The Fort Collins Wraith | Ep. 56

Welcome to another week of Believing the Bizarre! It is that time again..Listener Submission Time!

This story from Collin takes us to, ironically, Fort Collins, Colorado. Collin is moving into a new home with some friends, but that’s not that all has changed. While working out one morning, he witnesses a shadowy entity floating and staring directly at him.

He seems to have bonded with a Wraith – a negative entity that has been known to suck the energy and happiness from those it attaches to. Sort of like a spiritual leech.

What can Collin do about this? Listen to find out!

Have you ever had an entity fixate on you?  Perhaps even attach itself to you?

Have you ever had an entity fixate on you?  Perhaps even attach itself to you?

What’s up Bizzaros?  In this week’s episode, we dive into a listener submission with the story of the Wraith Of Fort Collins.

“It was late summer of 2017 when I moved into the duplex on the cul-de-sac on the west side of Fort Collins,” explains Collin.

Collin was moving in with two coworkers, Sydney and Patrick.  The three of them all share a love of the bizarre, unknown, and unusual. 

“Patrick had some brief experiences with UFO’s and Sydney has had multiple experiences with ghosts in multiple places,” Collin recounts of his soon-to-be roommates.  “The restaurant we worked in is haunted and Sydney and I have had multiple encounters, together and separately.” 

Sydney had already lived in the duplex for a couple of years. The cul-de-sac was almost rural, sitting next to an equine training center with some open space and a state park directly behind that.  The homes were relatively new, constructed in the early 2000s with a communal backyard/courtyard off of the concrete patios.

“When we moved in I asked Sydney and her roommate if the place was haunted.  They hesitated and said they hadn’t experienced anything, but the other roommate had seen pictures move, doors slowly close, and some noises upstairs.” Collin said. 

About a month later Collin had his first paranormal experience. 

“I worked out every morning, and if it’s nice out, I like to do them on the patio. On this particular day, I was up at the witching hour. I was supposed to meet someone for a hike, a training session, and grabbing a bite to eat” he said. 

“About halfway through the workout, I look across the backyard to the duplexes across the street, and I see it.  It’s a hooded figure, hovering in front of another duplex staring at me, about 50 yards away.  The wraith had no face, but I knew it was looking at me.” Collin recounted.

All Collin could think was “Huh, a wraith.” and he went back to finishing his workout. 

“If I wasn’t looking directly at him I could feel him just staring at me the entire time.”

I told my boss about it and she suggested that he was probably just watching me because he wanted to know what was new in his neighborhood, and for whatever reason, that explanation pushed it out of Collin’s head. 

“I had seen the wraith a few more times.  He was always the same, faceless and floating across the street, just watching me. I’d see him standing on the edge of the park where I would wrestle with Cash, my dog.  He’d just ‘stand’ there watching us,” Collin says.

While a faceless entity watching someone would be unsettling, it was just beginning for Collin. 

“One time I had just gotten home with Cash and we were playing in the snow in front of the duplex before going inside. I was on my back while Cash was on top wrestling.  I could see the wraith crossing the street towards us.” Collin said.  “Cash took off towards the door.  I’ve never seen this dog bark or raise his hackles unless he’s hunting squirrels, but he’s standing at the door going nuts with his hackles up.”

Collin and Cash get inside and lock the door, but the wraith is floating in the driveway watching the door, almost as if it’s waiting for Collin to let him in. 

A few weeks later Collin and a girl he would later date were in his room.  

“I was telling her about the wraith and she says ‘I know.  I’ve never seen it, but I can feel something in this house.’” Collin recalls.

“My date would go on to say that the people across the street are watching us, but it’s empty I told her. ‘I know, but someone is in there, attached to the house, and watches into your window at night.” a freaked-out Collin says.

Collin had accepted that the wraith was just a part of his life now and hadn’t done much research on it.  

Fast forward to Christmas and Collin is hanging out with Caitlin who was more in tune with the paranormal. 

“I told her about the wraith and some of my other paranormal encounters. She reciprocated with some of her own paranormal stories.”

As they’re listening to some records they hear a bang on the floor above them.  They run up to investigate but find nothing. 

“Let’s turn off the music and all the lights and meditate on the wraith,” Caitlin says. But nothing happens.  

The next day they Caitlin and Collin are on a hike and come across a deer spine and pelvis.  Caitlin loves it, and Collin grabs it to take home and clean up before she can take it home.

“I put them in some buckets in the garage so I could clean them up for her,” Collin explains.

A few days later Collin arrives home and the wraith begins to aggressively rush him. 

“I had to run to the door to make sure the wraith didn’t get in,” Collin says.

“My roommates both have a cat.  One rarely comes out and the other is a bit ‘braver’ by being out and about in our duplex.  The brave cat was staring at the door wide-eyed and with its back arched.” recalls Collin.

“It’s in the garage. I say to myself.  As I turn to go to the garage door, the cat jumps onto my back and hangs on for protection, or to stay hidden.” He says.

As I get to the garage door my phone starts ringing, but I ignore it. I open the garage door and sure enough, the wraith is floating over the buckets with the deer spine and pelvis in them.” said Collin.

“It begins to rush towards me and I slammed the door running up to my room.  I know it’s in the house now,” he claims. “I looked at my phone and saw that Caitlin had called me.”

“Are you okay?” she asked when I called her back.  “I was reading something and got this feeling that you needed something.” 

Collin told her what happened and Caitlin came over and they burned some sage.  From that point on Collin didn’t have another experience until he moved out about six months later.

“I never saw the wraith after that, but if I meditated on it I could create a psychic link and cruise around town with it.  But for whatever reason it never came to the new neighborhood,” he said. 

Even now when Collin visits Fort Collins every other month he can feel the wraith grab his psyche and just cruise around town with him for a while.  

“It’s a real out-of-body experience.” 

What do you think Bizzaros? Would you be freaked out if a faceless entity was casually watching you from afar?