Loveland Frogman

The Loveland Frogman | Halloween Special | Ep. 81

Welcome to a LIVE HALLOWEEN special! This week, we literally traveled to Loveland, Ohio and recorded our episode on the Loveland Frogman live on Instagram and Facebook.

So, what is the Loveland Frogman? It is a four-foot, half-humanoid half frog-like creature with leathery skin that was spotted by businessmen back in the 1950s and a few police officers in the 1970s.

He is known to wear rags of clothes, stand on his hind legs, and wave a magical wand that shoots fireballs. Crazy? Perhaps. A ton of fun? Absolutely.

We even find a way to tie Pokemon Go into this. Enjoy this live Halloween special and listen now!

The Legend Of The Loveland Frogman

Have you ever seen something so out of this world that no one believed you? What would you do if you saw something so unreal, that you couldn’t believe your eyes? Would you tell anyone, or keep it a secret?

What’s up Bizarros? This week we dive into the legend of the Loveland Frogman.

What is the Loveland Frogman?

The Loveland frogman is a 4-foot creature that stalks the area near the Miami River in Loveland Ohio.

The Frogman has been seen by multiple people and has very distinct characteristics.  

What does the Loveland Frogman look like?

He is said to stand straight up, measuring around 4 feet in height. He wears clothes and carries what has been described as a wand or taser-like object. 

His first appearance dates back to the 1950s and he was seen as recently as 2016.

Where Can I See The Loveland Frogman?

For some reason, the paranormal has been tied to water (Kelpies, Loch Ness Monster, Flying Dutchman…etc).

The sightings of the Loveland Frogman always seem to appear around the Little Miami River that feeds into the Ohio River. The river separates Ohio from Kentucky. There is a powerful connection here.

Before Loveland also known (according to themselves) as the sweetheart of Ohio, was settled in 1853 by James Loveland, the Twightwee lived in the area. 

In 1696 years before railroads and America was still a colony, a group of French missionaries was befriended by the Twightwee people who told them about the “river demon” that lurked in the little Miami.

It seems reports of the frogman have been around for quite a while.

Is the Loveland Frogman a cryptid or alien?

The Frogman is a cryptid that has been around for hundreds of years it seems. Is it a spirit, fairie, or alien?

The description of the Loveland Frogman is eerily similar to the Grayliens, or Grays, as they have come to be known. 

They are similar heights, they have similar tools and they give off the same kind of energy.

Maybe there are different kinds of grays and the Frogman that has been seen in Loveland is another type.

Is there any evidence of it being an alien?


The Frogman sightings come in waves. The main sightings that have been recorded occurred in the 1950s, 1970s, 2016, and 2018.

These spaced-out sightings are similar to when the grays come down to do their inspection in this area. 

It could be that this is a home base. Not that many people around and they can easily hide in the Little Miami. It’s a small river but it’s big enough for these small amphibious creatures.

They also have tech. Their wands have been seen sparking blue electricity. This is similar to some of the tech that has been associated with alien sightings and alien abductions.

What are the true stories of the Loveland Frogman?

There are three prominent versions of the modern origin of the cryptid, or alien, but they all involve several 1950s businessmen who were out way too late.

From the Charleston Terrors blog

“It’s a balmy May 5th evening…”

“A businessman, or a traveling salesman or a Bible seller is driving all by his lonesome self along a dark unmanned road. Here, the story starts to diverge… 3 distinct retellings.

In one story, the motorist is heading out of the Branch Hill neighborhood when he shines his car’s headlights on the huge figures.

The trio of cryptids are standing on their hind legs and standing in the middle of the road. 

The man honks his horn. The figures twist their necks around. All three look at the driver with leathery skin and frog faces.”

Version 2:

“The motorist spots the creatures under the Loveland bridge one of many going over the Little Miami River – he honks his horn. The creatures shot out from under the bridge, one lands on his hood and croaks… the driver passes out.”

