The Travis Walton UFO Abduction | Ep. 65

Welcome to another episode of Believing the Bizarre.

This week, we cover one of the most popular and documented abduction cases ever – The Travis Walton abduction. From being a simple Lumberjack to being face-to-face with three aliens, Travis’ story is a crazy and fun ride.

But how much – if any of it – is believable? Listen now!

Imagine this scenario. You’re with your coworkers after a

long day of work.  You’re driving back to town when all of a sudden you see a bright light.

The blinding light filled the dark, dense forest with a light that made it as bright as midday. 

“Where is this light coming from?” you ask your coworkers as you get out of the car to investigate the source of the light. 

Suddenly you’re knocked back unconscious as a beam of light begins to pull you up into the sky. 

Can you imagine the terror felt by those who witnessed this?  Or the fear that gripped your chest as you awoke in a craft surrounded by beings not of this Earth?

What’s up Bizarros?  This week we dive into the story of the Abduction of Travis Walton.

The year was 1975 when the 7 man logging team was working in the mountains region of Arizona. On that team was 22 year old Travis Walton and his friend Mike. 

After a day of hard work the team went hunting to wind down.  

While hunting they saw a blinding light on the hill. They figured it was fellow hunters or people doing some work up there.  

When they got to clearing they saw that the blueish green light was a gigantic glowing light hovering about 100 feet in the air.

Later, they found out that  they weren’t the only people near the forest that saw this light. The sheriff had multiple claims of people seeing the same light. 

Once they had arrived at the clearing, Travis jumped out of the truck, racing towards the source of the light. 

All of a sudden there was a blast of energy, or light and Travis was thrown backwards, knocked unconscious. Then a beam of light illuminated Travis and his limp body began to rise up and through the air towards the craft. Travis entered the ship, it drifted up and flew off.  

Travis’ coworkers watched in horror as he was abducted.  They sped away as fast as possible out of fear that they would be next. 

They went to the police station to report what they had witnessed.  However, the police hearing that Travis was missing, immediately assumed that they were involved with his disappearance.

All of Travis’s coworkers were given polygraph tests. Of the 7, 6 passed 1 was rated inconclusive. They all told the same story about what happened on the hill top. While Travis was missing for 5 days, people began looking. 

Travis described how his brother began pulling apart branches around the area he went missing because he was convinced that Travis’s body was under them. Something that makes this case even more interesting that while Travis was missing the media caught a hold of the story. Everyone suspected that the men had murdered Travis and hid his body.

Meanwhile, Travis began to slowly regain consciousness on the alien craft.  He was in so much pain he felt like he was dying. While he was laying on this metal slab he saw “them”. Travis associated this feeling like he was dying in a lot of pain with seeing the aliens.        

Illuminated by a soft glow he tried to fight the aliens, lashing out at them. He connected with one of the small creatures and it fell over into another. He rolled off the table and like a wounded cornered animal he grabbed the only thing he could, a short clear cylinder that was behind him and started to brandish it at the three that were approaching. 

After he had attacked the aliens he remembered being forced onto the table again but he shortly lost consciousness. 

5 days and 6 hours after being knocked out and brought onto the ship he woke up on the side of the road watching the ship fly away. 

Travis Walton UFO Experience

He ran to the nearest town Heber, Arizona, a good thirty miles away from Snowflake.

He grabbed the nearest payphone and called the first person he could think of. His brother in law. He only got enough information out between stammers to say where he was and that he was confused. 

He then passed out. 

When he woke up he was in the car with his Brother Daune and brother in law going to the Hospital in Phoenix. 

Dr. Howard Kandell, was the first person to examine a dazed and confused Walton. He ran bloodwork looking for drugs and trauma to his body. He only found a small puncture mark on his arm. 

The sheriff was so intent on seeing Travis that he went to Phoenix to see him in his hospital bed. Travis was feeble but still tried to tell the police what happened. 

His brother tried to throw off the media and say he was in Tuscon.

Travis days later was still catatonic and his desperate family had him put under hypnosis. He was taken back in his mind to the pain, the fear, and the creatures working on him. 

Many people questioned if Travis was really telling the truth.  Was he abducted?  

Did his coworkers beat him and leave him for dead?

But if that was the case why are they all telling the same story? 

What do you think bizarros?  Was Travis Walton abducted, or the victim of an attack at the hands of his coworkers?