or discourage you. You must get back to the elevator. Stay in a straight line; keep it a direct path.
Also, there is also the very important rule that once in that strange dimension on the 10th floor, you are under no circumstances to leave that room or try to venture into the city because you will become disoriented and never find your way back.
Once back into the elevator, the woman will be gone, and you are to press the buttons in the exact same order as before.
That would be:
4th floor
2nd floor
6th floor
2nd floor
10th floor
5th floor
1st floor
When you finally press the first floor, you may notice that the elevator’s gears seem to squeal, and it will feel as though you’re going up instead of down.
This is the elevator trying to bring you back to the terrifying red dimension on the 10th floor.
The only way to avoid this from happening is repeatedly pressing the 1st-floor button, over and over, until you finally feel the elevator give up and start heading down.
You are now back in the real world and have completed and survived the elevator game.
Hopefully, you did not acknowledge the woman in the elevator, or else you may spot her later – whether it be in your dreams or in the shadows around your home.
While this is successfully completing the elevator game, there is an important note –
That evening that you finish the elevator game, pay close attention to your surroundings, the environment, how strangers interact, etc.
If things feel off, or there seem to be glitches in the matrix, so to speak, then you haven’t made it back to our dimension.
You must immediately go back and play the game again.
Would You Play Cursed Games?
What do you think, Bizarros?
Which one of these games would you play? Are you brave enough to go into another dimension with the elevator game? Or would you rather chance your luck with One Man Hide and Seek?
Let us know in the comments.