Version 3:

“It’s on the same bridge, the motorist pulls over, and gets out of his car, and spots the creatures. All three are conversing animatedly. The driver calls out to them. One of the Loveland Frogmen gets up, points his finger at his friends in the universal gesture of “put a pin in it,” turns to the bothersome intruder, “can’t you see we’re holding a conversation? How rude,” holds out a wand over its heads, and flicks the wand, and spray of sparks shot out of the wand. The motorist flees the scene.”

Here is another account from “It came from Ohio” by James Renner.

Ray Shockey was the first policeman to see the frog or lizard man. He doesn’t talk about it much anymore but he said it was “bigger than iguana”

His encounter started on Saint Patrick’s day in 1972. It was a late patrol and he saw something lying in the road. Ray came up on Twightwee road when this happened. He thought it was a dog at first that was sick. Suddenly it kept up and bounced across the road.

He said it was around 4 feet tall with matted hair, leather skin, and a frog-like face.

He later returned when fellow officer Mark Mathews had reported seeing large scrapes in the guard rail.

This comes from James Leggate of WCOP channel 9 that explains the encounter that Mark Matthews had with the Loveland Frogman.

“Mark Mathews explained that the first officer to encounter the purported Frogman, Ray Shockey, called him one night in the March of 1972 after spotting something strange on Riverside Drive/Kemper Road near the Totes boot factory and the Little Miami River.

“Naturally, I didn’t believe him … but I could somehow tell from his demeanor that he did see something,” Mathews said.

Later that month, Mathews was driving on Kemper Road near the boot factory when he saw something run across the road. However, it wasn’t walking upright and didn’t climb over the guardrail as the urban legend of the Frogman goes. The creature crawled under the guardrail. Matthews said he “had no clue what it was.”

“I know no one would believe me, so I shot it,” he said.

Mathews recovered the creature’s body and put it in his trunk to show Shockey. He said Shockey said it was the creature he had seen, too.

It was a large iguana about 3 or 3.5 feet long, Mathews said. The animal was missing its tail, which is why he didn’t immediately recognize it.

Mathews said he figured the iguana had been someone’s pet and then either got loose or was released when it grew too large. 

He also theorized that the cold-blooded animal had been living near the pipes that released water that was used for cooling the ovens in the boot factory as a way to stay warm in the cold March weather.

“The thing was half dead anyway when I shot it,” he said.

The urban legend of the Loveland Frogman has grown in the decades since. Mathews said he told the whole story — including the iguana discovery — to the author of a book about urban legends in Ohio, but the man ended the story after the shot was fired, omitting the details that confirmed the creature was not a Frogman.

“It’s a big hoax,” he said. “There’s a logical explanation for everything.”

Mathews eventually left the Loveland Police.

This also comes from WCPO channel 9 by James Leggate

Now a couple playing “Pokemon Go” may have stumbled across the same creature, the Loveland Frogman.

Wednesday night, Sam Jacobs and his girlfriend were playing “Pokemon Go” between Loveland Madeira Road and Lake Isabella. Then a night of fun turned into a chilling tale of horror; that was when they encountered the supposed Frogman:

“We saw a huge frog near the water,” Jacobs wrote in an email. “Not in the game, this was an actual giant frog.”

Jacobs stopped playing to document what he was seeing, he snapped some photos and shot a short video.

“Then the thing stood up and walked on its hind legs. I realize this sounds crazy, but I swear on my grandmother’s grave this is the truth,” he wrote. 

“The frog stood about 4 feet tall.”

When they returned to Jacobs’ girlfriend’s home, her parents told them about the legend of the Frogman.

So was it the legendary Frogman? Or just a big frog? Jacobs wasn’t sure.

“Either way, I’ve never seen anything like it,” he concluded.

What is the Loveland Frogman?

What do you think Bizarros? Is the Loveland Frogman a cryptid?

Is it aliens that are monitoring the area and running experiments?

Is it giant pet iguanas that have escaped from their owners?

Let us know what you think in the comments!